"Is this what you want him to do?"


Nan Yan's face instantly became paler.

Although she couldn't admit it, Zhu Chengjin did stabbing the most vulnerable place in her heart.

If Zhu Feng is not dead, if he is still alive, then he really hasn’t sent a single soldier all the way, and just watched all this happen, and even next, if Xu Sezong can really put down Jiangnan Power, Zhu Chengjin might rule with him.

And he will stay here forever.

Zhu Feng, if he is okay, is he really watching this happen?

With only this thought in her mind, Nan Yan gritted her teeth and shook her head vigorously, as if trying to throw this absurd idea out of her head, she said in a deep voice, "Impossible!"

Zhu Chengjin looked at her with a smile.

He didn’t say much to prove that his statement was correct. He just calmed down and planted this thorn in Nan Yan’s heart. It was enough for him, because originally, every day, Nan Yan would Waiting for news from outside is a hopeful day; but every day now is more like torture.

He was originally the most tormenting person.

However, since seeing Nan Yan, this "dang Dynasty noble concubine" relied on his not to kill her, and took the lead in words. Just like the two people eating together before, she was so angry with Zhu Chengjin. Can hardly eat anything.

However, Zhu Chengjin is obviously not a person who will suffer.

Seeing Nan Yan's face turned pale, he smiled and picked up the bowls and chopsticks in front of him, and said, "Okay, let's eat."


Nan Yan frowned and glanced at him gloomily.

Having just said those words, until now, her heart seems to be tightly pinched by a black hand, and she is almost out of breath.

How could it be possible to eat.

But Zhu Chengjin picked up the bowls and chopsticks, and after eating a little, he looked at her with a smile and said, "Why don't you eat?"


"Okay, I get it now."


"When the imperial concubine of the dynasty, if you want to eat, you will naturally have some battles. Speaking of which, you are also born in the family of Zhongmingding Food.


"Come here."

He suddenly gave an order, and there was a sound of footsteps outside.

From the moment he spoke, Nan Yan realized that Zhu Chengjin was afraid that he had any calculations. Hearing the sound of footsteps outside, she subconsciously turned her head and saw that the soldiers dragged a group of officials to the outside of Wuying Hall.

Those officials were Zhu Feng who stayed in Jinling City before and were in charge of the administration on the southern side, but now, they were stripped of the government office one by one, with their hands tied behind their backs, their hair disheveled, and their noses and faces swollen. Some people who were afraid of death had already begun to sorrow and beg for mercy. Of course, there were also some tough ones, who didn't say a word, but stared at Zhu Chengjin with red eyes.

Zhu Chengjin didn't look at them, but only ordered: "Execute."

As soon as the words fell, the soldiers immediately pushed these people to the ground, and then took up the heavy wooden sticks in their hands and hit them.

Suddenly, wailing sounded everywhere.

There were a few officials who were very old and couldn't stand it at all. After dozens of sticks, they were already covered in flesh, and there was no sound. After a while, blood flowed down the motionless corpse, even to the gate of Wuying Hall.

The strong smell of blood in the air instantly overwhelmed the taste of the dishes on the table.

Nan Yan couldn't help feeling nauseous.


Of course she knew that Zhu Chengjin was killing people, and that they were killing Zhu Feng's officials who stayed in Jinling, especially those who had served him and later returned to the new dynasty. Xu Shizong had already come to persuade him to come over.

But she didn't expect that Zhu Chengjin would drag these people up while they were eating together and beat them to death in front of her.

Tingfu's face also turned pale.

Dragonfly, who was standing beside Tingfu, had seen such a battle there, and hid behind Tingfu in shock.

Zhu Chengjin smiled and said, "What's wrong? Why don't you eat it?"


"Could it be that this'music' is not loud enough?"

After speaking, he said coldly: "Speak louder!"

When the soldiers outside the execution heard it, they were even more motivated to suckle, and the officials screamed miserably, and even interrupted several sticks one after another.

Nan Yan's brows wrinkled into a lump.

How could she not know that this was Zhu Chengjin torturing her, deliberately letting her watch these officials be killed in front of her eyes, and she knew very well in her heart that even if she persuaded her, Zhu Chengjin would not listen at all.

not to mention--

From the overall situation, she cannot persuade.

However, knowing in my heart is one thing, watching so many people be beaten bloody, the suffering in my heart is another.

Nan Yan sat at the table, facing a table of wine and delicacies. At this moment, she only felt like she wanted to vomit, but she couldn't even turn her head to look outside.

There was cold sweat on the palms and forehead.

And Zhu Chengjin didn't look outside either. While eating, he looked up at Nan Yan, as if his pale face and unbearable expression were the best scenery.


I heard another scream outside, and another official was tortured and died under a wooden stick.

Nan Yan finally couldn't help it, and raised his head.

But at this moment, a deep voice sounded outside: "Stop!"

Nan Yan's throat was suffocated, and she finally swallowed the voice that she was about to utter alive. She immediately turned her head, and saw Xiao Man holding on to Xu Shizong, whose face was pale and pierced, almost unsteady. come over.

When he saw him, Zhu Chengjin's face sank.

However, he slowly put down the bowls and chopsticks, took the veil from the hand of the maid next to him, wiped his mouth, and threw the veil to the person. Then he turned his head and saw Xu Sezong slowly walk into Wu Ying. Dian, bowed his hand to him: "The son."

"military adviser,"

Zhu Chengjin said with a faint smile, "Didn't the military teacher go back to recover? Why, come here again?"

Xu Shizong glanced back. There were already several corpses lined up outside with blood all over the floor. He gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "The son has promised me before and will reconsider this matter. Why--"

"Yes, I promised you."

Zhu Chengjin said indifferently: "But I just promised you to consider it. But the result of my consideration is that these people cannot stay."

When Xu Shizong heard this, he coughed violently.

Zhu Chengjin frowned in disgust.

Xu Shizong coughed and the corners of his mouth turned red again, but he immediately wiped it with the veil in his hand so that no one would find it, and then resisted his weakness, and said in a deep voice, "Master, these people can't be killed!"

Zhu Chengjin sneered and said: "The previous generals were killed, why can't they?"


"Could it be that the military division only wants to kill military commanders, but he wants to buy the support of civilian officials?"

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