As soon as the voice fell, Nan Yan had already walked over, and opened the concealed door with a bang.

There was a person standing in that room.

"Sister Dragonfly?"

When Duoer, who was following Nan Yan, saw the person standing inside, he couldn't help but whispered, and said in surprise: "Why are you here again? I didn't see you just now."


Dragonfly looked at them with a pale face.

Nan Yan also stood at the door, staring at her silently.

To be precise, it was staring at her messy clothes, fluffy hair, and even the scarring bruises on the slender white wrist that exposed the sleeves.

Tingfu and another young **** Jiang Dahe were so frightened that they retreated immediately when they saw her.

Tingfu stood outside the door and said, "Dragonfly, what are you doing?"

At this time, Nan Yan took a step inside.

Duo'er was going to follow her in, but she saw Nan Yan coldly saying, "Go out and guard outside."

Duo'er and Tingfu looked at each other. The others didn't quite understand, but Tingfu suddenly felt something. He stretched out his hand and waved to Duo'er. Duoer hurriedly withdrew and closed the door.

In the room, only Nanyan and Dragonfly were left.

There is also a faint candle that has just been lit.

The candlelight swayed as Nan Yan walked in step by step, and the light and shadow of the whole house shook, as if this small house was also shaking and would collapse at any time.

As she approached, Dragonfly lowered her head and kept backing away.

In the end, she retreated to the wall, and as soon as her shoulder hit the cold and hard wall, she had nowhere to go, and she dared not raise her head. She could only wait for Nan Yan to walk up to her, watching her shrug slightly. She held her shoulders, as if she couldn't wait to shrink the whole person into a ball, shrinking to the way he couldn't see it.

Of course, what she had just seen, her bruised wrists were also retracted into her sleeves.

But Nan Yan reached out and grabbed her wrist.


I don’t know if I was scared or caught in a sore spot. Dragonfly whispered in pain, but she couldn’t hold Nan Yan to grab her hand forcefully, her sleeves fell down, and her wrist was obviously tied. The bruises and the white forearms, the shocking pink scars that showed what she had experienced during the time she had just disappeared, all appeared in front of Nan Yan at a glance.

Dragonfly's face turned red and white, and he didn't even have the strength to look up at Nan Yan.

I just want to take my hand hard.

However, the lingering, or torture, just now has completely exhausted her energy, even if Nan Yan is usually just a noble, pampered concubine, at this time, she actually broke free. not open.

I can only mutely said: "Niang Niang..."

Her voice is also hoarse, which is the result of excessive use of her voice this night.

Upon hearing her voice, Nan Yan's eyes were more like a layer of frost, and a sneer appeared on her face.

She slowly let go of Dragonfly's hand, and Dragonfly wiped off her sleeves immediately, covering all traces on her arms, as if she was trying to cover her whole body.

Nan Yan said lightly: "You actually came back alive."

"... Niang Niang."

"Then you are really lucky."


"My palace remembers that almost all the people who served him before the palace died in his bed. Two lucky ones came back alive, both were crazy, and were later taken away."


"Thinking about it now, I'm afraid I will die long ago."

The dragonfly had been standing in the corner of the wall, shivering violently when he heard these words.

Nan Yan slowly walked to the table and sat down, putting one hand on the edge of the table. Although she seemed calm when she said these words, if you look closely, you will find that her fingertips seem to be careless. Picking up the desktop, using this method to suppress her feelings.

She lowered her eyes, looked at the candlelight swaying in front of her, and said, "The night when the emperor entered Jinling City, the palace was also sent to his bed. I originally thought that he would not survive that night."


"But the emperor saved the palace."


"After that, no matter how the relationship between this palace and the emperor changed, or even how much love and hatred there was, there is one thing that this palace has never forgotten. It was the emperor who rescued this palace from that person’s bed and saved it. One life."


"He is not only my man, my love, but also my savior."

At this point, her eyes were red.

Dragonfly looked up at her quizzically, and whispered: "Emperor Concubine Empress."

Nan Yan smiled suddenly, as if dragging her emotions back from the past, although her face was already pale at this time.

Because the man who used to stand in front of her like a mountain and shielded her from countless winds and rains, the man who she thought would stay with her until she grows old, and the two will never be separated again. At this moment, it is life or death. Dare to speculate.

As long as a speculation, the unacceptable possibility will come to her mind.

She will go crazy.

Thinking of this, her nails were digging **** the tabletop, almost abruptly piercing in, even Dragonfly saw the blue veins on the back of her hand.

After a long time, Nan Yan looked up at Dragonfly, and said in a deep voice, "You can come back alive, but someone will save you."


"I want to come, probably your father and mother's spirit in the sky is protecting you."

The dragonfly trembled suddenly.

Nan Yan took another deep breath, stood up slowly by supporting the edge of the table, looked at her and said: "In the beginning, you had to follow this palace. You chose this path yourself. Now, you are on his bed. , This path is also your own choice."


"Since I have chosen, I have to go on my own."

Dragonfly kept her head down. When she heard these words, she finally raised her head slowly and took a look at Nan Yan, and said softly, "Yes."


Hearing her saying this, Nan Yan's breathing stopped for a moment.

But then she turned her head and walked out.

As soon as I left the house, I saw Tingfu with Duoer and Jiang Dahe standing not far from the door. Although she did not dare to eavesdrop, she had already guessed that it happened with Tingfu following her experience in the palace for so many years. What? As soon as he saw Nan Yan coming out, he immediately stepped forward: "Niang Niang."

Nanyan Road: "Let her stay here tonight, clean up tomorrow morning, and send it to Wuying Hall."


"Here in this palace, the three of you are enough."

Hearing Fu heard these words, the big rock in his heart was also heavily pressed down. These days, he hasn't seen the changes in the dragonfly, but he can't believe it, but everything tonight can be believed if you don't believe it. .

He glanced at the quiet little room behind Nan Yan.

Whispered: "Yes."

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