Nan Yandao: "Because, because I and them, we are in the same group."

When she finished saying this, she subconsciously grasped the quilt wrapped around her with both hands. Although it was about to enter summer, it was not so cold at night. Just now, she was still hot, but I don’t know why, at this moment. , She shuddered inexplicably.

Some even dare not look up at Zhu Feng's eyes.

In fact, it should not be this time.

After deciding to stay with him and never leave again, she thought about confessing to Zhu Feng countless times. About what happened before, she also thought countless times about what she should say and how to make him. Not so angry.

After all, the wrath of the emperor will break people to pieces.

But she didn't want to be crushed, no matter what happened in the past or what might happen in the future, in this life, she still wanted to stay by his side and accompany him to grow old.

Therefore, no matter how many psychological preparations she had made, she still did not dare to confess to him with a belief in death.

I never thought that I would confess to him that he would be in this situation.

There are wolves before and tigers behind, and there are dangers around him.

This, no matter what people see, at any time, is not the best time for her to confess.

However, she still spoke.

Because she didn't confess, she was really worried that Zhu Feng would go on her own way and really venture into Xingluo Lake personally. The danger there was beyond their imagination.

After saying this, she first closed her eyes, bowed her head, and even craned her neck, like a prisoner about to be beheaded on the execution ground, waiting for the sentence of fate.

But the next moment, she opened her eyes again.

He raised his head and looked at Xiang Zhu Feng.

In any case, no matter what his sentence was, she still wanted to see it with her own eyes. After all, this road was taken by herself and she chose by herself. She should bear it all by herself.

However, the expected fury did not come.

Even Zhu Feng's face didn't even have a surprised expression, he just raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at her intently.

It's not anger, it's not sad.

Just look at her.

Nan Yan was silent for a while, feeling that he was also silent. She gritted her teeth and said softly: "Don't believe the emperor, my concubine won't make jokes about this kind of thing."


"The concubine said these things because they can no longer hide them."


"If this continues, the emperor will really be in danger-the danger in Xingluo Lake is not only faced by the emperor Gao back then, but it may also be unexpected by the emperor."

Zhu Feng still looked at her quietly. After a while, he slowly said, "I see."


This time, Nan Yan was stunned.

Got it?

What kind of reaction is this?

He and the people in Xing Luohu are in the same group. For him, is it acceptable to just say "I know"?


When Nan Yan looked at him again, his eyes suddenly turned red, and his voice was choked with something hoarse, and said, "The emperor knows?"


"The emperor already knew?"


"Did the emperor know it a long time ago, or—"

Feeling a trace of panic in her panic, Zhu Feng did not scare her this time, but sighed and smiled, and then said: "Nan Yan, you know why I like to discuss with you sometimes. Political affairs, but never let the harem do politics?"

I don't know why he said this.

Nan Yan shook his head cautiously.

Zhu Feng smiled and said, "Because you are indeed very smart. I believe that there are many smart people among women, and even great wisdom."


"But your experience and vision have not yet reached the point where you can be the master in court."

Nan Yan still looked at him cautiously.

This is naturally true.

Zhu Feng has always liked to discuss political affairs with himself. On this point, he never shy away from it. His own words will also have some influence on his decisions, but he has never followed his own words to do things.

In fact, more often, he slowly guides himself in the process of discussing political affairs.

Even during the time he was assassinated and unconscious and he was listening to politics, although he was in charge of the major affairs of the court, in fact, everything was arranged by him before, and he was just a firm executor.

Without his guidance, Nan Yan knew that he would not be able to make such a decision based on his own experience and vision.

However, he now says this is--

Nan Yan looked at him carefully: "The emperor said, you--"

Zhu Feng said: "In fact, it's just one sentence, read more, think more, and less emotionally."


"Also, don't just look at the front, and don't just think about the present."

Nan Yan's mind is still a little confused.

Zhu Feng looked at her calmly for a while. In fact, Nan Yan may not be unable to think of it. It is just that she herself feels fear for some things. If people fear in their hearts, they will subconsciously avoid thinking and face them.

Zhu Feng said softly: "Back then, you and Li Bushang disappeared near here, don't you think that after you went back, you quarreled with me like that, and I really won't pursue it. After you were robbed by him, you Where have you been, what has happened to you?"


Nan Yan's heartbeat sank.

At this time, she also understood a little bit why it is difficult for a woman to have her own place in the court, not only because of experience and vision, but because women are really too easy to be manipulated by emotions. At that time, she actually thought, come back Zhu Feng made such a fuss, it can cover up what happened that night.

However, Zhu Feng was irritated by her on the surface, and immediately left the camp and left, but he still did not forget, and sent someone to check what happened that night.

A truly powerful person knows what he should do regardless of his regeneration.

It seems that I still have to learn.

But now, Nan Yan's breathing became more cautious. She looked at Zhu Feng with a pair of red eyes, as if she was afraid that Zhu Feng would suddenly become angry.

After all, this matter is not something that any emperor can easily let go.

However, Zhu Feng stretched out his hand, pressed lightly on her somewhat stiff shoulder, and then said: "You don't have to be afraid, if I really get angry with you, and want to kill you, I don't have to wait so many years."

Nan Yan's voice trembled slightly: "The emperor, what did you find?"

Zhu Feng looked at her and said calmly: "I know that you were taken away by a group of people and boarded a boat, and that boat went upstream after leaving."


"As for where the upstream is, I don't have to say anything."

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