After the sun set, the restless and chaotic capital fell into tranquility.

It's just that this tranquility has a bit of suffocating tension.

Although it was just a return to the Qiangong Palace to take a rest, but for a few days after all, Zhu Chengxuan wanted to rest on the table for a while, but when he sat down, he fell asleep like a faint.

When I opened my eyes, it was dark outside.

He hurriedly cleaned up, changed his clothes and walked out. At a glance, he saw that in addition to the guards who came back with him, there were more than a dozen guards guarding Chengqian Palace. He didn't think much, just asked: " How is the situation outside?"

The guard at the door immediately reported to him.

Zhu Chengxuan said: "So, the crisis of the nine gates is resolved?"


"Good, good!"

Zhu Chengxuan was so happy that he nodded repeatedly, thought about it, and asked: "Then, where is the noble concubine? Did she go back to Yonghe Palace to rest?"

Several guards glanced at each other, and one of them said, "No."

"No? Where is she?"

"The concubine empress only stayed in Yonghe Palace for a while, and went to Wuying Hall to sit up and do business. She hasn't come back until now."


When Zhu Chengxuan heard this, he was anxious.

You know, how long you have boiled, Nan Yan has boiled for too long.

She even survived longer and suffered more than herself. She even fell asleep like a faint when she closed her eyes, how tired she was!

I didn't even sit down and rest!

Zhu Chengxuan hurried out.

Along the way, I found that there were more guards in each palace than before, and lights were lit everywhere. The lights illuminate the blood on the road and the undecided expressions on the faces of the passing court ladies and eunuchs. They hurried when they saw Zhu Chengxuan. Leaning over to salute, Zhu Chengxuan rushed to the Wuying Hall before he had time to speak to them.

As soon as I walked to the gate, I saw Tingfu and Ruoshui guarding outside the gate.

Seeing him coming, the two immediately came forward to salute.

"The slave maid pays respects to His Royal Highness King Wei."

"Where is the empress?"

"His Royal Highness, Niang Niang is resting inside. If Your Highness wants to see Niang Niang, the slave and maid will go in and pass on."

When I heard that she was resting, Zhu Chengxuan's voice became quieter.

Said: "I'm resting, that's all."

After speaking, he turned to leave.

But as soon as he turned around, Nan Yan's voice came from the hall: "Is Wang Wei here? Come in."

When Zhu Chengxuan heard this, he couldn't help sighing, and immediately opened the door and walked in. The hall was dim, only a faint candle was placed in front of the table, and a document was placed under the candlestick, which seemed to have just been delivered.

When Zhu Chengxuan came in, a smile appeared on Nan Yan's pale face.

"Wang Wei is here, have you rested well?"

Zhu Chengxuan stepped forward and bowed to her, and then said, "Why doesn't the empress go back to the palace to rest? It's time to take a break for the big thing."

Nan Yan smiled and said, "In the evening, I slept for a while, and stayed asleep until I just woke up."

Zhu Chengxuan said; "That's not a while."

"It's okay, my palace is not very sleepy."


"Don't worry, I won't sleep later when I finish dealing with the immediate matter."

"What else hasn't been done?"

As Zhu Chengxuan said, he remembered his own Chengqian Palace and the situation of other palaces that he had seen along the way to Wuying Hall. He said, "How can I see that there are more guards in the palace than before. The chaotic people, didn't those who have been killed, those who were caught, were caught?"

Mentioning this, Nan Yan's face darkened under the candlelight.

She picked up a document on hand and handed it to Zhu Chengxuan.

"Look, this is the confession sent by Dali Temple after Li Quan was tried, and he has already taken it."


When Zhu Chengxuan heard it, he immediately took it to watch.

There was nothing written on it. Li Quan was originally just a small character who was assigned to see the palace gate. After that incident, Grandpa Yu didn’t even let him in the harem, so all he could do was Collaborating with the people of the Dixianhui, drunk the guards and the little **** with wine, and opened the palace gate when the people of the Dixianhui entered the palace.

In fact, the first few rows of confessions recorded these.

He wanted to behave in front of the emperor, urged the emperor to go out on a parade without any guards, so the Juxianju incident happened-although in his confession, he was really worthless. From the perspective of the current situation, it is already certain that the people of the Dixian Club at that time should feel that it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, even more secure than the assassination of the stone at the wedding banquet.

So, they took advantage of that opportunity to do it.

But I didn't expect that Jin Yiwei Tao saw Bai lurking in it. After realizing the clue, regardless of his own safety, he asked the little beggar to report to Li Buhuo in time to solve the crisis.

But Li Quan's sin cannot be forgiven.

Therefore, after being condemned by the rod, he was punished to go to the gate of the palace. From the former emperor’s guardian to a corner role, he was naturally unwilling. At this time, the people of the Earth Fairy Club took advantage of the vacancy. Into the.

Zhu Chengxuan was watching, and suddenly, an unfamiliar name came into view.

"Pang Hu...?"

He raised his head to look at Nan Yan: "Is this someone from the Di Xianhui?"

Nan Yan said in a deep voice, "Not only a member of the Di Xianhui, but also a steward in the Geyun Lifu."


Zhu Chengxuan was taken aback, and looked down again. It was this person who contacted him and used a thousand hectares of fertile land to lure Li Quan into doing things for them.

His brows wrinkled.

"Here, this king's people seized Ge Yunli's mansion and let him run away!"

Nan Yan said: "This person is very cunning. When your people went, he had already slipped away. In addition, he was more than one of the followers of the Shangdi Xianhui of Geyun Lifu. They covered each other, so he could take advantage of it. machine."

Zhu Chengxuan gritted his teeth: "Really hateful."

Nan Yandao: "He is hateful, and there is more than this one."

Zhu Chengxuan raised his head and looked at her: "What's the matter?"

Nan Yan said: "Yuehua Gate was breached, and the troubled people rushed into the harem, especially when they rushed to the Yonghe Palace to be against the emperor. Although Li Quan led the way, it was this Pang who rushed in with people. tiger!"

Zhu Chengxuan gritted his teeth and said: "Such a person, if he is not dead, but still alive, he must be broken into pieces."

Nan Yan glanced at him.

Said: "Maybe, there is such an opportunity."


When Zhu Chengxuan heard these words, he was taken aback.

Didn't those people who smashed into Yonghe Palace all been killed by the team of Jinyiwei that Li Bushang brought him?

That's why he said if he was still alive.

But what does Nan Yan mean?

Seeing Zhu Chengxuan looking at him with a surprised look, Nan Yan sighed and said: "The body in Yonghe Palace has been cleaned out and let people identify it. There is no such Panghu."

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