Aunt Tongyun looked at Nan Yan nervously.

But saw her smile slightly.

Aunt Tongyun was stunned for a moment. At this critical juncture, not to mention the safety of the emperor, the things in front of them alone are enough to make them headaches, how can the imperial concubine laugh?

However, there was even a little bit of relief and satisfaction in Nan Yan's smile.

She whispered: "He doubts this palace, that's right."


"The most important thing for people in officialdom to learn is doubt and choice. You can't trust anyone easily, but you must choose to trust others in times of crisis."


"At this time, and if something like this happens, if he has no thoughts at all, he completely trusts and relies on this palace, this may disappoint this palace."


Aunt Tongyun blinked her eyes and suddenly understood.

In all fairness, the ruling and the opposition have speculated that Li does not hurt the relationship with the imperial concubine. Almost everyone believes that he is the imperial concubine. But at his wedding banquet, the emperor was assassinated by the bride’s father. This happened. In addition to the censorship of everyone in Lei House, it is actually difficult for the imperial concubine to completely get rid of the relationship.

Wei Wang suspected that she was a politician's quality.

However, choosing to trust her is also a quality.

Both of these points mean that he has grown up. It is not the child who can only rely on adults in trouble. At least, he will doubt, think, and choose.

Aunt Tongyun nodded, and said, "The servant girl understands."


"But, mother, you still have to pay attention."

The current situation, no one can see that it is perilous. If the emperor is still there, he can protect her, but now the emperor himself—if anyone wants to do anything, the imperial concubine is just a woman after all...

Even if she didn't say these thoughts, Nan Yan knew it in her heart.

Standing up at this time not only means doing things, but also means standing up in everyone's eyes. However, it is hard to say whether the standing up is a benchmark or an enemy.

Nan Yan's heart naturally understood.

She only said calmly: "My palace knows what I'm doing."

After a while, Wang Wei came over.

He changed his clothes, and as soon as he entered the door to bow to Nan Yan, he immediately said, "Manny, where are we going?"

Nan Yan knew that he was anxious, so she stood up with the armrest of the chair, but when she tried hard, another heart-wrenching pain came from her elbow, and her brows wrinkled.

Wang Wei hurried forward to support her.

"The concubine, are you okay?"

"It's okay in this palace."

Nan Yan smiled at him, then turned around and told Wang Baizhi and Aunt Tongyun: "You will stay in Yonghe Palace and look after the emperor. If there is any movement, immediately send someone to report to this palace."

The two replied: "Yes."

Nan Yan walked to the bed again, attached to Concubine Er Shun's ear and whispered: "No matter what medicine is used, my sister will look first."

Concubine Shun whispered: "Don't worry."

Nan Yan nodded, then turned to Ying Shao and said, "Master Ying, can you bring a few soldiers to accompany this palace."

There was no expression on Ying Shao Ying Ting's face, and she said calmly: "Please, mother."

Nan Yan took Wei Wang, followed by Ying Shao and a group of heavily armed soldiers, and Ruoshui also followed her closely, and the group took advantage of the night and walked out of Yonghe Palace.

Wang Wei thought she was going to move forward. After all, what they said just now was a matter that needed to be resolved by the former officials.

But Nanyan left Yonghe Palace, but all the way north.

After passing the Xuanqiong Gate, a tall palace appeared in front of them in the night.

It is the Xuanqiong Palace.

There are many halls in the imperial palace, and King Wei often wanders in the harem, but this Xuanqiong Treasure Hall is rarely visited because it is mainly used to store the Taoist scriptures, and only a few eunuchs and small Taoists guard it here. They are all deserted.

However, tonight is a little different.

They had just walked past the Xuanqiong Gate, and they saw the bright lights in the main hall in front of them, and they could faintly hear many people talking.

But the gate was already guarded by rows of imperial soldiers. Although one could hear someone beating inside, no one dared to come out.

On the main road directly in front of the hall, guards were also standing on both sides.

Wang Wei was a little surprised.

How could there be so many people in the Xuanqiong Hall? Who are in it?

Why did the imperial concubine bring him here?

When they were wondering, Nan Yan had already led them to the door, and the few guarding the door, holding the handle of the knife in their hands, stood solemnly, until Nan Yan walked in front of them, and the few of them bowed down and said, "Well Concubine Empress, pay a visit to His Royal Highness Wei Wang."

Nan Yan nodded at them.

Although these people were guards in the palace, they were actually acquaintances of Nan Yan.

They were the same people who were in Han Dongwei before, because Zhu Feng and Nan Yan arbitrarily left them alone and were held accountable by Chen Zixiao. Not only were they beaten, they also withdrew their military status.

Before leaving, Nan Yan felt guilty and asked Zhu Feng to take these people back to the capital.

Although these people made mistakes, they were actually shrewd and capable-they just couldn't calculate the emperor. After they arrived in the capital, Nanyan threw them to the Imperial Forest Army to practice, but they did not expect that the people who had worked at the border were indeed He has the ability, and he was quickly promoted.

And they, almost only Nanyan's destiny obeyed.

Nanyan Road: "Are all the people inside?"

One of them, Xiao Wen, was the leader of the group, and immediately bowed his head and said: "Please don't worry, mother, everyone is inside, no one left."


Nan Yan nodded and said, "You stay here, no one is allowed to leave without the order of this palace, let alone no one to come in."


After speaking, Nan Yan said to Wang Wei and the others: "Go in."

Xiao Wen and the others immediately pushed open the tall and heavy palace door.

When I saw the gate, the lights and noise inside seemed to burst out of a bank, and they rushed towards them. King Wei stood at the gate, and when he saw the situation inside, he was immediately stunned.

In this Xuanqiong Treasure Hall, all officials from the imperial court were unexpectedly.

Some seem to be very tired, sitting on the chairs in the corner, some sitting directly on the futon, and some angry, standing by the doors and windows shouting outside.

As soon as the door opened, the imperial concubine walked in with Wang Wei, shocking these people.

For a moment, all the noises disappeared, and there was no sound in the hall.

Both sides seemed to be looking at each other stupidly, and at a glance, Wang Wei immediately discovered that almost all officials here were Grade 4 or higher, and even some old and solemn officials were listed one by one!

How is this going?

How could these officials be in the harem and gathered in this Profound Sky Hall?

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