On Yangzhou's side, they didn't even send ships to fight on the river, but waited for them to land and attack.

This is a completely negative tactic.

Seeing this situation, Zhu Chengjin's face immediately flashed a triumphant smile, and said: "Have you seen it? Yangzhou is already powerless to resist. As long as we land ashore, we can kill them without leaving."

Li Chen and Fang Zhen on the other side of the boat were still a little disappointed in joy.

They are all ready to have a big fight tonight, but they didn’t expect that even a ship from Yangzhou was not sent out, just a passive defense on the shore. This victory is easy, but it’s It makes people feel unfinished.

But no matter what, victory is victory.

Fang Zhen stood on the bow of the ship and said with a big smile: "Look, look, this is the court's men and horses. They don't even have the courage to fight us on the water. With these people, they still want to defend Yangzhou. City?"

His voice was loud and thick, and it sounded like a gong in the night. On the surrounding boats, the water bandits who followed them from Xingluo Lake heard them all, and everyone shouted for peace.

Fang Zhen said, "Look, the city on the shore is the prosperous Yangzhou City!"

"There are merchants who are as rich and rich as Jinling City, beautiful women with delicate skin and tender flesh, and gold and silver jewelry that you can't grab!"

The water bandits waved the torches in their hands and howled loudly.

In such a frenetic mood, only Li Chen remained a little awake. He squinted his eyes and looked at the river bank that was already close at hand. There were indeed many soldiers on the bank. It seemed that the defenses were also tight, but only on the river bank Arming on defense, even if it is tight, is a kind of passive resistance. When they land ashore, a **** battle is inevitable.

He couldn't help but whispered, "Where is the boat?"

Fang Zhen was still shouting loudly at the people below. Upon hearing this, he couldn't help turning his head to look at him: "What?"


Li Chen said: "In the previous two battles, although we sunk a lot of big ships in Yangzhou, judging from the number of their fleet before, there were at least a few big ships, and more boats."


"But why is there not a single boat on the river now."


"Where are those boats?"

Fang Zhen also took a look. Indeed, none of the boats in the camp on Yangzhou could be seen, only the people on the shore had drawn their swords and were preparing to resist.

He thought for a while, and immediately said: "In the previous two battles, their vitality has been severely damaged. I'm afraid those ships are also damaged and useless."


"Furthermore, since they are only armed on the shore, what's the use of releasing the boat? Isn't it a hindrance?"

Hearing this, Li Chen glanced at him.

Fang Zhen laughed and said: "After this battle, Lao Li, whether we return to Xingluohu or go to Yangzhou to provide for the elderly, it will be enough for us to feel comfortable and to spend the rest of our life like the emperor. Do you still want to What are you doing so much?"

Hearing this, I saw the people I brought out with excitement, staring at Yangzhou City in the distance, even their eyes were red.

Li Chen also laughed.

Said: "Yes, after this battle, what do we want, hahahaha!"

Listening to the voices of those people, Nan Yan frowned slightly.

She was okay, but when she turned her head, she saw the dragonfly standing in the corner and silent since she got on the boat. Her face was as pale as a piece of paper in the night, especially when she heard After the words of these people, she lowered her head, and even the torches in the hands of the guards next to her could not illuminate the eyes that were as dark as a bottomless pool.

It was Guo Mi and the others. Although they were a little relieved when they saw the defense of Yangzhou City, they couldn't help frowning when they heard the voices of these people.

Guo Mi reached Zhu Chengjin's ear and whispered, "My son, they are going to rob again?"

Zhu Chengjin glanced at him.

Guo Mi hesitated, and said softly: "My son, we have to occupy more places. We still have to pay attention to the people's sentiments and not to indulge them too much. Otherwise, they will return to Xingluo Lake in the future, but the people in these places hate them. we."

Nan Yan heard it nearby and gave Guo Mi a cold look.

When Zhu Chengjin listened, he seemed to think of something.

But he immediately said coldly: "What is the mind of the people? When I was in the throne, why didn't these people remember the people? But these people remember me a little bit in these years? Didn't they still crawl under the feet of others and shout long live? I said, it's time for these people to suffer something."

"The son..."

"Needless to say,"

Zhu Chengjin waved his hand coldly and said, "What about they? There is only one life. When this seat enters Yangzhou City, if they dare to have the slightest dissatisfaction, they will chop off their heads. I don't believe it anymore. There is no way to kill the chaotic people."

At this time, there was a sudden gust of wind blowing upstream.

Although there was a bit of heat in the wind, Guo Mi felt a little bit of chill when he heard these words. Seeing the cold expression in Zhu Chengjin's eyes, he dared not say anything anymore, lowered his head and took a step back.

At this moment, the boat in front had reached the shallows.

The first group of water bandits could not wait to jump from the boat and into the water more than half a person deep. Although it was still summer, the river water was cold, but these people didn't care at all, and the blood all over their bodies was boiling. These people waved their swords and howled and rushed to the shore in the waves that were as high as a person.


At this time, the general on the shore gave an order: "Array, defend against the enemy!"

The soldiers who had been prepared were already lined up at this moment, and saw those soldiers spread out horizontally, and the left and right wings were greeted by the water bandits rushing to the river beach.

Wild goose formation.

Upon seeing this formation, Nan Yan raised his brows slightly.

As for Li Chen and Fang Zhen, even though they were the water bandits of Xingluo Lake, these people had also fought against Emperor Gao back then. They were familiar with the tactics and tactics. They immediately laughed wildly when they saw this geese formation.

Li Chen said: "With this formation, it seems that Yangzhou City is really empty."

Although the geese formation is a roundabout formation, the weakness revealed is that the rear defense is weak, which is obviously a manifestation of insufficient strength.

What's more, roundabout and outflank-these people are from the river, and they can't outflank the surface of the river. The use of this geese formation here has completely lost the meaning of the formation.

However, Zhu Chengjin paid attention to this.

His eyes were like a night owl in the dark, staring at the general who gave orders on the shore, and finally saw that person's face in the flames.

Suddenly laughed wildly.

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