Golden Age Of Phoenix: Tyrant’s First Class Virtuous Imperial Concubine

Chapter 3090: My palace is killing people, didn't you see?

He squeezed the three tips that Xu Sezong had just given him, took two steps back to look at Nan Yan, and turned around to run.

At this time, Nan Yan said solemnly: "Listen to the blessing, do it!"

As soon as the voice fell, I saw a figure flashing in front of him. Hearing Fu rushed up and stopped Xiaoman who was about to run out of Le Zhizhai. One hand strangled his thin neck, and was severely caught in his elbow. .

The people outside were also alarmed.

Just now, Xu Shizong's low whistle was the biggest sound Nan Yan and the others had made since they entered Lezhizhai.

Lu Guangwei and the others had been waiting outside. They only heard a noise inside. They didn't know what happened. At this moment, when they heard Xu Shizong's shout, they felt something was wrong and rushed in.

The guard standing at the door also stopped them: "Several people, the son ordered—"


Lu Guangwei was in a hurry, so he overturned two people and rushed in with Guo Mi and the others.

As soon as he rushed into Lezhizhai, he saw Tingfu holding Xiaoman's head with both hands. When he saw them coming in, Xiaoman was about to reach out for help, only to see Tingfu gritted his teeth and twisted it sharply.


Lu Guangwei shouted when he saw the situation, but it was too late.

Just listen to a "click" sound.

Xiaoman's neck bone was twisted abruptly, and his whole person was like a broken puppet, falling softly from Tingfu's hand and lying on the ground.

Lu Guangwei and the others rushed up and reached out to touch Xiaoman's neck. His neck bone was broken and his nose was out of breath.

"Bastard stuff!"

Although Lu Guangwei and the others are at odds with Xu Shizong, this is their place after all, and Xu Shizong can be regarded as their people. This imperial concubine, Si Nanyan, even indulged her subordinates to kill people in front of them. It was a rebellion.

Lu Guangwei stood up and kicked Tingfu's stomach fiercely.

Tingfu just broke Xiaoman’s neck bone and was caught off guard by kicking him. He kicked him directly against the wall. He screamed and fell to the ground with a **** nose and mouth. Almost fainted.

But Guo Mi couldn't manage this at all.

He hurriedly walked to the bed and saw Xu Shizong's face was like gold paper, his breath was weak, and only the breath that came in was left, and there was no breath left. He hurriedly picked up Xu Shizong and said loudly, "Military strategist, how are you? Up!"


"Military strategist, just say, what do you want to explain, what do you want to give to the son?"


"Military teacher, speak, speak!"

Amid his shouts, Xu Sezong’s breath became weaker and weaker. Those eyes that had been so clear all his life, before he died, for the first time appeared a dazed look, even a little helpless and hopeless, he finally He glanced at Nan Yan with a solemn expression, even standing in front of him with a trembling Nan Yan, trying to say something, but after all, he was powerless to return.

Finally, he let out a long breath and closed his eyes.

"Military division! Military division!"

Guo Mi shouted loudly, but the body in his hand that was so thin that he could not imagine it had slowly become cold and hard.

At this moment, he was also a little confused.

Looking at Xu Shizong's gray face blankly, he still couldn't believe it, until he stretched out his trembling fingers to Xu Shizong's mouth and nose, and there was no more breath, he slowly put Xu Shizong back on the bed. .

Lu Guangwei rushed up: "How?"

Guo Mi looked back at him and shook his head gently.


Lu Guangwei couldn't believe it.

Although they all knew that Xu Shizong’s body might not be delayed for these two days, they really did not expect that he would just leave like this, and just before they came in, they clearly heard Xu Shizong said that he wanted to give something to the son, but When they rushed in, they only saw this Sinanyan ordering his men to kill.

What happened inside?

Although he doesn't know anything yet, Guo Mi has keenly sensed that something serious has happened.

He immediately turned his head and said loudly to Ge Long who rushed in with them: "Quickly, go report to the son, saying that the military division is dead, something has happened here!"

Ge Long followed them in and was shocked to see this scene. He was originally standing at the door unable to move. He seemed to wake up when he heard Guo Mi's words. He nodded hurriedly: "Oh, oh!"

After that, he turned around and stumbled away.

Guo Mi shouted to the guards who had been guarded and beaten after walking to the door: "Immediately block Lezhizhai, and no one is allowed to go out!"


When the guards saw that Xu Shizong was dead, they felt that something was wrong, so they could only listen to them first, and the two who had been beaten up together, secretly ran out to inform Ye Zhen.

At this moment, Nan Yan walked to the corner, stretched out his hand to help listen to Fu, and whispered softly, "Are you ok?"

"Manny, I--ah!"

Hearing that Fu was about to move, the injuries involved immediately screamed. Nan Yan knew when he saw that Lu Guangwei's kick just broke his ribs, which could only keep him intact temporarily. Moving, and when she turned her head, she met two pairs of red eyes.

It is Lu Guangwei and Guo Mi.

The two men stared at her fiercely.

Lu Guangwei said, "What did you do just now?!"

Nan Yan said coldly, "My palace is killing people. Didn't you see?"


"Don't ask me why, Xu Shizong is so rebellious and unforgivable. It is only right in this palace to kill him and his people. Don't talk about him, even you, if you wait for the emperor to take back Jinling City in the future, you will fall into the hands of this palace. After the Ming’s canonical punishment, he was also bound to Caishikou and beheaded.”


Lu Guangwei had just moved his hand, his blood was boiling over, and he couldn't find a place to vent his breath. Unexpectedly, the woman dared to provoke him, so she immediately raised her big slap and swung the smoke toward the south.

Guo Mi reached out and stopped him.

"Do not impulse."

"This stinky woman is showing off in front of us every day, and now she is killing people under our noses. Can you bear it?"

"This is not the time to care about her."

Guo Mi looked at Nan Yan's cold look, then took another look at being kicked into the corner, unable to move, listening to Fu, and then recalled the cries of Xu Shizong they had just heard outside.

Muttered: "Just now, the military commander seemed to say, let Xiaoman take something to the son."

"What is it?"


As Guo Mi said, he glanced at Nan Yan. She was only wearing a thin long skirt, and she couldn't put anything on her body. That's also the case for listening to blessings. It seems that things are not on both of them.

So he immediately turned around, walked back to Xiao Man's body, squatted down and searched, and found that Xiao Man's hand had been clenched very tightly. Fortunately, now the body was not stiff, he barely broke Xiao Man's fist.

Sure enough, he saw a few tips in his hand.

"This is it!"

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