At this time, Nan Yan's breathing suddenly tightened.

She immediately said: "His Royal Highness, you immediately send someone out of the palace, go to Fusiyamen in Beizhen, and pass the Jinyiwei commander Fang Buyuan into the palace. The palace has something to ask him."

"Manny, what's the matter?"

"Go and spread the word first, let him enter the palace before speaking."


Zhu Chengxuan frowned slightly, but he also knew that at this time, Nan Yan couldn't be aimless.

He only said worriedly, "But, since last night until now, you haven't rested, madam."

Nanyan Road: "Wait for him to come over this period of time, this palace can rejuvenate."


Seeing her persistence, Zhu Chengxuan didn't hesitate anymore, and immediately let people go down to spread the word, and he would take the Qiangong to go, ready to take a rest and come back.

Nan Yan walked into the side hall, the place had already been cleaned up, Ruoshui originally wanted to serve her to bed, but Nan Yan could really sleep, so she just lay on the couch and rested for a while.

If the water couldn't hold her up, he brought a blanket over her body.

He was on the sidelines, beating her legs carefully.

Sure enough, he was very tired, and after a while, Nan Yan fell asleep deeply.

Although I slept very deeply, even the sound of breathing was much louder than usual, but Nan Yan’s dreams have always been very messy, as if a person is walking in a maze, unable to find an exit, but there always seems to be a light above his head. Shine on yourself.

Let her faintly feel that she is in a dream.

Go out.

Go out!

Thinking about this, her consciousness was constantly struggling, and when she was feeling uncomfortable, the sound of someone speaking softly not far away came from her ears--

"Niang Niang is resting, or else, my lord will wait a while and come back?"


Nan Yan suddenly got up from the couch.

As soon as he heard the movement behind him, Ruoshui, who was standing at the door and talking to Fang Buyuan outside the door, hurriedly turned his head and saw Nan Yan sitting up and saying to her: "Master Fang is here?"

"Manny, you..."

"Come here."


Ruoshui hurriedly said to Fang Buyuan, who was standing under the steps outside the door, "My lord, wait a moment."

He hurriedly closed the door, walked back to Nan Yan's face, and whispered, "Don't you rest for a while?"

"No need."

Nan Yan immediately sat down in front of the dressing table and asked her to tidy up the somewhat disheveled hair that she had just slept in. She took a sip of tea to rinse her mouth, and immediately sat in the chair over there, letting Ruo Shui lead Fang Buyuan in. .

When the door was opened, King Wei just heard the news and came.

The two walked into the side hall together.

Fang Buyuan immediately bowed to them and said: "Weichen pays respects to His Royal Highness, and to the noble concubine and empress."

Nan Yan raised his hand: "Master Fang doesn't need to be polite."

Fang Buyuan straightened up, glanced at Nan Yan with a complicated expression, and said, "Manny, actually--Weichen has been waiting for the summons from the palace. Li doesn't hurt him, what happened to him?"

Nan Yan said faintly, "Master Fang, you shouldn't bother about this for now."


Fang Buyuan's heart sank and he immediately understood.

Li Bushang was arrested by the imperial concubine at the wedding banquet, and dozens of people in the entire Li Mansion were also imprisoned. He knew the news immediately.

If the assassination had nothing to do with him, now, the imperial concubine empress will definitely let him out when she is using people.

Since you don’t let go, and don’t let go, that means--

Fang Buyuan's breathing was choked.

He didn't dare to talk any more.

Nan Yan winked and asked Ruoshui, who was serving next to him, and the maid Yun Jian by Wei Wang's side to retreat. Only three of them were left in the entire side hall. Then he asked: "I heard that the emperor used to Let Jin Yiwei’s people disguise themselves and get into the Dixian to inquire about the news, but this is the case."

Fang Buyuan said immediately: "Yes."

"Later, because of the fact that the emperor and the main palace were in Zuixianlou, the emperor was worried about exposing this person, so he made him temporarily concealed and stopped passing news to the court, right?"


"Later, the emperor wants to activate this person again, does he have a response?"

Fang Buyuan frowned tightly, this is also what he has been having a headache these days.

Before Tao Jianbai's lurking and passing messages had always been arranged by Li Bushang, later, because he was about to get married, he handed it over to himself.

However, Tao Jianbai had been out of contact for a while before the matter was handed over to him.

Of course, it did not seem to be a loss of communication at the time, because he was worried that he would be exposed and cut off the news here. It is normal for Tao Jianbai to stop moving easily for his own safety and the fulfillment of his mission.

However, afterwards, Li Bushang used the concealed method they had discussed before contacting him. After waiting for a long time, he did not wait for a response.

Until now, no.

Fang Buyuan told Nan Yan and Zhu Chengxuan of this situation.

Both people's brows wrinkled.

Nan Yan said, "No news at all?"


Fang Buyuan said: "This time at Lord Li's mansion, the people from the Dixian Society went to make trouble. If Tao sees that the news comes out from Bai Neng, this incident can at least be prevented, and the emperor will not—"

Speaking of this, his mood is even heavier.

Nan Yan's face also sank.

Indeed, she was always on the scene, and if it weren't for the people from the Dixianhui to make trouble, it would not lead to Zhu Feng; if it weren't for these people to attract his attention, Zhu Feng would not be so easily succeeded by the stone.

Before, because Dixianhui had no contact with Xie's family at all, even if he knew Shi’s true identity later, but Nanyan did not think of them together.

But in retrospect, the whole thing seemed to be cooperating with people on both sides.

Is it really--

Thinking that her previous guess might come true, Nan Yan's breathing started quickly.

She took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice, "Master Fang, there are two things that I have to leave to you in this palace --"

As she said, she glanced at Fang Buyuan and said with a smile, "By the way, you don't need to get tiger charms from the palace if you dispatch your Jinyiwei to work?"

Hearing this, she took another look at the almost dangerous look on her face.

Fang Buyuan hurriedly said, "Of course not."

Nan Yan nodded, and then said: "The first thing, this palace wants you to get in touch with Tao Jianbai immediately to find out the current situation inside the local fairy club."


"Secondly, this palace wants you to search the entire city for people at the entrances of the Dixian Hui, especially to find out if these people have changed in the past few days."


Nan Yan said: "These two things are actually one thing."


"In short, I don't need to say anything in this palace, Master Fang should understand that this palace wants you to check the Di Xianhui now."

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