The wind whistled and blew past, raging on this land with no people and no houses.

At this time, it was almost dusk.

Half a round of setting sun hung diagonally on the distant horizon, as if still struggling. After being burned by the hot sun, the earth began to spit out the heat absorbed throughout the day, and the green grass on the ground was exposed to the sun. After being fumigated again, it was already lingering on the ground, as if to seep oil.

In the air, there is a special smell of grass.

It seemed to be mixed with a little **** smell.

Ying Shao was riding on horseback, looking around, his face was as calm as a mask as always, and even the orange sun couldn't make him warmer.

After a while, the sound of horseshoes broke through the silence and galloped from far away.

A few soldiers galloped up to him, without dismounting. The knife in their hands was still bleeding, so they bowed their hands and said, "My lord, I've found it out. It's a few scouts. ."


Ying Shao frowned slightly and asked, "Where is the person?"

"It has been processed."

"Take me to see."


Ying Shao made everyone around him wait. He rode his horse and galloped forward with a few soldiers, and saw a large area of ​​blood on the grass in front of him, with obvious traces of fighting.

Several corpses were buried in the deep grass.

He took a look, and it turned out to be a scout sent by the Kuo people, there were seven in total.

He asked: "Are you all here?"


"Sure there is no escape."

"My lord, don't worry, absolutely not."

Ying Shao was silent for a while, looked at them again, and then said: "The next journey, you must be more closely guarded, not allowing any scout to hear our whereabouts, if a little wind is leaked, you are ready to mention it. See you soon." "Yes!"

After saying these words, Ying Shao glanced around again and confirmed that there was indeed no deliberate trace around, and then returned to the previous team with a few soldiers.

He rode the horse alone and walked to the carriage.

Although there was a team of twelve carriages when he was out of the city, he has only one carriage now.

Ying Shao leaned down on horseback, leaned close to the car window, and said softly: "The obstacle has been removed, you can move on."

It was quiet in the carriage for a while.

Then the curtain raised a corner slightly, because of the bad light, even Yingshao couldn't see the situation inside. Only one hand can be seen reaching the window and making a "continue" gesture.

So Ying Shao straightened up and said loudly to the people around: "Go ahead!"

The team then moved forward quickly.


"Since the opponent is showing weakness, if we don't fight, wouldn't we waste their'goodwill'?"

When several military commanders heard that they were going to fight, they became excited again.

Hurriedly asked: "Then, your majesty, how should we fight?"

Munch said coldly: "Since the opponent is showing weakness, it is natural to beat their weakness. At this time, you don't have to be polite."


When several generals heard this, they stopped talking.

Even if they don't read military books, they can rely on their rich combat experience to understand that if the opponent shows weakness and allows people to attack, they are obviously prepared.

However, Munch also asked them to focus on each other's weakness.

What if it is dangerous?

Bars said softly, "Your Majesty, would you not hit the opponent's arms by doing this?"

The others also became cautious.

Said: "Don't be too hasty."

"Anyway, we have the upper hand, and we must fight steadily."

"Yes, let's figure out the other party's intentions."

Seeing them like this, Munch only smiled faintly.

His slender eyes looked at a few scouts who were kneeling on the ground, and asked: "Then, the team that left from the capital, can you continue to follow?"

One of the scouts said: "Yes. A few of us will come back first and report the information we found to your Majesty; the remaining eight people will continue to follow the team and wait until the information is clear and we will send a letter back."

Munch said; "Okay, figure out what the **** is going on with that man and horse, where they are going, and then make a decision."


After the scouts left, Munch looked at the generals again.

Ordered: "If the order is passed on, all the people will adjust and mediate, and prepare for battle at any time."

Bars hesitated and asked, "Your Majesty, if you want to fight, when is the best time to fight?"

Munch sneered: "Of course, the sooner the better."


"Taking advantage of the chaos in their city, there is no time to dispatch other troops. This time is the best time."

His face darkened, and he said, "Tonight, everyone in the camp is not allowed to rest and is ready to go to war at any time!"


Soon, it got dark.

Because Munch had already ordered it before, so in the evening, the camp was lighted to cook, and all the soldiers lined up in their respective camps to prepare, and none of them rested.

When preparing, they were all very excited.

Beiping City! Beiping City!

This is the place they dreamed of conquering. Everyone knows that after the Central Plains Dynasty moved the capital to Beiping, the wealth of the south began to flow to the north. Therefore, it was originally a border town that was only a bitter cold place to resist foreign enemies. The most prosperous and prosperous city in the north.

There are countless wine shops, shops, and many delicate and delicate Central Plains beauties!

As long as they attacked Beiping City, everything is theirs!

Unlike the army of the Central Plains dynasty, the army of the Kuo Kingdom is desperate when marching in battle, just to plunder wealth after winning the battle. Generally, the generals in the army will never stop it.

Not only will it not stop it, it has become a way to form and prosper an army.

Therefore, all the generals are preaching the prosperity of the city of Peking, stimulating the group of beast-like soldiers under them——

"As long as we break into Beiping City, from now on, we will live the life of a god!"

All the soldiers cried out.

There was a wave of noises, almost lifting up the largest king's account in the center of the camp.

However, the big tent has always been quiet.

Although people kept coming in and out to report news, seeing Jin Wuxi falling into the jade rabbit and rising eastward, the world was dark, but no order to attack was given.

This makes these soldiers a little impatient.

Bars and the other military commanders saw that the surroundings were completely dark. Although the night attack was a good way, Munch delayed in giving orders, the opportunity was fleeting, and it would also affect morale!

Thinking of this, he walked into Wang Zhang again.

I saw Munch sitting in a chair, motionless, holding something in his hand, looking vaguely under the dim firelight, like a child's clothes.

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