"If I'm not wrong, especially those officials who served him in the past and later returned to the emperor, he would not let him go, right?"

This time, even Xu Shizong, who has always been calm and composed, was a little surprised.

He looked at Nan Yan, squinted his eyes slightly, and then said: "The imperial concubine has such a scheming city mansion, but it is a pity that she is confined to the harem to be a favorite consort."

Nan Yan smiled and said, "Your flattery, I can hear you use it."


"However, this is not the scheming city of this palace, but it is - this palace has experienced it once, and naturally it is clearer than you.

"Experienced it once?"

Hearing this, Xu Shizong thought about it again and immediately understood.

Nan Yan smiled and said: "You are late and missed the excitement. When the emperor launched the Battle of Jingnan and attacked the Jinling Palace, he killed the corpses all over the field, blood flowed into rivers, and those who refused to surrender him. The ministers, all of them have imperial knives hanging on their heads."


"The scenes back then, I still remember the scenes, how can I forget them."

Xu Shizong said: "But in the end, he only killed a general who followed him into Jinling City."

South flue: "Not bad."

"Who is that, persuading the emperor to put down the killing knife?"

"Naturally is the person next to him."

Nanyan Road: "He Yi, Ye Yu, these people have spoken."


"If he hadn't spoken at that time, then how could he become his minister?"

Hearing these words, Xu Sezong couldn't help but sneered.

Nan Yan also knows that these words are just like a joke. Zhu Feng’s confidant once followed him in the war in the North and the South. He Yi is the middle book Zuo Cheng he entrusted with the important task, even if it was later established. After the cabinet, he was also the cabinet's chief assistant; and Ye Yu was the only person Zhu Feng took to his heart.

But now--

Ye Xu, needless to say.

And He Yi, what was going on with him, even though he came over this time and saw that it was not him who attacked Jinling City, Nan Yan was finally relieved, but this did not mean that the doubts on He Yi could be explained clearly.

Xu Shizong said, "You said Ye Xu had persuaded him, but this time, he didn't say a word."


Nan Yan's eyes flickered slightly after listening.

Immediately sneered: "It seems that he has also learned to protect himself."


"At this time, the foolish dare to go up and hit the knife."

After that, she looked at Xu Shizong again, and said with a smile but a smile: "Aren't you scholars always wanting to fight for the death of war? How, is the old man Xu planning to do it?"

Xu Shizong said calmly: "You don't have to arouse me."


"Thousands of people obstruct me will do what should be done, and if you arouse me, I will not do it."

Nan Yan smiled and said, "I'm just worried."

"What are you afraid of?"

"Worry about Mr. Xu's body, if you go on like this, can you still survive the day when you send the Buddha to the West?"

After speaking, she smiled slightly and walked out of the room.

Behind her, Xu Shizong coughed violently, shaking the whole house, and the cough couldn't be stopped. Xiao Man heard that his coughing sound was wrong, and rushed to help him. Nan Yan just left. When I went outside, I heard Xiao Man shouting worriedly: "My son, blood!"

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