Fang Buyuan hurriedly walked into an alley with a team of jinyi guards.

This alley was when the task was handed over. Li Bushang personally told him that the place where he secretly contacted Tao Jianbai, as soon as he walked in, he saw a row of inconspicuous graffiti on the wall. Graffiti is very familiar to them.

This is known to the insiders of Jin Yiwei, and contact the code.

It was engraved by Li Bushang, which means there is a task to explain, let the "dark chess" appear immediately and contact him.

"Dark Chess" is a person sent by Jin Yiwei and placed in the Dixian Hui.

That is Tao Jianbai.

It seems that this code phrase has been engraved for a while, but there is no graffiti around it.

A Jin Yiwei said: "My lord, Tao Jianbai still didn't respond."

Fang Buyuan frowned.

Even if the imperial concubine did not explain this matter, Jin Yiwei had already become nervous. Even if the emperor had previously explained that the dark chess should be temporarily stabilized and not move, there are still necessary contacts. This is the first time, a dark chess. Lost contact for such a long time.

Fang Buyuan faintly felt something was wrong.

Another Jin Yiwei said: "My lord, should we go back and report this to the imperial concubine and Royal Highness Wei?"

Fang Buyuan raised his hand: "Wait a moment."


Everyone looked at him.

Fang Buyuan looked up at this graffiti-filled wall, and this narrow alley that can only be passed by one person. Above his head are the eaves that extend from the houses on both sides, and one of the alleys at both ends leads to something more. On the side of the laneway, outside is a bamboo rack built by ordinary people's homes to dry clothes and bedding, almost covering the sky.

What happens here, if it is not for the attention of people, it is difficult to discover.

He said: "Look it up carefully to see if there are any clues here."


Everyone was taken aback.

In such a narrow alley, everything is clear at a glance. What else is there to check?

However, since Fang Buyuan ordered, they can only check.

So, a few people walked around in the alley, either you hit me or I hit you, and Fang Buyuan kept his hands behind his back, looking up at the graffiti on the wall, especially the one left by Li Bushang.

Suddenly, he seemed to see something.

About to step forward, a Jin Yiwei suddenly said: "My lord, come and see!"

Fang Buyuan and several other Jinyiwei hurriedly walked over when they heard this. They saw that Jinyiwei squatting in a corner of the alley, facing a small cluster of inconspicuous grass in the corner.

Fang Buyuan said, "What did you find?"

Na Jin Yiwei pointed to Xiaocao and said, "Lord, please take a look."

Fang Buyuan knelt down and took a closer look, only to see a brown-red, almost black spot on a leaf of the grass.

For this color, Jin Yiwei, who licks blood all the year round, is no stranger.

He stretched out his hand and touched it, it was clumped, so he put his finger in his mouth and licked it, moistened a little bit of saliva, and rubbed the leaf. The brown-red patch instantly melted away on his finger.

Take a closer look.

is blood!

He frowned and immediately looked around. Of course, if there were other blood stains, they should be able to see it as soon as they came in. If something really happened here, someone deliberately concealed it, it could be easily removed. clean.

At this moment, he suddenly stood up, walked back to the wall just now, and looked at the secret words left by Li Bushang.

The people around said, "My lord, did you find anything?"

Fang Buyuan stretched out his hand and pointed to a piece of wall covering under the secret words: "Look at—"

Everyone saw that there was nothing there.

But a closer look revealed that there was a problem.

It's not that there is nothing, but the wall, which seems to have been scratched by someone with a knife, is whiter than the surrounding walls.

A younger Jin Yiwei gasped suddenly and said, "Could it be that Tao Jianbai has seen Commander Li's secret words and is ready to respond, but -"

Jin Yiwei next to him continued: "However, he was stopped by someone."

Fang Buyuan frowned, looked at the blood-stained dark red on his fingertips, and said, "Maybe, it's not as simple as stopping."


"Tao Jianbai is very aware of the difficulties and dangers of this task. If the other party really wants to stop it, there is only one way to stop him."

The people around felt a sudden chill.

Someone immediately asked: "Then we now--"

Fang Buyuan's anger sank, he turned around and walked out of the alley. As he walked, he ordered the two Jinyi guards behind him: "You two, enter the palace immediately and report the matter to your Royal Highness and your concubine. Other people, Follow me to the empty house in the south of the city."

When everyone heard it, they were shocked.

A Jin Yiwei hurriedly said: "My lord, that place is the only place we have been able to detect the entrance of the Hallmaster of the Earth Immortal Hall. Didn't we say that we can't just go over easily, so as not to stun the snake?"

Fang Buyuan said as he walked: "I couldn't easily pass by before, because Tao Jianbai found out that place. If we pass, we might cause him to reveal his identity."


"But it looks like this now—"

He looked down at the blood on his fingertips, and said in a deep voice, "Tao Jianbai, most of them have already been killed!"

When everyone heard it, their hearts sank.

In fact, since the time when Tao Jianbai lost contact, everyone had guessed this way more than once, but they would not easily believe that no evidence was found, and no corpse was found.

However, the blood just now and the scraped wall surface seemed to have proved that a fight took place in that place.

The loss of Tao Jianbai proved the result of the fight.

Fang Buyuan said: "If you don't go, I'm afraid that point will be discarded!"

Everyone immediately understood, and said in unison: "Lead!"

As a result, they were divided into two groups, two of them rushed back to the palace quickly, and Fang Buyuan hurried to the south with the rest.

When passing through the main gate of Nanyuan, I found a lot of people surrounded here.

Facing the closed city gate, these people kept making noise.

"Why close the city gate? It's nothing big!"

"Someone in our family has a sudden illness, I'm going to ask the doctor, please help me."

"If I don't collect the bill, that person will be shameless again!"

"My lord, I'm going to deliver medicine to the village. If I don't go, the family will die!"

Faced with a cry of pleading, the guards turned a deaf ear.

He said coldly: "That's what the court ordered. If you don't get out of the way, don't blame us for being polite!"

After speaking, he pulled out the knife from his waist. The cold light was frightening, and everyone immediately retreated.

Seeing this scene, Fang Buyuan frowned.

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