Seeing that Zhu Feng was silent for a long time without speaking, Nan Yan said cautiously: "The emperor... is angry?"

Zhu Feng did not answer immediately.

Instead, he looked at her for a while and asked, "Then, why don't you leave?"

Nan Yan immediately said, "Where is the emperor, where is the concubine!"

"Then, why don't you send me away?"

"If the emperor is sober, he will definitely not leave."


"The concubine guessed that way."


"Moreover, if you don't want to fall into the worst situation, the emperor and concubine must stay in the capital."

When she said these words, her voice became smaller and smaller, and she could barely hear the last word. After speaking, he watched Zhu Feng carefully for a long time, and there was no trace of happiness or anger on his calm face.

She could only ask again: "Is the emperor really angry with a concubine?"


Zhu Feng still did not speak.

After being silent for a long time, he slowly raised his hand, as if he was trying to embrace Nan Yan, but he really didn't have the strength to speak with Nan Yan, and he was already sweating.

Nan Yan also saw it, and hurriedly stood up and leaned on Zhu Feng's shoulder.

"What will the emperor tell his concubine?"

Zhu Feng looked down at her, and there was only a candlelight beside the bed in the room, close at hand, you could clearly see the self-consciousness reflected in each other's eyes.

Zhu Feng suddenly said something completely irrelevant to the previous one--

"Nan Yan, do you know why I have never mentioned that I want to make you a successor?"


Nan Yan was stunned.

In fact, in her heart, she said that she had never thought that this matter was false, but she was not like many people in the palace had speculated that she was eager to win this post.

But Zhu Feng didn't mention it, and she didn't think it was a major event.

However, he suddenly mentioned it now.

Nanyan Road: "Queen Renxiao followed the emperor since she was a little girl. Her virtue is beyond the reach of her concubine."

"It has nothing to do with this,"

Zhu Feng sighed lightly and said slowly: "I have never mentioned that you should be your successor. First, because Empress Renxiao said before she died, let me love you a little bit. I love you too much, and it has attracted you. There are many evils, if you want to be with you for a long time, don't let you be too prosperous."

Nan Yan nodded gently.

"Secondly, I am also afraid that this title will overwhelm you, and I will never see some of your true temperament."


"The third point is also because—"

As Zhu Feng said, his voice was a little hoarse, and he said in a low voice: "Over the years, I have owed empress Ren Xiao in sentiment."

Nan Yan looked up at him: "The emperor..."

Zhu Feng said: "I don't want to enroll other queens after she has left for two years."

Nan Yan whispered: "Concubine understands."

As a queen, Xu Miaoyin is like a regular wife, and as a noble concubine, he is like a concubine's room. Although Zhu Feng has not reached the point of "spoiling his concubine", but many times, the queen's limelight is indeed robbed by herself as a noble concubine. A lot.

Even as a noble concubine, he can't allow new people to offend his prestige.

And as a queen, why not?

But Xu Miaoyin never cared about herself.

This also made Zhu Feng feel that he owed her a little.

He looked down at Nan Yan and said, "But sometimes, I will ask myself-is there anyone who is more dedicated to me than you?"


"You are so for me, and I don't canonize you as queen, so who else is worthy to be this queen?"


Nan Yan looked up at him.

There was no excitement and gratitude in her eyes, only a calm smile. After a while, she lowered her head and gently rubbed Zhu Feng's shoulder with her cheek, and said softly: "The emperor doesn't need to think too much, because concubine, there really is no Think so much."


"The concubine is the emperor with all his heart, just because the emperor is the emperor, not for what she can get.


"And as the emperor said, once the title of'Queen' is added to the concubine's head, at that time, the concubine can't laugh or cry, how can he still be the real Sinanyan?"


"If the emperor really feels owed to his concubine, or if he wants to use something to reward his concubine, he will get better as soon as possible, and don't get hurt or worry about his concubine again."


"As long as this is enough."

Zhu Feng lowered his head and looked deeply into her eyes.

It seemed that there was a lot to say, but a lot of emotions rushed through my eyes, and in the end it was only a gentle smile, and he said softly: "You..."


The two spoke for a while, and Zhu Feng became sleepy again. Nan Yan knew that he was hurting his vitality, so he stopped talking, and slept again with his arms around him.

Unexpectedly, the two people slept at the right time.

Not only Zhu Feng was seriously injured and needed to rest, but Nan Yan had hardly closed his eyes in the past few days, and he had already reached the limit of patience. He fell asleep happily after that, and when he opened his eyes, his whole body was aching to sleep. .

However, once she recovered, she hurriedly turned her head to look at Zhu Feng.

Fortunately, his face was as usual.

Nan Yan was afraid that he would faint again, so he tentatively yelled softly: "The emperor...?"

Zhu Feng's eyelashes moved slightly, and then opened his eyes.

Nan Yan immediately smiled and said, "The emperor, you are all right!"


Zhu Feng hesitated for a while before finally regaining his senses. Looking at the face in front of him that smiled brilliantly as if it were about to bloom, he couldn't help but smile: "What do you think I want?"

Nan Yan smiled and got out of bed hurriedly.

She was starving.

The same is true for Zhu Feng. He had been in a coma these days and only relied on decoction to survive. After waking up, it took so much effort and his body was exhausted.

Fortunately, the people outside had been preparing, and Nan Yan spread the word, and the royal dining room immediately delivered meals.

There are also medicated diet soup and specially boiled rice oil for Zhu Feng.

Nan Yan didn’t care that his stomach was empty, so he sat on the side of the bed and used a small spoon to scoop up the soup to feed him. Zhu Feng was still very weak at this time and couldn’t eat too much. After drinking half a bowl, he was full of energy. Some.

Wang Baizhi came to ask for a pulse again, and he was relieved.

Said: "The emperor's heart veins are slowly being repaired. These days, as long as you stay quiet, there will be no problems."

Nan Yan listened and said with a smile: "You have worked hard."

After finishing speaking, he raised his head and said to the people standing in Yonghe Palace: "Everyone has worked hard these days. Everyone has been rewarded with five taels of silver and a pinch of satin."

When everyone heard it, they knelt down and thanked them with joy.

When everyone retreated happily, Nan Yan turned around and saw Zhu Feng sitting on the bedside, smiling at her.

"what happened?"

"Look at your hands and feet, it's generous at this time."

Nan Yan smiled with crooked eyes.

Zhu Feng took a look outside. After he woke up yesterday, he heard that the fighting was going on, so he hurried over, and was later carried back. Although he didn't look carefully outside, he also found something.

He asked: "Why, I think there are many more guards here in Yonghe Palace than in other places."

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