
Li Bushang said, "Xie Jiaojiao's foster father has not arrived yet."

"Oh, her foster father..."

Zhu Feng frowned and thought for a while before he remembered, and said: "Yes, when I was in Han Dongwei before, there seemed to be news that she had always been in charge of their Xie family, and her adoptive father was always away. Rarely go back to White Dragon City."


"Then why this time, my righteous daughter got married, and didn't arrive sooner?"

"Xie Jiaojiao sent news to her foster father very early, but it seemed that the road was not going well, so it has been delayed until today."

"That's it..."

"Please forgive the emperor."

Zhu Feng smiled and said, "What's the point of forgiveness. Okay, you can let people watch, but don't miss the auspicious time."


Li Bushang turned and walked over, and instructed the housekeeper and the nurses: "The emperor and the noble concubine are here, let all the guards be on guard, and don't let any other people enter the Li Mansion."


The butler hurried down to pass on the message again.

Sitting next to Zhu Feng, Nan Yan shook his head and sighed slightly when he saw that Li did not hurt their busyness.

Zhu Feng said: "What's wrong?"

Nan Yan said: "This silly boy, it's all this time, and he is still calling people'Xie Jiaojiao'."

Just now, Li Bushang had been calling "Xie Jiaojiao" instead of nicknames. For example, "Jiao Jiao" and the like, seemed too virtuous.

Hearing this, Zhu Feng raised his eyebrows slightly.

Just said: "It's okay."


"In a while, he will pay a visit. He has the entire second half of his life to make changes slowly."

Nan Yan turned his head and glanced at Zhu Feng.

Then whispered: "Yeah."

On the other side, the housekeeper Wang Sheng walked to the gate. Outside the open gate, it was usually quiet and quiet, almost a place where people could spoil the bird. Today, it has been full of people, and even those who have already picked up the rewards will not leave. Everyone is standing under the steps, but one by one stretches out their necks, wanting to look inside.

After all, just now, when the emperor and concubine arrived, everyone bowed down and did not dare to look directly at the sky.

Now, I want to see what the emperor and noble concubines look like.

So these people kept pushing and shoving, and almost broke into the door several times. Wang Sheng frowned, stretched out his hand to call the head of the nursing home, and said: "Today all cheer me up. Just now you saw that the emperor and the noble concubine are here. This is a great honor. Little difference, you, all of you, are not enough for the Jiu Clan, you know!"

The leader was also frightened just now.

I thought it was just a rumor that the imperial concubine would come, but I didn't expect that His Majesty the Emperor would come in person.

Where can I be negligent.

After responding to Wang Sheng, he hurriedly went down and told everyone under him: "Keep the gate, and don't let anyone you don't know approach the gate."

After finishing speaking, he said to the people watching the excitement outside: "Leave me all, leave!"

At this moment, another carriage came from a distance.

The people here didn't know what was going on. They all retreated to both sides when there was another big man, only to see the carriage stopped at the door of Lei Mansion.

Wang Sheng had already turned around to enter, and when he saw the carriage, he frowned.

According to today’s guest list, except for the two important ministers he could count, Heyi and Gu Tingqiu, who had served as the chief ministers of the cabinet one after another, only sent people to send gifts, saying that they were too late to be there. The guests have arrived.

Who is this again?

And looking at the shape of the carriage, it's just an ordinary carriage, not for official households.

He frowned and walked to the side of the steps, and said: "What kind of carriage, dare to stop at the entrance of our Li Mansion? Do you know if we are here for a wedding today? Hurry!"

However, the horseman who drove the car looked up at the plaque of Lei Mansion, and then said to the back: "Master, here it is."

When Wang Sheng heard this, he was even more inexplicable. He stepped down the steps and pointed to them and said, "What is there? Who are you? Who asked you to park the carriage here, hurry up!"

At this moment, a small servant jumped out of the carriage. As soon as he stood firm, he turned around and extended his hand to the carriage. Soon, he held a middle-aged man who was still dressed in gorgeous clothes but was still in the dust. The man walked down, his body was wide and fat, and he swayed when he landed.

Then he looked up at Li Mansion and said, "Well, that's it."

Upon seeing this person, Wang Sheng frowned.

"who are you?"

The middle-aged man glanced at him and said, "My name is Xie."


When Wang Sheng heard this, he was stunned for a moment, but he immediately reacted: "Yes, it's your in-laws?"

The man said, "Yes."

Wang Sheng heaved a sigh of relief. Originally, he was still worried that when it was auspicious, his in-laws were not yet there. Whether this hall should worship or not, now finally someone has arrived. He hurriedly said: "Lord-in-law, go in first, and the salute is about to be done soon. Fortunately, the master-in-law arrived before the auspicious hour, please hurry up."

While talking, he turned around and ordered the young man next to him: "Hurry in and report to the master!"

The little boy immediately turned around and ran in.

Wang Sheng was about to lead the master Xie in, when suddenly, a loud noise came from behind him, and he quickly turned his head.

On the long street, a large group of people came over.

These people are holding a clay statue in their hands. There are still many people waving rice grains, sickles and other things in their hands, and some people are holding gongs and drums while they are driving. Those are originally because of the carriage of Master Xie. The people who retreated to both sides retreated to the corner of the street and looked at these people.

When Wang Sheng saw it, he frowned.

It’s from the Dixian Club.

Why did these people come here again?

Moreover, these people are exceptionally large, and they completely occupied the entire long street as soon as they walked over. Some people walked directly to their door. Wang Sheng hurriedly shouted: "What are you doing? Leave me all. !"

Unexpectedly, these people not only did not retreat, but went straight to the door of their Lei mansion and stopped.

The tall clay sculpture of the earth immortal statue also stopped at the gate of Lei Mansion, almost completely blocking the gate.

Wang Sheng said, "What are you doing?"

This is, a person walked out of the crowd. It was the branch hall master of the Dixian Hui who had previously strategized in that hall. He looked up at Wang Sheng, then bowed his hands and said, "Excuse me, please. Here is Jin Yiwei Commander Li not hurt Master Li's house?"

Wang Sheng said: "Yes. What are you going to do?"

The hall master smiled and said: "We heard that Master Li is overjoyed today, and we are here to congratulate him."

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