"Well, just come out and recognize people."

As soon as the voice fell, a person walked out of the small door behind the front seat.

At this moment, even though she was prepared in her heart, Nan Yan couldn't help holding her breath, squinting at the ghostly figure, but when the person walked out from behind the seat, she couldn't help but dare Believe in your own eyes.

"The imperial concubine."

The thin and pale person faced her, his eyes were black and big, but there was no light in them, as if the soul had been sucked away, and only a hollow body was left facing them.

He said to Nan Yan, "It's been a long time."

"Why, how could it be you?"

Nan Yan opened his eyes wide in disbelief, and looked at the man up and down. Although it had been a long time, he was also haggard and thin and almost out of shape, but with a familiar outline and familiar face, Nan Yan still recognized it at a glance. Out.

It is because of recognition that I can't believe it even more.

After a long time, two words were hardly squeezed out of the throat——


The one standing next to that seat was not someone else, it was Ye Wei, who had already heard the news of his death before, and made Zhu Feng feel unhappy!

He is still alive!

Live in Xingluo Lake, live in this Tiangang Lianhuanwu!

Nan Yan was surprised and happy, and subconsciously pounced on him, trying to catch him and prove that he was alive, not a phantom that he saw.

But just when she was about to move forward, one hand stubbornly held her, and when she looked back, she was pale and sweaty. He was also panicked when he saw Ye Zhen appear. But he didn't forget his mission. He pressed Nan Yan's arm with a strong candle and shook his head at her: "Madam... Niang Niang, be careful!"

At this time, there is no need to hide your identity.

Ye Xu appeared, and he had already called Nan Yan "The Concubine Empress" himself, and their identities could not be hidden at all.

And listening to Fu's words, like a bucket of cold water, poured down his head suddenly, Nan Yan woke up with a sharp spirit, and slowly turned his head to look at Ye Wei.

"You, why are you here?"

Besides this sentence, she still has many questions.

Why are you not dead?

Why are you in this place, and seem to be with these people?

Why do you show up at this time to identify me?

These words did not have time to say, I saw a slight, even indifferent smile floating on Ye Yu’s pale face, as if he had heard some ironic joke. These two people have known each other for many years. Unseen face.

Ye Xu looked at her and said, "Why can't I be here?"


"Couldn't I be here?"


"Or do you think that I should have my head cut off and send a headless corpse back? In this way, you can sit back and relax completely, and you don't have to worry about how to hide or deceive me in the future. "

Nan Yan's brows wrinkled suddenly.

Although she had never thought that Ye Xun was still alive, and she could see him here, but even the surprise to see Ye Xun appear in front of him alive was no better than hearing these words from his mouth. The shock.

Ye Xu's attitude towards her, or rather, towards them, was completely hostile.

Nan Yan whispered: "Ye Yu, what's wrong with you?"

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