Just now, is it a dream?

She was in a daze and at a loss, there was a very light knock on the door.


Nan Yan immediately regained consciousness, and even the little confusion and confusion in his eyes that had just been brought out from the dream was swept away, his eyes were cold immediately, and the dragonfly's voice sounded outside the door: "It's me. Concubine, you are awake." ?"


Nan Yan breathed a sigh of relief when she heard her voice.

Looking back at the large piece of the pillow soaked in her tears, she reached out and turned the pillow over, then said to the outside: "Get up, come in."


Dragonfly then opened the door and entered, holding a copper basin and towel in his hand. As soon as the door opened, he saw the dazzling sunlight outside. Nan Yan squinted his eyes slightly: "When is the time?"

Dragonfly said: "It's almost time."


Nan Yan frowned, unexpectedly she would sleep till this time.

However, she subconsciously glanced outside and asked: "Just now, was anyone here just now?"


Originally, Dragonfly put the water-filled copper basin on the wooden stand. Hearing her words, he looked back and shook his head: "No."


"Even those two, Brother Tingfu and I won't let them get close to the empress."


Nan Yan nodded softly when he heard the words.

So, the ones just now are dreams.

That warm, familiar big hand is only in her dream.

In fact, she also knows that this is not another place, but the Jinling Palace. Even if it was in Tiangang Lianhuanwu, Zhu Feng might show up with someone, but this place is absolutely impossible. Zhu Chengjin finally won I took back Jinling City and regained my own Jinling Palace. Naturally, I was guarded strictly inside and out. It was difficult for a fly to fly in, let alone a big living person.

Besides, even if Zhu Feng really wants to come, at least, he has to break through Jinling City.

But now, Jinling's city is as solid as golden soup, and Xu Shifeng hasn't even been able to get through the river, so how could he have appeared in Jinling Palace.

However, knowing in your mind is one thing, and expecting in your heart is another.

Feeling such real tenderness in the dream, she suddenly woke up and everything was fake, which inevitably made her a little bit disappointed. Nan Yan sat on the bed and didn’t move for a while. Dragonfly used water for washing her face and gargle. Qingyan was ready. Seeing that she wasn't moving, he walked over and said softly: "Emperor Concubine, what are you thinking?"


Nan Yan looked up at her, shook his head immediately, got up and walked over to wash.

After washing up in a while, she sat in front of the dressing table, and Dragonfly combed her hair clumsily. After all, Dragonfly was also served by someone before, and combed her hair so that she stumbled, but Nan Yan did not dislike her, she only looked at her in the bronze mirror with her head down, with a thoughtful expression on her face. Ran in.


In the past few days after living in Yikun Palace, unlike living behind Wuying Hall, few people have access to Taoism. The only way to get information is to listen to Fu and sneak out to inquire about the news outside. He ran in and Nan Yan immediately asked, "Did you hear anything again?"

Ting Fu said: "The slave servant just heard several guards outside talking. It seems that there was movement on the other side of the river last night, as if a lot of people had gathered."

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