Just when Luo Qitong was angry, Wang Guangming, who was standing behind him, felt a gust of wind, and he subconsciously looked out of the city——


He suddenly spoke, without saying anything, Luo Qitong immediately recovered, and hurriedly turned around and looked out on the wall. Sure enough, under the dark sky, that piece of the night that stood in front of them like a black screen, far away, shone with countless flames.

It's the army of 倓国!

Originally, he guessed that after the previous feint attack, knowing that the earth fairy would not take advantage of the city, the army of the country would definitely be organizing a bigger offensive, so he let people patrol all night, even before Having gone through a big battle, there were a lot of casualties, everyone was exhausted, and he didn't let them rest.

But I really didn't expect these people to come so quickly!

He said: "Bell the gong to warn, and prepare now! Tell the other gates to stand in battle, not to slacken in the slightest!"


Wang Guangming immediately turned around and ran to the officer's side.

Soon, the shrill gongs and drums rang from the tower, and suddenly broke the silence in the city. Although many people have left Peiping City during the day, it is actually only one of twelve. Most of them are either too late to leave or are still waiting. On this night, they are also worried.

Unexpectedly, the nightmare has come true!

Hearing the sound of gongs and drums ringing on the tower, all the houses in the city were lit up, but no one dared to stand up, but the soldiers patrolling the city as usual heard the sound and immediately rushed towards this side. .

Fortunately, when Luo Qitong guessed that the opponent was going to attack again, he had made preparations.

He stood on the tower and waved his hand: "Come here with the archer!"

Immediately, a group of archers carrying a quiver and holding a strong bow ran over. These people have extraordinary eyesight. Standing on the tower, they can look hundreds of steps in the distance. Even in the dark, they can see the reality of each other with a blaze of light. .

Can more accurately determine the distance between each other and them.

Seeing the countless flames moving quickly to this side, but in a certain place, it suddenly stopped.

Some fire lights gathered together, as if they were doing something.

Luo Qitong had originally planned to wait until the army of the country entered the range of the archers to attack immediately, and this time, he also frowned.

Wang Guangming came over: "General, what do they stop for?"


Luo Qitong didn't speak immediately, only frowned and looked ahead, and then recalled the night before--or the battle of ceremonies fought at that long dawn, he suddenly reacted.

The opponent has not yet entered their range.

The range of a bow and arrow is about a hundred steps.

The Kuo people are now more than two hundred steps away from them.

More than two hundred steps, exactly--

Luo Qitong suddenly understood and shouted: "Hurry up and find a place to hide, the other party is using a catapult again!"

Upon hearing this, everyone understood. All the people standing on the top of the tower were bent under the wall, and some of them got directly into the Qiaolou, while the soldiers who defended the city downstairs hurriedly used a few. After a strong pillar was placed on the door panel for reinforcement, they all hid in the city gate hole.

Immediately, they heard countless howling sounds from the night sky.

Getting closer.

Immediately, countless stones fell from the sky like a pouring rain, and immediately broke several torches on the tower. Some soldiers who could not dodge were beaten and screamed again and again.

However, it's not over yet.

Luo Qitong remembered that among the catapults bought by the Kuo people before, there was an exceptionally huge one that could--

As he was thinking about it, he saw several soldiers on the tower hiding under the wall and looking up screaming. Above these people, a large shadow suddenly appeared, like a cloud suddenly rising from the air. landing.

But that is not a dark cloud.

But a huge stone, almost the size of a carriage, crashed down, smashing a few people into meat sauce, blood was splashing, and the previously repaired city wall was opened with a big opening again, splashing at any time , Fell down to the tower.

Some people have already been timid, and this time it is even more broken.

One of the young soldiers turned pale with fright, threw the knife in his hand, and rushed towards the downstairs of the city yelling: "Run--"

As soon as his voice came out of his throat, Luo Qi rushed up with the same arrow, slashed towards his neck, saw blood splashing, a round head flew directly, and the sentence was abruptly cut in half!

Luo Qitong's face was drenched with blood, and he turned his head and glared at those who were also about to run.

"Who dares to escape, this general will never show mercy when he sees one kill another!"


When he heard him say this, everyone froze.

In addition, the high-flying head suddenly fell in front of everyone, and it rolled to the feet, making everyone afraid to move.

Luo Qitong yelled again: "Stand back and do what you should do!"


The crowd trembled, trembling and returning to where they were holding each other, Luo Qitong turned his face full of blood and looked far away. Just after a period of panic on the tower, the flames outside the city have been rushing towards them. Move over.

Taking advantage of the panic caused by the trebuchet, he must immediately rush through the archer's range!

Luo Qitong hurriedly shouted: "Archer, prepare!"

The archers had leaned over and hid under the wall stacks. Seeing that there were no more rocks falling in the sky, they all poked their heads out, and then hurriedly stood up when they heard Luo Qitong's order.

Open the bow one by one, draw the arrow and shoot.

However, they did not shoot out immediately.

Just when the strong bow was drawn to the full moon, Luo Qitong shouted again: "Fire!"

Immediately, the soldiers standing behind came forward with torches, and lit the thing wrapped around the front of the arrow with the torches, which was cotton cloth soaked with tung oil.

At this point, all the arrows were filled with soaring flames.

Luo Qitong yelled: "Let the arrow go!"

With an order, countless bows and arrows slashed across the sky like fireballs, not only lighting up most of the night sky, but also densely galloping towards those horsemen in front of them, and fell down.

With a bang, the first arrow, because the night was too dark, did not aim at anyone.

Instead, it wiped the horse riding in front and shot it to the ground.

The flames rose suddenly.

However, at this moment, the horse was startled by the fire, and people stood up with a long hiss. The cavalry was still galloping on the horse, but did not react at all, and was thrown off the horse's back.


The man screamed and his horse hoof fell and was stepping on his chest.

Hearing a "click" sound, there was no breath in an instant.

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