While they were standing on the deck and talking, their boat was still sliding towards Xiajiang Town, and they were approaching the ferry. Suddenly, the hull of the boat halted, as if it had hit something, and the calm water suddenly agitated. The whole hull made a muffled sound.

The people standing on the boat were caught off guard, and they were all stunned.

Especially Lu Guangwei, he originally wanted to rush over to do something against Ye Yu and Nan Yan, but his footsteps were completely unstable, and the whole person leaped towards them uncontrollably.

However, Ye Wei seemed to be prepared.

Seeing Lu Guangwei rushing forward, he stooped to a halt, and the whole body jumped up and grabbed Lu Guangwei's wrist, twisting his backhand!


Lu Guangwei's feet were out of balance. As the saying goes, he started from the ground. At this time, he had no ability to resist. He watched his wrists twisted into an incredible angle by Ye Yu, but the whole person was still rushing upwards uncontrollably.

After Ye Yu broke his hand bone, he stumbled across his feet, and turned Lu Guangwei back.

Lu Guangwei screamed that he jumped over the fence and fell off the boat.

All of this only happened between the electric light and flint. The people around had no time to react. Several boatmen were caught off guard and were thrown off the ship by the sudden shock.

Everyone was shocked, and hurriedly grabbed what they could hold around to stabilize their figure. After Ye Hao finished all this, he immediately looked back at Nan Yan.

"Is it all right?"

As soon as she turned her head, she saw Nan Yan crouching and curling under the fence. Although her posture was ugly, she completely protected herself. When Ye Wei asked, she raised her head and said, "It's okay in this palace. "

Ye Xu nodded.

Now, the ship was in chaos. The people who fell off the ship were struggling and shouted for help, but the people on the ship finally stabilized, rushed to the side of the ship, grabbed the fence and looked down carefully.

What did this ship crash into?

Standing at the bow of the boat, Zhu Chengjin was almost thrown off the boat. Fortunately, people around him quickly grabbed him with eyesight and hands. He frowned, turned his head and looked down the boat. Everyone also shouted: "What's the matter? "

"What did the boat hit?"

"Look at what's down there?"

Just as everyone looked down in amazement, countless blisters suddenly appeared on the dark surface of the river, as if someone was burning under the water, and the whole river was on fire. But then everyone watched. When it arrived, a large black shadow floated under the water, as if something slowly floated up from the bottom of the river.

"Look, what is that?!"

Someone pointed to the dark shadow and shouted loudly.

Lu Guangwei broke his wrist by Ye Yu. He fell into the river and thumped with one hand. He was still shouting for help. He suddenly felt something. He looked down at his feet and suddenly screamed in fright. Loudly: "Help! Help me, quickly—"

Before he finished speaking, he was swallowed abruptly by the black shadow.

A burst of blood bubbling up.

Even Nan Yan was stunned by this scene.

The people on the boat here don’t know what’s going on, but Li Chen on the other boat lives in Xingluo Lake for a long time. They know more about battles in the water than these people. A few water ghosts saw it and immediately Understand it: "It's the iron net!"

Iron net? !

Zhu Chengjin and the others were shocked when they heard it, and they hurriedly supported the fence to look down. Sure enough, the black shadow gradually rising to the surface was nothing else, but a huge iron net covered with iron hooks and spikes. I couldn't see clearly when hiding under the water. At this time, I was gradually approaching the surface of the water. I was photographed by the torch on the ship, and the entire iron net began to flash with dazzling cold light.

Lu Guangwei, who had just fallen into the water, was entangled by the iron net, and now it has rotten into a mass of flesh.

"How could this be?"

Someone was asking loudly, it was clear that Li Chen and his ship had passed through this area just now, but their ship was safe and sound, and now they have reached the ferry, why did their ship encounter the iron net! ?

On the boat over there, Li Chen's men already shouted loudly: "On the shore, someone is pulling the net on the shore!"

ashore! ?

Upon hearing this, the people on the boat hurriedly moved their eyes from the water to the shore.

At this time, the sky was slightly brighter. Although the sun had not yet come out, they could barely identify the shape of the mountains and rivers on the shore, and they could also identify them. From the lush woods on the shore, one by one, the white figures came out with their clothes. Piaopiao, if you look at it like this in normal times, you might see it as a hermit or a fairy who haunts the mountains.

But now, seeing these people, they only feel as if they have encountered the black and white impermanence of the Yin Cao Jifu.

These people are those who pull the net on the shore.

What is even more incredible is that these people are not from the court.

Each of them was petite, and the white clothes on their bodies were graceful and immortal, and there was a little softness of Liu Fufeng in their actions.

Nan Yan was supported by Ye Jian, barely stood up, and also grabbed the fence beside him, and when he looked out, he immediately recognized it.

"Are they?!"

These people are all young girls of 18 or 9 years old, but their appearance is very elegant. They are not the village women and village girls in Xiajiang Town, but-Taoist aunts!

In Xiajiang Town, there is only one female Taoist priest!

Just when Nan Yan opened his eyes and was a little surprised, a familiar figure, surrounded by the girls in white, walked out of the lush woods, it was Xu Miaoming!

It turned out that they set up the iron net in this place.

I was waiting for Zhu Chengjin’s ship to pass this place and pull the iron net on the shore. Now, the bow of the entire ship has been thrown into the iron net. Fixed in place.

Upon seeing Xu Miaoming clearly, all the people on board were shocked.

In an instant, it aroused the anger of everyone.

Guo Mi immediately pointed to Xu Miaoming on the shore: "You, you betrayed us!"

At this time, there is no need to say more, just look at the appearance of this iron net and you will know what is going on.

While Xu Miaoming stood on the shore, facing those on the boat who wished to chew her bones, she was indifferent. He didn't even have an expression. He turned his face and said softly, "Is it all right?"

Nan Yan frowned slightly.

Although she was a little surprised that Xu Miaoming would appear suddenly, but after another thought, she could figure it out.

People’s position is not as simple as talking about it, putting on the face is so simple, Xu Miaoming is a deep person who can’t see through, and it’s common sense.

But who did she say this to?

At this moment, a thin figure walked out from behind her.

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