After a while in the cell, I heard a soft, almost inaudible voice coming from the dark and silent corridor.

"Let's see the prisoner Jie Shi."

Li Bushang's eyes flashed again.

Xie Jiaojiao's heart had already been stirred up, and when he heard the name of Jie Shi, he was shocked again.

She said solemnly: "Foster father?!"

They were detained here, but had never seen jieshi, but she also understood in her heart that even they were arrested, jieshi could not have been caught.

However, Jie Shi was obviously not in the same cell as them.

Sure enough, when the people over there gave an order, they heard a few jailers respond and immediately walked to the other side of the prison.

In the darkness, there was the sound of the iron lock being opened, and then an iron door was pushed open, and a **** smell suddenly appeared in the already cold and humid air.

Xie Jiaojiao's heart suddenly raised when he smelled this smell.

She immediately shouted: "Foster father! Foster father!"

The prison, which was originally quiet like a pool of stagnant water, was instantly stirred by her shouts. The prisoners in the surrounding cells were also awakened one after another. Hearing someone coming from outside, they immediately climbed to the wooden fence and kept holding on to the fence. He stretched out his hand and shouted injustice.

However, no one should.

Almost Xie Jiaojiao was on the fence, squeezing out desperately, and finally barely saw two tall jailers dragging out a person from a dark room. His round body was covered in blood, not a stone. Who!

Since Jie Shi came back, although Xie Jiaojiao heard his voice in Lei Mansion, he had not had time to see him because of his hijab.

At this look, I was surprised.

She only saw that her adoptive father had a hand cut off!

A little bandage was randomly wrapped around the broken arm, but he barely stopped the blood. When he was dragged out by those people, the wound was obviously open again. The pain made his face pale, and his cold sweat was like a broken string. Large ones dripped down from the forehead.

"Foster father!"

Xie Jiaojiao shouted anxiously.

Originally, after Jie Shi had his hand cut off, he passed out in pain. After waking up, he found that he was being held in a small dark room, surrounded by criminal detentions. He probably knew that this place must be a prison.

And myself, sooner or later I will be interrogated.

Therefore, it has been quietly waiting.

When the two jailers broke in and dragged him out, he knew in his heart that the deadline had come, so no matter how painful the wound was, he would not say a word.

However, when he heard Xie Jiaojiao's voice from the dark corridor, his heart sank.

"Jiao Jiao..."

He only shouted at the dark corridor, and Xie Jiaojiao's more urgent shout came from the other side.

"Foster father! How is your foster father?"

"Jiaojiao, I'm fine, how about you?"

Where did the jailers take care of them? One of them bitterly kicked the stone, and his whole body was curled up in pain. He couldn't even speak, and yelled, "You dare to talk nonsense? Believe me or not Cut off your other hand too!"

"Foster father!"

Xie Jiaojiao was heartbroken when he saw the stone being kicked and beaten.

However, the jailers ignored them at all, dragged the stone and walked out.

Xie Jiaojiao stretched out his hands desperately with a heartache, but couldn't catch anything. He could only watch the calcite being dragged away from his sight, and there was darkness before his eyes.

She slumped on the ground, her whole body was cold and painful, and tears dripped from her eyes.

And when she raised her head and looked forward again--

Li Bushang is still sitting in the corner.

Motionless, it seemed that everything that happened outside had nothing to do with him. Only when the cold moonlight entered his eyes, his whole person seemed to have a little warmth.


Jie Shi was dragged all the way and dragged into the discipline room.

On the originally dirty ground, a blood stain was dragged out abruptly. When he entered the discipline room, the torch was already lit here, and the fire light illuminated a table in front of him. Behind the table, he was sitting. A person.

A young official, apparently, was here to interrogate himself.

However, Jie Shi didn't care about him.

Because the fire was shining, he also saw two people sitting behind the official, one with a handsome face, and the other-sitting in the darkest corner, unless the fire was shining, he could hardly see her. .

But even so, Jie Shi can still be seen at a glance.

This face is no stranger to him.

In fact, two people have met many years ago.

At that time, this little woman was just a little palace maid next to the emperor who pretended to be the "Princess Huang". She always looked cautious, but now, after a few years, she has completely reborn.

At least, the little girl back then would not be like this.

In a word, he cut off a person's hand.

Even when she was in such a cold, deadly sky, looking at the **** prisoner, there was no wave in her eyes. On the contrary, it was colder and more sullen than the surrounding air.

Jie Shi met the bloodthirsty gaze in the dark corner, and smiled.

"The imperial concubine..."

Nan Yan looked at him coldly, and did not speak.

After Xie Shi finished speaking, he was kicked heavily on the back by the jailer behind him, causing him to kneel down with a thud.

"Kneel down!"

Jie Shi fell to his knees, because one hand was chopped off, he fell heavily to the ground, his forehead hit the cold hard ground, and he immediately bled.

The blood flowed down and soon turned most of his face red.

In such a big prison, it is especially hideous.


A cold voice sounded in the discipline room.

The blood-stained eye of Jie Shi was stinging, and he could only close one eye, opened his left eye and looked forward, and saw the young official sitting behind the table staring at him.

Said: "What is your real name? Jie Shi? Or what?"

Jie Shi grinned, smiled coldly, and said: "I am Jie Shi, I have always been called Jie Shi."


"After assassinating your emperor, I can't change my name or my surname. I'm a stone!"

In the dark corner, although Nan Yan sat motionless, she clasped one hand firmly again.

But, for the truth, she can't be impulsive.

So, staring at the calcite coldly.

Ruan Hengzhou said: "Who instructed you to assassinate the emperor? To whom are you taking orders?"

Hearing this sentence, Jie Shi sneered again.

His eyes stared at Nan Yan even more, and said coldly: "This, you shouldn't ask me."


"Your imperial concubine, you know better than anyone else."

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