The night is as deep as a thick black curtain, surrounding them, not only can't see your fingers, but also gives people a feeling of depression and difficulty breathing.

Father Yu carried the lantern and walked beside Zhu Feng.

Because he didn’t know where to go, he also tended to walk slowly. Sure enough, Zhu Feng did not go back to the bedroom or Yonghe Palace after leaving the Imperial Study Room. Instead, he turned a lot of paths and walked to a quiet place. In front of the palace gate.

Cold palace.

Grandpa Yu held his breath.

No wonder, because he is old, Zhu Feng seldom let him wait at night, but today, he let him follow.

When Grandpa Yu brought the lantern and walked to the door, he was breathless.

Zhu Feng said calmly: "Go and open the door."


Duke Yu didn’t ask much, he stepped forward to open the door, and then walked ahead with the lantern. This time, he seemed to know where he should go and took the initiative to lead the way, and Zhu Feng, as he had imagined, walked till the end. Cold Palace is very deep.

At this time, it's midsummer.

The palace is full of vegetation, and the day is scorching the sun. Only at night can you get a little cool after the heat dissipates, but it is not like that in the cold palace. There are a lot of weeds here, and they are also luxuriant in season, but this kind of luxuriantness gives people a feeling of crazy growth, and the whole cold palace is very cold, even if he knows that it is in the middle of summer, when he walks inside, he still After shivering, he shrank his neck subconsciously.

Only Zhu Feng walked on the quiet path without feeling at all.

His whole body exudes a chill that is not inferior to the cold.

After a while, they walked to a dilapidated house.

Although shabby, there are roofs, doors and windows, and even the doorways are clean. Even the vegetation has been trimmed. It is not as dirty as other places, giving people a feeling of life.

But Zhu Feng frowned when he watched.

Grandpa Yu whispered: "The emperor, do you want servants to knock on the door?"

Before Zhu Feng could answer, a light suddenly turned on next to him, and a person came up holding a candlestick and said loudly, "Who, what are you doing there so late?!"

Father Yu frowned and immediately responded with the lantern.

It was Madam Su who came to the palace.

She originally thought it was someone in the cold palace who had gone mad and convicted and was making trouble at night, but looking at the lanterns, she didn't feel right, so she came and took a look. When she saw Lord Yu, she was shocked.

Looking up again, the tall figure standing at the door, who is not the emperor?

She fell to her knees with a fright.

"The emperor, the emperor..."

Zhu Feng carried his hands behind his back, not looking at her.

Grandpa Yu stood in front of her and whispered; "There is nothing to do with you here. Go down."


Grandma Su still hesitated, she raised her head and took a careful look at Zhu Feng. Father Yu frowned and said, "Didn't I hear you talking? Go on!"


Mother Su dared not stay any longer, so she knocked her head and got up and backed away.

Grandpa Yu had been watching her disappear into the night, and then turned around and walked back to Zhu Feng's side, and said softly: "The emperor, do you want a slave and maid to call the door?"


Zhu Feng was silent for a while and said: "No need."

After he finished speaking, he also stopped moving. He could only look ahead with determination, as if he was making up his mind. After a long time, he said again: "You just wait outside."


Father Yu nodded in response, and took a step back.

The lantern in his hand was swaying, and the light could only illuminate the square inch of the place in front of him. Zhu Feng took a few steps forward, and felt the darkness in front of him. When he reached the door of the house, he was about to raise his hand and knock on the door. There was a little light in the cracks.

Although it was only a little bit, in the darkness like this, it showed through the gap of the dark door.

But it gives people a dazzling feeling.

Zhu Feng frowned slightly, before he even had time to react, the dilapidated door had already made a hoarse and long sound, and was slowly opened from the inside.

A faint light illuminates Zhu Feng's eyes.

He narrowed his eyes subconsciously, and when he opened his eyes again, he saw the woman standing in front of him.

Qin Ruolan.

She opened her eyes wide as if she couldn't believe it, and it became clear that the person standing in front of her was not someone else. It was Zhu Feng, who was thinking about it, even in her dreams.

After staring blankly for a long time, she muttered in disbelief: "The emperor...?"


In the Chonghua Palace, Libi Yao Ying was already on her knees, her hair that had been taken apart was draped over her head, and some of it fell to the ground.

And she knelt there, as if it was terribly cold, shaking constantly.

The two shoulder blades on his back were raised high, making the whole person more thin and helpless, and more pitiful.

However, this scene fell in front of Nan Yan, but it did not arouse any emotion in her at all. Of course, it was also because all her thoughts were placed on the piece of paper in her hand.

Above, there are many tiny prints densely written, and the content is not unfamiliar.

A sincere eulogy.

Nan Yan looked at it from beginning to end, then looked at Yao Ying, and said, "This is the eulogy?"

Yao Ying said: "Yes."

"You didn't lie?"

"The empress asks questions, and the concubine never dared to lie. This is really the eulogy, and the concubine is absolutely nothing, absolutely nothing!"

As she said, she had even started to knock her head, her forehead knocked on the floor and made a banging sound. In such a silent night, people's hearts trembled.

Nan Yan slowly folded the eulogy according to the previous traces and put it in his sleeve.

He looked down at Yao Ying and said calmly, "Don't be afraid."


"My palace said that in front of my palace, it doesn't matter if you say something bad. The most important thing is not to tell lies."


"A word of lie, I can't even listen to it."

Yao Ying knelt in front of her and said shiveringly: "The concubine dare not, the concubine dare not deceive the mother."

Nan Yan nodded softly.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside.

Nan Yan cast a wink at Ruoshui who was standing next to him. Originally Ruoshui was a little dumbfounded at what had just happened. At this time, he reacted quickly and immediately went to open the door, and saw Tingfu who was guarding outside walked in.

He bowed to Nan Yan and said, "Niang, I've caught it."


Nan Yan raised her eyebrows slightly: "Where?"

"Already taken back to the palace."

"it is good."

Nan Yan stood up slowly. Although she was thin and not tall, at this moment, the shadow she cast completely covered Yao Ying's body. Yao Ying knelt on the ground with a look of consternation and horror on her face. .

"Let's go,"

South flue: "Go and see."

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