To give Qin Ruolan to death is not just to give death to a woman.

It is also a memory of death.

To him, it seemed as if he had cut off a section of his life, and then thrown it into the fire, watching him burn to ashes before his eyes.

His memory is pitiful.

And there are not many people left in his memory.

This feeling is more bleak than ever. He has been busy all day, but he is also content with it. He just wants to fill his mind with this kind of busyness so that he doesn't think about it.

Don't think of his anger when he discovered that he was deceived.

Don't think of Qin Ruolan's distressed look.

Don't even think about that period of time when I was a teenager, no matter how sorrowful and discordant I was afterwards, but looking back after many years, I still have beauty and happiness after all.

It's just that he lost everything.

That kind of sad mood has been lingering in his heart, even when he is busy, he has never been far away.

Until now-

He looked down at Nan Yan who was lying in his arms. The little woman's cheeks were flushed and her eyes were brighter than usual. When she looked at him, she looked like she was ashamed and happy. She turned over and she Hugged him.

Also buried his face in his arms.

In an instant, all the emotions of unwillingness, resentment, decadence and despair seemed to be swept away by a gust of wind.

He smiled and said, "What's the matter? So ashamed?"


"We are all married and old."

Nan Yan buried his face in his arms, and said angrily: "Old husband and old wife, the emperor still said that kind of thing." Zhu Feng smiled and said: "Okay, I won't say it. You lift your face, don't Bored."


"Then how do you sleep?"

"Just sleep like this."

"……it is good."

Zhu Feng couldn't laugh or cry. Seeing the candlestick next to the bed, the candle was burning to the bottom. The candle was swaying and was about to go out. He raised his hand and lowered the curtain, and then lay down.

Nan Yan also lay down in his arms.

With a sudden sound, the candle went out completely, and the room plunged into darkness.

Zhu Feng was a little sleepy at first, so he embraced her, and was about to close his eyes to sleep peacefully, when suddenly he felt something squirming in his chest.

It was a soft little hand that climbed up and pressed it on his heart.

As if to make sure the contents were not lost.

Zhu Feng couldn't help but chuckled and said, "What's the matter? I promised to give it to you. Are you afraid that it won't fly?"


Nan Yan didn't speak, just touched his chest with his hands.

Zhu Feng smiled, and didn't say much, and took her hand with his hand, closed his eyes, and the two fell asleep together.

The next morning, early in the morning, Zhu Feng left.

Nan Yan slept in a daze. Hearing the sound of his leaving, he wanted to get up, but Zhu Feng said in her ear in a low voice, "Sleep a little longer."

After speaking, he left.

Nan Yan was bored in the bed for a while before finally waking up, and when asked, Zhu Feng had already gone to the morning court.

She yawned, and she slept well last night. After getting up, she ate a little and sat by the window reading a book. After not reading it for a while, she heard Hearfu coming in and reporting: "Daddy Yu is here."


Nan Yan was stunned.

Normally, Duke Yu served by Zhu Feng's side. Why did he come at this time?

She put down the book and looked up, suddenly startled.

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