Zhu Feng thought for a while, and finally said, "I, I want to make King Wei the crown prince, what do you think?"


Although just now, from Zhu Feng's tone, Nan Yan has already sensed this.

But when Zhu Feng really told her, she was still a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, Zhu Feng made the decision so soon.

She thought for a while, and said, "The Crown Prince is a national event. It seems that the emperor should not ask his concubines."

Zhu Feng said: "During this period of time I was in a coma, you have been pitying and listening to politics. What are you pretending at this time?"

Nan Yan was taken aback when he heard this.

In fact, for her, even when she did it, she was very frightened. Not to mention that Zhu Feng would settle accounts with her. If Wei Wang and her were a little weaker in the court at that time, she might be Taken on the spot.

Now Zhu Feng mentioned it again, her heart was empty again.

He hurriedly got up and bowed down to Zhu Feng: "The emperor, the concubine was really helpless at the time. As far as the concubine was concerned, she really did not intend to interfere in the political affairs. Please forgive the emperor."


Zhu Feng looked at her like this and couldn't help but shook his head.


He wanted to reach out and pull her up, but with such a move, his chest hurt before he fully recovered. Hearing his gasp, Nan Yan looked up and hurriedly got up to help himself. Live him.


Zhu Feng gasped for a while before saying to her, "Don't tell me this anymore."


"If I really want to settle accounts with you, I won't settle with you in this place at this time."

After speaking, waved at her: "Sit down."

Nan Yan sat next to him.

Looking at his red cheeks and eyes, he cautiously said: "The concubine has actually been a little awake these days, for fear that the supervisor Yushi will sue the concubine."

Zhu Feng said: "Do you think they didn't sue?"


As Zhu Feng said, he pointed to the brazier on the ground. Nan Yan was stunned for a moment, then looked at the pile of ashes in the brazier, and immediately understood: "Did they really sue the concubine?"

Zhu Feng sneered: "These people don't dare to put a fart when the country is in trouble, and it's as good as a sword in their hand when the country is in trouble. Humph, what do they do!"

Nan Yan couldn't help but cursed in secret.

She really picked up the bowl and ate the meat, put down the chopsticks and scolded her mother. Finally, she carried her to peace in the world. The emperor woke up without incident. As a result, these people began to poke her backbone.

Why didn't you dare to come and have a look when Zhu Feng was unconscious.

Probably, they are also afraid to end up with Ge Yunli.

Thinking of this, Nan Yan also sneered.

Zhu Feng said: "I sometimes think that if these people are left to take the royal salary, maybe it is really better to let you be an official, maybe it is worse than them."

When Nan Yan heard it, he smiled and said, "The emperor really thinks so?"

Zhu Feng glanced at her.

Seeing her eyes gleaming, she immediately said with a serious face: "After talking, are you serious?"

Nanyan Road: "In the past, there have been few women serving as officials, but more concubines. Concubines also want to see if they have that ability. But they also know that the harem can't do politics..."

Zhu Feng looked at her again.

Then he said: "The harem can't do politics, it doesn't really matter whether it is a woman or not."


Nan Yan looked at him in surprise: "What do you mean?"

Aren’t there just some women in the harem? If you don’t let the harem do politics, you just can’t let women dictate in the court. Why does Zhu Feng say that?

Zhu Feng said: "The harem cannot do politics because the people in the harem are too short-sighted. Look at those people in my harem. Every day, there is one more bead than someone's hairpin, or someone's clothes are brighter. People, do politics? What results can they do?"


"The world can't be fun."

Hearing Zhu Feng’s words, Nan Yan was stunned for a while, then thought about it, and said: “So, the emperor meant that if a woman is no longer confined to that small side of the world, she has a broad vision and a broad perspective. Mind, you may not be unable to do politics, do you?

Unexpectedly, her own words aroused her thoughts.

Zhu Feng looked up at Nan Yan.

He also thought about it himself, and said, "Then, how many women like this do you think?"


"Don't say pick one from a hundred miles, but in my opinion, there is no one."

Nan Yan couldn't help sighing when he heard it, and lowered his head gently.

Indeed, people’s vision and heart determine how high she can stand. Although she can listen to politics and even help Zhu Chengxuan solve the problems of the court when he is troubled, she knows it very well because Zhu Feng gave it. My identity as a noble concubine is also because Zhu Feng has been teaching myself a few days ago.

Without him, his vision would probably not be that far.

Zhu Feng said: "Perhaps, there will be a day when a woman expresses her confidence in the court, and even, maybe even ascends the throne as emperor."

Nan Yan looked at him with wide eyes.

Zhu Feng continued: "However, the most important thing is not to see if she is a man or a woman, but to see if she has the vision and mind that matches this."


"This road is still long."

Nan Yan nodded and said softly: "Concubine, I understand."

Zhu Feng said: "Okay, I'll talk a long way. What do you think of what I wanted to tell you just now?"

Nan Yan recovered and looked at Zhu Feng.

She blinked and said carefully: "The emperor really wants to ask his concubine's opinion?"

Zhu Feng glared at her.

After talking for a long time, she seemed to be dumb.

Seeing that Zhu Feng was like this, Nan Yan really thought about it seriously, and then said seriously: "Actually, my concubine has always agreed."


"His Royal Highness King Wei is the emperor's son, he should have inherited the rule. The emperor had always worried about this child's benevolent and weak cowardly, difficult to be a big responsibility, but this time something really happened, he became the pillar of the sky. The future of this child Hopefully, my concubine feels that the emperor can make a decision."

Zhu Feng listened to her, but was quiet for a while.

Then he said with a faint smile: "You praise him, there are many words."

Nan Yan smiled and said, "The concubine really likes this kid."

Zhu Feng said: "Then, what about your own children?"


Mentioning this, Nan Yan's heart moved slightly.

She raised her head and looked at Zhu Feng, but Zhu Feng looked at her with a serious and solemn expression and said: "You should know that I am asking you to discuss the reason for this matter."


"Nan Yan, this is the last chance. I will tell you what I want, and you will tell me what I want."


"Do you really, don't want Cheng Jun to inherit my country?"

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