Liangqiu said, "Master Heyi seems to have noticed something unusual on the side of Yuehua Gate and followed him."


Nan Yan's eyes widened suddenly.

Zhu Chengxuan who listened to the side was still in a daze-after all, he hadn't slept all night, and after experiencing the danger of almost life and death, everyone was a little swollen and heard the three "Yuehuamen" When writing, he even couldn't react.

But the next moment, his breathing was also choked.

Yuehua Gate!

The door to the harem!

Just when they retreated from the Nangong Gate, he asked Nan Yan if he wanted to retreat into the harem. In fact, at that time, he hadn't mentioned the word "Yuehua Gate" at all, but Nan Yan said it categorically. , Can't open Yuehua Gate.

Although everyone was in a panic at that time, he also heard the overtones.

Can't open Yuehua Gate.

Can't give the people of Dixianhui a chance to enter the harem.

Zhu Chengxuan understood better that she wanted to protect the emperor who was seriously injured on the bed, the concubine Shun in Yonghe Palace, and his younger siblings.

Even all the people in the entire harem.

She wants to solve these people in front of the main hall-although at the time, everyone did not know her arrangements and plans, but now, she has done it.

However, the Yuehua Gate appeared abnormal!

Zhu Chengxuan immediately turned his head and looked at Nan Yan: "The Royal Concubine Empress!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Nan Yan rushing down the stone steps with his dress, and everyone around him was stunned. Although Jin Yiwei had taken control of the following, after all, the battlefield had not been completely cleaned, and it might not be without danger.

However, Nan Yan couldn't take care of it at all.

The people behind yelled to her while catching up, but couldn't make it. Nan Yan took three steps and made two strides down the stone steps. The blood that flowed immediately stained her embroidered shoes and skirt corners. Nan Yan didn't care about the blood around her body.

She strode in the mud and blood, and walked directly towards the Yuehua Gate.

Liangqiu and the others immediately followed.

When they reached the Yuehua Gate, everyone was stunned.

The door was knocked open abruptly.

Broken door bolts and broken door panels slanted on the threshold of the door. Looking around, in the long lane behind the door, there are several corpses lying in all directions, all of which are the little court ladies and little eunuchs serving in the harem. .

They probably heard the voice here, so they rushed over.

But he died tragically under the sword of Luanmin.

Their faces even kept the expression of horror before they died, and they looked at the sky with wide open eyes, but they were already lifeless.

Those people, they broke through the Yuehua Gate and entered the harem!

Zhu Chengxuan only felt that his heart was about to split.


He yelled and hurried through the gate and rushed in.

"Wang Wei, be careful!"

Nan Yan wanted to catch him, but the child was anxious and ran faster than anyone else. She couldn't catch it at all. She stamped her foot and turned back and said, "Stop him for this palace!"

The crowd still couldn't recover, but Liangqiu and Fan Yingyi reacted quickly and immediately rushed forward and stopped Zhu Chengxuan.

He was anxious, turned his head to Nan Yan and said, "Why don't you let me go!"

Nan Yan stepped forward, and said with a deep face: "It's not that I won't let you go, but I can't let you go to the front!"


Zhu Chengxuan's breath choked.

Although Nan Yan had just heard that Yuehua Gate had been broken, she was so anxious that she didn't even want her life, but now she calmed down, her eyes were blood-red, but her eyes were cold.

That kind of calm, a bit like his father.

Even when Nan Yan spoke, the voice gave people a feeling of gritted teeth and depressed something.

She said: "You are the son of the emperor. You can't take risks lightly at any time."


"My palace doesn't allow you to take risks lightly."

When the people around heard this, their hearts sank.

Although Nan Yan's words were only talking about King Wei, everyone could hear that Yuehua Gate was forced, and the mob of the Earth Fairy Society had already rushed into the harem. No one knew what the emperor was like now.

If it's true--

King Wei was indeed the most important person in the Great Yan Dynasty and the foundation of the country.

The concubine wants to keep him!

Zhu Chengxuan seemed to understand, his eyes were red and hot, and tears were almost gushing out, but he still gritted his teeth and endured, and said in a deep voice, "Manny..."

Nanyan Road: "If you want to go, you can follow behind this palace!"

After finishing speaking, she didn't wait for Zhu Chengxuan to say anything, waved her sleeves, turned and walked forward.

Everyone immediately followed, and Liangqiu and Fan Yingyi were also very obedient by the side of King Wei. The men and horses on both sides guarded them, vowing to protect them.

On the way, they saw more bodies.

Blood was flowing on the originally clean bluestone road, Nan Yan walked along, his blood footprints getting deeper and deeper.

Her heartbeat is getting heavier and heavier.

At this time, her brain was a little swollen, and the pain was almost torn apart, but at the same time, there was another voice, she couldn’t be more familiar with it. Her own voice said in her ears: Don’t worry, no Something...

After a while, I walked to Yonghe Palace.

No other places were attacked. Only the road from Yuehua Gate to Yonghe Palace was full of corpses and blood. It can even be said that they came to Yonghe Palace along those corpses and blood stains.

This can only explain one thing——

Someone led the mob.

And their goal is not any place or anyone in the harem.

Only Yonghe Palace.

Only the person from Yonghe Palace!

Nan Yan gritted her teeth and stepped faster and faster. When she even approached the gate of Yonghe Palace, her steps staggered several times and almost fell to the ground.

Behind Zhu Chengxuan also staggered and stretched out his hand to support her.

At this time, they reached the gate.

As soon as I approached, I saw a large blood stain at the gate.

Even the wall.

The dripping blood gathered bit by bit, flowing down one by one, and some of it penetrated into the ground below, mixed with the smell of soil, which made people feel sick.

And a stronger smell of blood diffused from the half-hidden gate of Yonghe Palace.

Even when the sun shines through the crack of the half-covered door, they can still see countless blood and dust flying in the strong light.

At this time, the blood dust was suddenly messed up.

Because Nan Yan rushed forward and pushed open the half-covered door, the two doors hit the walls on both sides, making a loud "clanging" sound, like thunder, and everyone around them was shaking. a bit.

Nan Yan rushed in at once.


The people behind were shocked.

If, if it is as she thought when she wanted to block Wei Wang, there is no idea what happened, or even what is there.

She rushed in like this--

Everyone followed.

As soon as I walked into Yonghe Palace and saw the scene inside, everyone was shocked.

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