Her teeth are white, but this smile is more like a skeleton: "I will count with you?"

Hearing her words, Zhu Chengjin slowly lowered his face, a sneer sneer appeared on the originally distorted face, he looked at the dragonfly, watched it over and over, then nodded and said, "Yes, it is. Up."


"How could I ignore you?"


"That night, I didn't make it to Le Zhizhai in time before the sergeant died. Isn't it because of you?"

When Zhu Feng heard this, he frowned slightly.

Although he controlled the whole situation these days, and even the three tips Xu Shizong left behind before his death, which of the three strategies he would formulate for Zhu Chengjin was speculated by him, but there are many details, only It can be completed by Nan Yan.

He didn't know anything about the harem of Jinling Palace, especially Zhu Chengjin's bed.

Therefore, when he appeared on the boat, everyone was under his control, except this girl who looked thin and haggard, and had a lifeless body. He was a little surprised and didn't know what she did. what.

Nan Yan couldn't help but said, "Dragonfly!"

Dragonfly did not look back, nor responded to her, but his eyes were dead, like being caught by a hook, staring at Zhu Chengjin closely, and sneered: "I found out now, it's too late."

Zhu Chengjin narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at her, and then at Nan Yan, gritted his teeth and said: "You are in the same group!"

Nan Yan could not speak.

Speaking of them, they were indeed a group, but the incident of Dragonfly's "coming into the group" was only known to Nan Yan after she made up her mind to climb onto Zhu Chengjin's bed.

At that time, everything was a foregone conclusion.

Therefore, Nan Yan returned to Yikun Palace and saw the traces on Dragonfly. After knowing that she was the person who served Zhu Chengjin in Jiaotai Hall that night, she said to her: You chose this path yourself. If you are, you have to go on your own.

The road to revenge, to the end, is often to hurt others and self.

She rescued Dragonfly, not wanting her revenge.

But this girl stubbornly chose this path.

Speaking of it, Nan Yan was not completely surprised about this incident. When she knew about it - no, it should be said that when Dragonfly decided to do these things, she already had a faint feeling.

She knows what Dragonfly wants to do.

For such a girl who was raised in a deep boudoir, the biggest storm in her life was probably to eat a bug from the fruit. She should have been married to her parents at an appropriate age and spent her life happily and peacefully. But, Zhu Chengjin’s ambition, his cruel heart, and his disregard for people’s lives, ruined this girl’s life.

Her family was ruined and everything was lost.

If she was just a cowardly girl who went with the crowd, it would be fine, but under the soft surface of the dragonfly, there is still a strong, even tough heart. She is not willing to just follow Nan Yan's side and make a living. For her, life is important, but there are some things more important than life.

For example, revenge!

However, revenge is not something you can think about.

As a powerless chicken like her, she is not like Nan Yan, who has seen strong winds and waves next to Zhu Feng, knows how to mediate in front of the enemy, and even use her own wisdom and human weakness to make calculations. For these, even if she is interested, God has no time for her to learn.

Therefore, Dragonfly will sigh countless times that she is not as good as Nanyan.

As a girl who has grown to nearly 20 years old, hadn't been for the great changes and hadn't stepped back out of her boudoir, she couldn't do that.

The only thing she can do is what a woman can do.

The only thing I can use is my identity as a woman.

Therefore, she climbed onto Zhu Chengjin’s bed, and all this was just to delay Zhu Chengjin’s rush to Lezhizhai on the night Xu Sezong was dying, so that he could not figure out the correctness of the three policies Xu Sezong gave. order.

With her procrastination, Ye Yu's arrangement in Le Zhizhai, Tingfu's skill, and Nan Yan's skill.

All this is indispensable.

Only then did Zhu Chengjin fall into their trap.

But at this time, Dragonfly did not feel the slightest sensation of getting revenge on her face. On the contrary, the deadness on her face became heavier and heavier. She stared at Zhu Chengjin and slowly said, "You think, what I did was just let Didn't you get to Le Zhizhai in time before Xu Sezong's death?"


When these words came out, not only Zhu Chengjin, but Nan Yan was shocked.

Now, everyone on the boat knew what her purpose was for climbing on Zhu Chengjin's bed, and this was the most important thing she could do.

However, what she meant by what she said, besides this, what else did she do?

Nan Yan also stared at her pale face, suddenly as if she had been struck by lightning, her whole body trembled, and her voice became hoarse again.

She said: "Dragonfly."


The dragonfly did not look back.

Nan Yan was still staring at her thin back. At this time, I could feel the dragonfly's whole body stand out, like a dying flower, even a strong wind would blow her away.

Nan Yan tremblingly said, "You, what did you do?"


"After you found my clothes, what else did you do?"

Hearing this, Zhu Feng also frowned.

He seemed to feel something, and looked at the little girl solemnly. Until this time, Dragonfly slowly turned his head, looked at Nan Yan, and then at Nan Yan who was standing in front of Nan Yan like a mountain. Zhu Feng smiled and said: "The imperial concubine said that it was the emperor who saved you at the time, so he is not only your lover, but also your benefactor."


"I am so envious."


"But I, I don't have a good life like a mother, I don't have a lover, and my benefactor, only you are the mother."


"My life was saved by you, the concubine empress, and the only thing I can do is to pay the life of my empress and not let anyone hurt you."


"Even if our plan fails today, even if the emperor can't come to rescue the empress, even if this beast with a human face and beast heart succeeds, I will let him die so that he has no chance to hurt you.

After speaking, she smiled and turned her head to look at Zhu Chengjin.

"Do you think it's as simple as I was just procrastinating to keep you from going to Le Zhizhai?"


"You killed so many people, you made my family ruined, how simple it is."


"Didn't you let me search all the clothes of the imperial concubine and dispose of the deadly poisons? You know, how do I deal with those poisons?"

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