Although it was still winter, the snow and ice had not disappeared, and the roads were difficult to navigate, Zhu Feng was determined to go south, and people in all counties could only serve cautiously, sweeping away the snow and ice on the road and allowing the emperor's car to pass.

Arrive in Tianjin, transfer to waterway.

Originally thought that Zhu Feng's seasickness would be better after experiencing the previous bumps on the water, but he did not expect that this time he would be more dizzy than before.

Not long after boarding the ship, the whole person was no longer good, sitting in the cabin and vomiting a mess.

Nan Yan watched him vomiting bile, feeling distressed and anxious. While stretching out his hand on his back and patting to help him smooth, he raised his head and asked Wang Baizhi: "What the **** is going on? How is the emperor? Throw up so badly at once?!"

At this time, Wang Baizhi couldn't bother answering the concubine's question.

First, he sat up with Zhu Feng's support, wiped the dirt off his mouth with a handkerchief, and then pierced several acupuncture points with a needle. Seeing Zhu Feng's face was still pale, he didn't vomit anymore, Nan Yan Only relieved.

Wang Baizhi also stretched out his hand and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

He pulled Nan Yan aside, and said softly, "Manny, seasickness is not only related to the body, but also to the state of mind."

"State of mind?"

Upon hearing these two words, Nan Yan's brows wrinkled.

She turned her head and glanced at Zhu Feng, who was sitting on the bed, pale, almost dying.

Wang Baizhi said softly: "The matter of Lord Ye, the civil and military people of the Manchu dynasty know it is a knife that stuck in the emperor's heart, but the emperor has not vented it. This emotion has been pressed in the emperor's heart."


"One cannot relax with such a heavy burden."

Nan Yan bit her lower lip.

Why doesn't she know?

Zhu Feng didn't let his grief out because of Ye Qi's death, but he couldn't even control his emotions in the Prince's Mansion and vomited blood, which shows the blow to him.

However, he does not want to vent, who can do anything to him?

How could she not know, Zhu Feng kept holding back this tone.

Before the day of revenge for Ye Yu, he would never show his half-heartedness again.

So he said, "Never mind, what the emperor wants to do, only the emperor can be the master. This palace wants to ask you how to slow down the current situation of the emperor. If this continues, I am afraid that the emperor's dragon body has not yet reached Xingluo Lake. I can't hold it anymore!"

Wang Baizhi sighed and said: "This, I can only trouble the mother to solve the emperor."


"If the weather is good, go outside the cabin and move around, you won't vomit so much."

Nanyan Road: "Okay, I know it. You should go down and ask the pharmacy to prepare some medicine. Later, the palace will serve the emperor to administer the medicine."


Wang Baizhi retired.

Nan Yan watched him go out, and then slowly walked back to the bed, and saw Zhu Feng panting slightly. Even his eyelashes were wet with cold sweat, covering his thin eyelids. As he breathed, he trembled slightly. Never looked so fragile.

Nan Yan took out his handkerchief and gently wiped the sweat on his forehead.

Zhu Feng opened his eyes and glanced at her.

He whispered: "Just now, what did Wang Baizhi mutter to you? It's just like I'm going to heaven."

Nan Yan immediately said, "The emperor, don't talk nonsense."

Zhu Feng chuckled lightly. Although he was smiling, cold sweat continued to drip from his forehead. When he spoke, he gritted his teeth slightly. You can imagine that at this time, he was suppressing how uncomfortable his body was. feel.

Said: "Then what did he tell you?"

He glanced at Nan Yan again, and saw her thoughtful eyes, and said, "Is it for you to persuade me?"


Nan Yan also looked at Zhu Feng for a while.

But he shook his head and said: "The emperor knows what he should do, and my concubine does not persuade you. The emperor, my concubine will help you to walk on the outside deck so that you can be more comfortable."

Zhu Feng glanced at her.

There was a faint smile at the corner of his mouth. Although it was still uncomfortable, he reluctantly stretched out a hand, Nan Yan supported him, and the two slowly walked out of the cabin.

When boarding the ship, it was still noon. At this time, the sun was about to set.

A piece of blood on the mountain top in the distance was reflected in Zhu Feng's eyes.

Even though the others were still very weak and even breathing very quickly, at this time, Nan Yan could still see the vague killing intent in his eyes, hiding under the seemingly waveless calm.

Looking at him like this, Nan Yan didn't say much.

Just stretched one hand over and gently hugged his waist, bringing him closer to him.

Sure enough, after blowing the wind for a while, although it was a bit cold, Zhu Feng's face improved a lot. Nan Yan felt that his arm was a little colder before, so he said softly: "The emperor, let's go back."

Zhu Feng looked down at her and said, "Don't you persuade me?"


Nan Yan was stunned for a moment and saw Zhu Feng said: "You think that Wang Baizhi was muttering to you, but I really didn't hear anything."

Nan Yan smiled.

Zhu Feng said: "He asked you to solve me, but since the first day Ye Xun's incident came back, you haven't said anything to solve me."



Nan Yan looked up at his slightly red eyes by the setting sun, and said calmly: "The concubine has been with the emperor for so many years, how can I not know what to touch and what not to touch?"


"My concubine doesn't persuade Ye Yu."


"The concubine knows that the emperor now only needs a person to stand by your side."

The people who accompanied him before have already left one by one.

From Xu Miaoyin to Xinqing, from Qin Ruolan to Ye Yu, although Zhu Feng's memories were retrieved bit by bit, the people in his life seemed to slowly dissipate as the memories returned.

He is more painful than anyone else.

But as an emperor, he can't suffer, at least, can't show it, because once someone stabbed his weakness, it would be the same as before.

What I have to do at this time is to stay with him quietly, don't take risks easily, and don't worry him.

Hearing these words from Nan Yan, Zhu Feng smiled slightly.

In this smile, there was unspeakable relief, but there was also unspeakable sorrow.

He stretched out his hand and gently wrapped Nan Yan's slender waist, and said softly: "Yes, you are right."


"I don't want to do anything, Nan Yan, as long as you are still there, it is enough."

Nan Yan didn't say anything, but leaned his face lightly against his chest, and the two figures leaning together merged into one.

The setting sun stretched the shadows of the two people very long, and in the icy, knife-like wind, the big ship rode the wind and waves, and was fast sailing towards their destination, Xingluo Lake.

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