Xu Shizong said coldly: "Could it be that you just thought of it?"


Nan Yan gasped sharply.

Jian Tongguang, everyone in the Jian family!

That one has turned into a nightmare for her, and it is still difficult to get out of the massacre. Since it happened, they have not figured out the truth. Jian Ruocheng must have doubted Zhu Feng, because at that time, Zhu Feng had just lost his memory, and because of himself and herself Jian Ruocheng's relationship was so resentful that he even sent someone to Jian's house after his quarrel.

Everyone doubts him.

However, no one would have imagined that someone took advantage of this opportunity to fish in troubled waters and put the killing of the door alive on his head.

Nan Yan's voice became dumb. When she spoke, she seemed to have a file grinding her throat. She said word by word: "It's you, it's you!"

Xu Shizong looked up at her, and said with a cold expression and voice: "Jian Tongguang, **** it."


Nan Yan just felt a buzz in her head, as if a fire rushed from the soles of her feet to the top of her head, almost exploding her skin and flesh. She grabbed the table next to Xu Shizong who had just finished drinking the medicine. The bowl, raising his hand, was about to hit Xu Shizong's head.

But when she was about to do it, Xu Shizong raised his eyes and gave her a faint look.

Although this look is an understatement, it reveals an indescribable force.

He calmly said, "Madame Qingben, it doesn't have to be this way."


"If the imperial concubine really wants to kill me, there will naturally be many opportunities in the future. I really shouldn't do it myself."


"I'm also afraid of hurting my concubine."

Nan Yan gritted his teeth and forcibly endured the movements on his hands, and found a trace of clarity in his heart.

Yes, I was at Zichen Palace just now. I have already seen his skill. Even Zhu Chengjin was surprised. As a Confucian student, he was obviously not a sour Confucian who only thought about it, but really like himself. Said, it is Wenneng Dingguo Wu Neng Anbang.

Do it yourself with him, let alone pick up the cheap.

Life-saving is the same thing.

Xu Shizong looked at her calmly, and then said: "The concubine has a precious character, so she really shouldn't do such a move."

Nan Yan gritted his teeth, stared at him for a while, and slowly put the bowl down.

She took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Xu Sejong, this palace is indeed like killing you, but you are right. What a character in this palace, you shouldn’t kill you if you want to kill, and you don’t deserve to die. The subordinates of this palace, to you, this method of death is to praise you."

Xu Shizong didn't feel annoyed, he just smiled and looked at Nan Yan: "The concubine lady thinks, how should I die?"

Nan Yan smiled and said, "Perhaps you have thought about it, but I can tell you that you can't make it to the two."


"You should-die before leaving the school."


"You should die in bed, and for the overall situation, helpless and helpless death!"

The only candlestick in the room flickered, and the flickering candlelight shone on Xu Shizong's pale face, and his face seemed to sink.

After a long time, he smiled faintly and looked at Nan Yan: "Why does the empress say such vicious words?"

South flue: "My palace is malicious?"


"Then when you destroy Jane's house, wouldn't you be vicious?"


"There are dozens of people in the Jian family, Mrs. Jiahe is so kind, and a person who has nothing to do with the world, died under your knife, even-even a child as small as Xiao Yu, you will not let it go, why do you have this? Said my face is vicious?"

Xu Shizong's face shook again.

After a long time, he sighed sadly, and said, "Nothing."


"Even on my head, why not?"

Nan Yan frowned and looked at him, she could see it more or less, Xu Shizong might not really want to destroy Jian’s family. For him, Jian Tongguang deserved to die. He might not bear the heart for others to truly do such crazy things. Yes, it should be Zhu Chengjin.

However, when the knife was cut down, the one who passed the knife and the one who held the knife was the murderer!

So Nan Yan said coldly: "Naturally it will count on you."


"But no one can escape. Good and evil will pay off."

After speaking, she flicked her sleeves fiercely and turned to leave.

Pushing the door out, Tingfu, who had been standing outside waiting intently, immediately greeted him: "Niang, are you okay?"

Nan Yan shook his head: "It's okay, let's go."

Tingfu immediately helped her to walk to the house next to him. Before leaving, Nan Yan looked back at Xu Shizong in the room again, wondering if those words just pierced his heart, or the door suddenly opened and the night breeze blew. Going in made him a little unbearable. He leaned on the bed and coughed vigorously, almost falling out of the bed. The little man named Xiaoman immediately rushed in to help him: "My son! My son!"

Nan Yan glanced at them, narrowed his eyes slightly, and turned away.

The house Xu Shizong arranged for her was indeed larger than the other houses. Although this place was still too crude for Nanyan, who was a noble concubine, it was already quiet and stable compared to the bumps on the ship a few days ago.

But Nan Yan was not in a relaxed mood.

Too many things happened on this day, especially what caught her off guard was the truth about the massacre of Jian’s family. This incident entangled her all night like a poisonous snake. Even when she fell asleep, she always felt uneasy in her dreams. Bian seemed to be able to hear Mrs. Jiahe's gentle voice, and Xiao Yu's real laugh that day.

She wants revenge!

This incident has actually been branded in her heart. She has never forgotten it over the years. Now that she knows who did it, she will naturally care about what to do next.

In any case, now is not the time for her to be vulnerable.

After getting up, she saw a baggage that Tingfu brought with her on the table. There was nothing else in it, just the clothes that two people changed and washed. When they were brought to Tiangang Lianhuanwu, they were checked by Zhu Chengjin. She took out a dress to change it, smoothed the collar and dusted the sleeves, then opened the door and went out.

As soon as I pushed the door, I saw Tingfu curled up asleep at the door.

Stayed all night.

Nan Yan suddenly felt distressed. This child had been with him for so many years, and naturally he had received a lot of rewards. He was also a man with a face in the palace, but this time he took his life in, and there was no complaint.

Nan Yan bent down and woke him up to let him go back to the house to sleep for a while, when suddenly he smelled a strong smell of medicine.

She frowned and turned around immediately.

I saw a small stove next to Xu Shizong’s room. The little man named Xiaoman was squatting there. The fan fanned the fire and boiled medicine. As soon as he saw Nan Yan, he immediately got up and said, "Honey Empress, wake up. Up."

Nan Yan glanced at him, and didn't say much, but only said "um".

The child is also very diligent, and immediately said: "I have someone bring you hot water."

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