Zhu Chengjin said: "They are all defeated generals, why bother?"

Xu Shizong shook his head and said, "Although they are the defeated generals, this time they were defeated too fast and did not suffer too much. Such'defeated generals' can easily assemble. Moreover, they guard Jinling all the year round. The city knows more about this place than we do. If they are allowed to form a climate at that time, it will pose a great threat to us in the city."

Zhu Chengjin sneered and said: "The defeat quickly proves that this is just a mob. It's not bad that they can save their lives. Can they still gather?"

Xu Shizong said: "Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case."


"Furthermore, there is a belief in the military. The influence of that person in the military cannot be underestimated."


"Don't forget, the son, in Yongzhou City, he used his own power to instigate Taining and Fuyu two guards of the Doyan three guards who originally belonged to King Jing. At that time, they were still hostile."

Hearing this, Zhu Chengjin frowned.

Nan Yan couldn't help but look up at Xu Shizong, his eyes deeper.

Although this person is sick, it seems that a gust of wind can blow down—Of course, now, she knows that this is just a real-looking illusion. If a gust of wind can blow down, how could he lead his troops to break through Jinling City— -But what is even more frightening is that this person looks weak, but knows the military well.

He even analyzed Zhu Feng so thoroughly that he didn't let it go.

Zhu Chengjin thought for a while, then said slowly: "The military teacher is right."


"Since this group of people should not be underestimated, then send people to step up the pursuit and do their best to eliminate evil. They must be cleaned up so that Jinling City will be safe."

Xu Shizong said: "Yes."

Zhu Chengjin nodded, then squinted at him: "Also, where is the palace?"

Xu Shizong said: "The troops have already been dispatched. The first step is to clean up the palace. All the previous guards will not be kept."

Zhu Chengjin said, "Is there no general?"

Xu Shizong said: "Yes."

"Yes, where is it?"

"It has been detained, locked in the row of houses behind Wuying Hall, and will be executed secretly later."

Nan Yan frowned again, but didn't say anything, just stared at him.

Zhu Chengjin chuckled and said, "Military strategist, shouldn't we recruit more generals at this time? Executing these people at this time will probably affect the general situation?"

Xu Shizong said calmly, "So, it was a secret execution."


"These generals are guarding the palace. This place is even more critical. It is directly related to the life and death of the son and all of us. These people must not stay."


"Foreigners, we are still recruiting, surrendering and accepting rebels, and we are not affected."

Zhu Chengjin thought for a while, then smiled and nodded: "Well, the military teacher is extremely concerned."

Nan Yan looked at Zhu Chengjin again, his body was already a little cold, and when he clenched his fists, he noticed that the palms were full of cold sweat.

This person, inside and outside, has considered everything so detailed, almost as an exhaustive plan. Moreover, when it is time to start, he will kill the killer without mercy, let alone leave himself with a little trouble.

No wonder, he will become the "god" behind Zhu Chengjin's help.

It is a pity that such a person cannot be used by Zhu Feng.

Thinking of this, her brows tightened.

This man, with such a talent in the world, and the elder brother of Empress Renxiao, even his younger brother followed Zhu Feng to become a general. It can be said that he is close to the water. Why would he not get the moon first? Why not serve for the court, but help Zhu Chengjin instead?

At this moment, a person suddenly ran over outside the hall and stood at the door saying: "Military officer."

Zhu Chengjin suddenly furious: "Can't you see me here?!"

It was an ordinary soldier. He came running out of breath and was originally to report the matter. Suddenly he saw Zhu Chengjin and made him angry, so he fell on his knees with a fright, "Master, Master!"

Xu Shizong covered his mouth and coughed twice, and said, "They didn't expect the son to come so soon, and they hope to forgive him."

Zhu Chengjin let out a heavy sigh.

Then there was a smile on his face, and he said, "Well, I came at an untimely time."

Xu Shizong glanced at him, but didn't say anything, but said to the soldier outside: "What's the matter, let's talk."

The little soldier said: "Several halls of the previous dynasty have been cleaned up, and there are no other people waiting; the harem is still sending more people to clean up, and I will report it later."

Xu Shizong nodded and waved to make him retreat.

Then turned around, bowed to Zhu Chengjin respectfully, and said, "My son, it's getting late, do you want to rest first?"

Zhu Chengjin waved his hand: "It's still early."

"Then, let's see if the son will first inspect the several halls in the palace, or execute those people first."


Zhu Chengjin didn't answer immediately, but squinted for a moment. Nan Yan saw a cold light flashing in his eyes, and then he sneered and said: "The inspection is naturally to inspect, and to kill you must kill."

Xu Shizong looked at him: "That son is—"

Zhu Chengjin said: "I want to go to a place first, let people go to the back of Wuying Hall, and bring those comrades over."


Xu Shizong immediately walked out of the hall and gave orders to the people who stopped outside. Those people immediately retreated. Then, Zhu Chengjin also walked out of the hall. He stood at the door and half-turned his head to look at Nan Yan, and said with a sneer: " Dare to go?"

Nan Yan sneered with a calm face.

At this time, it is no longer a question of dare to dare.

Besides, she has nothing to fear.

It’s just that now Xu Sezong is in front of her, she doesn’t want to talk more. For a person of this level, one more sentence will expose herself more. This person’s eyes see people through the flesh and flesh, and to deal with him, caution and self-restraint are the first One.

So she followed out silently.

Xu Shizong also glanced at Nan Yan, but didn't say much, only when the cold night breeze blew, he covered his mouth and coughed softly. A young boy like a young man next to him immediately stepped forward and gave a piece of The wind cloak draped on him.

Xu Shizong nodded, stretched out his big pale hand to draw Fengcloak a little, and then asked Zhu Chengjin, "I don't know where the son is going?"

Zhu Chengjin said: "Let's go."

He didn't say anything. Everyone could only follow. Nan Yan followed him and walked almost side by side with Xu Shizong. On the way, he coughed more than four or five times, and held his handkerchief several times, almost stopped. Not down.

But Zhu Chengjin never stopped.

After walking for a while, they arrived at a palace. Nan Yan frowned as soon as he raised his head.

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