Hearing this sentence, Nan Yan laughed himself.

While smiling, he shook his head and said: "Looking back now, this palace is so bold. Give this palace another chance, I dare not do that again."

Duke Yu laughed and said, "The mother said and laughed."


"At that time, the lady who should be talking will still say, and the lady who should be doing will still do."


"This means that the country is easy to change and its nature is difficult to change."


"So, people who should be together can be together no matter what; people who shouldn't be together, even if God arranges them, they can separate themselves."


"Sometimes it is said that it is destined, but in fact, there are too many times when manpower can change the will of heaven."

Nan Yan listened and nodded gently.

She sighed, "Ms. Qin, that's what her father-in-law said, the latter one."

Grandpa Yu also nodded regretfully.

Then he said: "God gave it to her, but she didn't repair it well, and blamed herself; the empress has repaired, and now the empress has the emperor's favor, her sons and daughters, and the prince is so filial to the empress, it is considered a complete merit."


"There is a lesson from Ms. Qin's lessons, she must take care of herself, and she has this fate."

Nan Yan looked at Duke Yu's old, muddy, but not dull eyes.

After thinking about it, he nodded gently.

"My palace, understand."

Grandpa Yu said with a smile: "In that way, the slave and maid can leave without worry."

After speaking, he stood up.

Nan Yan immediately said, "Wait."

Grandpa Yu stood still, Nan Yan walked to the cabinet on one side. Although she never cared about her money, she knew how much Aunt Tongyun, the housekeeper, put the banknotes and broken silver in this cabinet. After opening it, Take out a stack of silver tickets.

Walked in front of Jade Father-in-law, and gave him directly.

Said: "When the father-in-law came, he said he was under the care of the palace. In fact, the palace knew in his heart that from the time the palace was with the emperor to the canonization, to this day, although the father-in-law did not do anything in front of the emperor, the father-in-law I didn't help my palace for less."

Duke Yu smiled.

South Yandao: "So these, father-in-law must not refuse. If you refuse, this palace will not be able to let go of the mountains and rivers."

Upon hearing her say so, Lord Yu didn't refuse.

He stretched out his hand to receive the banknotes without counting them, and put them directly into the baggage. He smiled and said, "When he returns home, the slave and maid will be the emperor, and he will set up a memorial tablet for longevity. Pray every day and hope you will live a long life."

Nan Yan patted the back of his hand like a dry bark.

She thought for a while, and then asked, "How will he live his father-in-law when he returns to his hometown?"

Grandpa Yu said with a smile: "The slave and maid had set up a house in his hometown, and the nephews and nephews and daughters of the slave were still there. Back then, the family could not afford to eat, so the parents sold the slave and the maid into the palace to support that one. Everyone, now, it's time for them to take care of the slaves."

Nan Yan nodded.

Then he said: "If the father-in-law goes back, if there is anything wrong, he will report it to the local officials at any time and pass the news back. If there is a problem, the emperor and the palace will not ignore it."

Duke Yu smiled.

The smile seemed gentle and indifferent, and said: "Manny, this time, it's better not to have any more news."


Hearing this, Nan Yan was taken aback.

But immediately, he also understood what he meant.

If there is no news, it means that he is stable in his hometown, and there is no difficulty at all; more importantly-

He left this time to completely annihilate the relationship between Qin Ruolan and the prince in the uproar of time. If he followed the normal procedures of the royal family, Grandpa Yu would not be able to leave alive, but Zhu Feng trusted him and gave it to him. With the opportunity to enjoy his old age, he would naturally not be able to reappear for the rest of his life, let alone reveal a little about Qin Ruolan and the prince.

That’s why he said, it’s better not to have any relationship.

Nan Yan smiled bitterly, and said softly: "My palace knows."

As she spoke, she sent Grandpa Yu to turn around.

Just as he walked to the door, Jade Gongyi wanted to stretch out his hand to push the door, and suddenly he seemed to think of something. Turning around, he said to Nan Yan casually, "Manny, servant girl remember, before the emperor's death, give The emperor and the empress left a box."


Nan Yan was stunned again.

The box left by Xinqing before her death was specially made. It is not easy to open without a key. Even if it needs to be opened, it takes a lot of manpower. So for the time being, she hasn't thought about handling it, but Nanyan knows that she will open it after all. of.

Unexpectedly, Grandpa Yu mentioned this.

Nanyan Road: "What about the box?"

Grandpa Yu thought for a while, then smiled again and said, "It's nothing."


"It's just that if you are not sure, don't open it."


"The imperial concubine did not directly hand over the things to the emperor, but to the empress. This is also the meaning. The empress should understand the key."


Nan Yan's heart moved slightly.

Fully grasp...

The "full confidence" that Yu Gonggong said was very vague, but as the people who had been with Zhu Feng, they all knew what it meant.

The memory that Zhu Feng lost had on him.

Although Xue Yun has restored most of his memories for him, and even some memories, they can be reopened with a little opportunity, but no one knows if he opens his memory, will he fall into the cold blood of the year. In the bloodthirsty frenzy.

The "grasp" he said was to control Zhu Feng's grasp.

Nan Yan thought for a while and said, "My palace understands."

Duke Yu smiled.

Finally, he bowed his hand to Nan Yan, then turned and pushed the door and walked out.

The outside was still like a scorching sun, illuminating the entire world with steam, as if to turn the entire imperial city into a steamer, but when Grandpa Yu left, his back was unexpectedly cold, even a little depressed.

I have spent most of my life in this palace, and leaving now is like uprooting a tree and throwing it to a strange place.

This is undoubtedly cruel to him.

However, there are some truths, more cruel.

If these truths cannot be buried, what remains will be the cruel reality.

Nan Yan kept watching his back disappear at the gate of Yonghe Palace, and then slowly walked back to the room. Later, Aunt Tongyun and the others were surprised to come over and want to ask about Yu Gonggong, but looked at Nan Yan. It’s not easy to ask a little bit desperately.

Until the evening, Zhu Feng came to Yonghe Palace again.

As soon as I walked in, I saw Nan Yan sitting on the couch blankly. In fact, he hadn't moved for a long time.

He walked over and sat in front of her.

Reached out and touched her cheek: "What are you in a daze?"

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