Nan Yan looked at him and said, "Master Heyi came to see the palace before dawn. Is there anything important?"

He Yi said: "Weichen heard that when Jin Yiwei was searching the entrance of the Dixian Hall yesterday, he found some clues and came here to take a look."


Mentioning this, Nan Yan immediately said: "My palace has been thinking about it all night, and just came up with a little clue. You have a look first."

After speaking, he passed the cluster of bamboo leaves in his hand.

Ruoshui took it immediately and presented it in front of Heyi.

He took it, looked at it carefully, and pondered for a while, then raised his head and said to Nan Yan: "The mother just said that she had a clue, I don't know what it is."

Nanyan Road: "He Yi, do you remember the Jane's house?"


When mentioning "Jian's Family", He Yi's original calm expression seemed to flash over in a moment.

He was silent for a while and said softly: "How can I forget it?"

Speaking of the Jian family, thinking of that person is nothing but a kind of pain to them, as if the scabs were torn open again, even if there is no blood, even if the pain is no longer, the hurt that has been in my heart will still be Comes out of my mind.

Let people clearly remember what they have lost.

Nan Yan was also silent for a while.

However, she also knew that it was not the time to indulge in sorrow, and she immediately regained her spirit and said: "The palace still remembers that people in their family like bamboo very much. Even later, in the Zhujian Academy in Jinling, it was also planted Bamboo."


"Although, this may not have anything to do with the Jian family, but seeing this bamboo, my palace still can't help but think of their home."


"They seem to plant a lot of bamboo in their mansion in the capital, right?"

He Yi nodded and said: "Yes."

Nan Yan immediately said, "Then, I might as well send some people over to have a look."

He Yi raised his head and said calmly: "Manny, many years have passed since the Jian's family was destroyed."

Nan Yan felt another pain, and said softly, "My palace knows."

He Yi said: "Since the killing of the door, the government has closed the house of the Jian family and has never reopened it, and no one is allowed to enter or leave."


"For so many years, those bamboos have been left unattended, I'm afraid they will die long ago."


Nan Yan was startled.

He Yi raised the cluster of bamboo leaves in his hand, turned it slightly, and said, "And this bamboo leaf, which is only a few days away from the branch, is so green, it won't come from the old house of the Jian family."


Nan Yan sighed.

In fact, she might not really think this was a clue, but she was desperate and wanted to try her luck.

He Yi's words made her sober.

She was a little lost and said: "That's it, it seems that this bamboo leaf is really not a clue."

He Yi did not speak immediately, but looked at it carefully for a while, stroked the leaves with his fingers, and said, "It's not necessarily."


Nan Yan raised his head and looked at him: "What? My lord can tell where this bamboo leaf comes from?"

He Yi smiled and said, "This, Weichen doesn't have this ability."


"However, Weichen can see that this kind of leaf is a special species called Buddha belly bamboo."

"Buddha belly bamboo?"

"Yes, this kind of bamboo is mostly born in the south. It likes warm and humid. In the north, it is not easy to feed."

Nan Yan's eyes lit up: "Then this—"

He Yi continued: "Of course, it is not completely unsustainable. At least it seems that these few bamboo leaves cannot be brought from the south. They must be local to the capital. But we must plant such Buddha belly bamboo. Obviously, it takes a lot of effort. It will not be something that ordinary people can have, and they will not use this effort to grow this kind of bamboo."

Nan Yan immediately said, "Therefore, there are not many places where there are such bamboos in Beijing."

He Yi smiled and said, "At least, if you want to check, you won't find a needle in a haystack like checking ordinary bamboo leaves."


"Don't worry, Niang Niang, Weichen will go and spread the word in a while, let Jin Yiwei's people search the whole city according to this clue, and there should be results soon."

"it is good."

Nan Yan nodded, barely relieved.

After hanging up all night, I finally got a clue, thanks to He Yi.

She looked up at the black-clothed Taoist and said that it was years ago that the Jian family was destroyed, and the first time she met him was many years ago. In contrast, He Yi There was no change at all from the appearance of the Taoist in black when he first appeared in front of him.

Even the kind of attitude that can maintain a calm and introverted attitude no matter what important people are facing or what is important is always the same.

But some things seem to be changing silently.

Nan Yan looked at him and said softly: "He Yi, have you already guessed that the collusion between Lao Guo and the people in the capital is very likely to be the Di Xianhui?"

Heyi looked up at her: "Huh?"

Nan Yandao: "That day, you were half talking."


"Later this palace was thinking, you should have guessed it a long time ago."


"Why not say it?"

He Yi was silent for a while, and said: "There is not enough evidence, if Weichen put forward it casually, but words that confuse people will inevitably arouse suspicion."

Nanyan Road: "So, can you tell the prophet about everything?"

He Yi said: "What does the empress mean?"

South Yandao: "For example, the medicine used to detoxify Ye Yu back then."


"When you were in the capital, and when no news came back, no one knew that Ye Wei was poisoned, let alone what poison he was poisoned, you gave me the bottle of medicine."


"Are you a prophet, or—"

He Yi remained silent for a while.

When Nan Yan said this, he suddenly raised his head. Nan Yan thought he was going to explain something, so he stopped immediately, but saw He Yi paused again, then smiled and said, "Manny, the most important thing is right now. , Isn't it a crisis in the capital?"


"At this time, let's talk about what happened a year ago, so what if it is clear?"


"Let's better spend our experience on the problems before us."

Nan Yan knew when he heard it, he didn't intend to explain.

Even if it is a misunderstanding, I would rather keep misunderstanding.

However, a companion is like a companion tiger, and even his imperial concubine is not a soft-hearted person who will be merciful to his deceased. He is really not afraid that his distrust will one day lead to murder?

Or is he simply unable to explain?

Nan Yan frowned and looked at him, and He Yi had already stood up and said: "Manny, it's important to find out the purpose of the Dixian Hui. We will go down first."

After saying a salute, he turned and left Yonghe Palace.

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