Thinking of this, the soldiers who had rushed to the shore stopped fighting.

Several people threw their swords to the ground subconsciously.

Sometimes, emotions are transmitted faster than anything, especially disappointment or even despair. When the first sword slammed on the ground, the surrounding soldiers also stopped and continued to rush forward. , Standing in place with soft hands and feet.

Immediately afterwards, someone continuously dropped their weapons.

"I, we surrender."

An already timid man raised his hands tremblingly and said: "I, we can't afford to eat too-we surrender, and forgive us."

One person started, and the people behind are naturally the same.

They threw down their weapons one after another, raised their hands, knelt down in front of the court’s men and horses, and shouted: "We surrender, don't kill us, don't kill us."

"Spare, spare."

"Spare us, we don't want to."

Seeing the people around them surrender one by one, the others were okay. The water bandits in Xingluo Lake immediately flew into a rage. Among them, Fang Zhen was even more angry. Using the big knife in his hand, he slashed a soldier who was about to kneel and surrender. Turn to the ground.


A scream sounded, and blood was sprayed onto his face. Fang Zhen held a **** knife with a grim look and glared at the people around him: "Who dares to surrender, he is just like you!"

Seeing this, the people around who were already eager to move immediately stopped moving.

The whole scene was a bit frozen, and those behind who had just jumped off the boat and had not had time to react were still rushing on the river beach. Seeing that they were about to rush up again, Xu Shifeng, who knew that opportunity was not to come, immediately raised his hand. Long sword, shouted: "Clash with me!"

He followed Zhu Feng in Peking City for more than ten years. He was able to earn people's hearts in the army. Even under such difficult circumstances, he was still able to give orders because he, like Zhu Feng, was able to lead the way in war.

After giving the order, he rushed out first on a horse.

The cavalry behind him was naturally unwilling to show weakness, and immediately rode his horse towards the beach. Xu Shifeng took the lead and rushed directly to Fang Zhen. The people around Fang Zhen were shocked and hurried forward to stop him. Xu Shifeng sat down. The horses were piercing and powerful, and they had gone through many battles. At this time, people stood up suddenly and kicked them straight with their strong horses.

After hearing a few muffled bangs, the few people were too late to scream. They were kicked to the ground, and their chests were all sunken. Obviously, the breastbone was kicked to pieces, and the seven orifices were bleeding suddenly, and they died on the spot.

The people around had to rush upwards, and when they saw the death of those people, their hands and feet suddenly became weak.

Fang Zhen has been licking blood with his sword for many years. Why would he be afraid of this, he immediately raised his sword and was about to slash at the steed under Xu Shifeng's seat. Xu Shifeng's eyes were quick and he swung his sword to block his sword. The two swords fought each other in the air. There was a flash of fire.

Seeing that both of them froze in a stalemate, their blades rubbed against each other, making a harsh sound.

However, Xu Shifeng is young and strong after all, and Fang Zhen is no longer a hero. Although he resisted hard, he was pressed down by him bit by bit. Seeing one of his legs bend behind him, he was about to support him. Without restraining his whole body, Xu Shifeng sneered, and suddenly turned his wrist, and the long sword picked up the big sword in Fang Zhen's hand.

Hearing a "sudden" sound, the shining broad knife flew out and fell into the river.

Fang Zhen's tiger's mouth was completely shattered, and he still couldn't believe it. He held his wrist in one hand, and as soon as he raised his head, Xu Shifeng raised his long sword again—

A cold light flashed, and Fang Zhen's head fell to the ground.

This time, the whole battle was shocked.

When the water bandits who were still expecting to enter Yangzhou City and looting again saw that their elders had been killed, they were immediately shocked, and those who were still fighting hard stayed in the original. At this moment, the cavalry behind Xu Shifeng took advantage of the momentum to rush down. Before these people could react, they had already rushed in. They suddenly slashed with swords and swords, and even the horses rushed straight up and trampled to death a lot.

In an instant, I heard the roar of people and the sound of Jianma's long hiss.

Someone in the crowd cried: "Go back, go back!"

At this time, they didn’t know whether it was Zhu Chengjin’s or Xingluohu’s, but they all realized that tonight they had no way to go to the sky and no way to go to the ground. Even the Jinling city behind them had been recovered by the court. There is no way to go.

But where can I go back?

Right at the beginning of the battle, Chen Xuan arranged his men and horses into a wild goose formation to circumvent them. When these people were about to retreat, they realized that the back road had been completely destroyed when Xu Shifeng showed his power. Cut off, they can't even get on the boat.

What's more, looking at Jiang Xin, there was already a piece of fire there.

All the small boats were engulfed by the fire at this time, and the small boats were surrounding the big ships. Although there were many boatmen on the sides of the boats holding the bamboo poles to lift the small boats away, after all, the fire was too strong, and soon the flames were already along. The bamboo poles were burned up, and the hot temperature also scorched the people on the boat to sweat.

There were a lot of people on the boat, but I just climbed up so many from the boat, and it was even more crowded.

Even Zhu Chengjin was hit several times.

He looked ashen as he watched the shoal already gone, and what was going on in Jinling City, although it is still unknown, seeing Xu Shifeng, who was "stabbed" by Ran Xiaoyu, played unscathed, which proved that they had been stunned long ago. , So now Ran Xiaoyu is staying in Jinling Palace, plus the people who rushed out from Zichen Palace, I am afraid the situation is not optimistic.

They really have nowhere to go back now.

Seeing that the situation was urgent, Lu Guangwei and Guo Mi rushed up to protect Zhu Chengjin and said loudly, "My son, what should we do now?"


Zhu Chengjin gritted her teeth and watched the general situation disappear.

At this time, a person's voice sounded from the messy boat: "It's already like this. I want to stay here. Are you waiting for death?!"

This voice is extraordinarily deep, and it sounds familiar.

As soon as Nan Yan turned his head, he saw Lu Linchuan standing not far behind him. He just got on the big boat with the people around him when the boat caught fire. His body was wet and his hair was dripping down beside him. All of them have messy hair and look like water ghosts.

Hearing what he said, Zhu Chengjin and the others were all taken aback.

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