Hearing these words, Lu Linchuan's face changed.

Nan Yan's face turned red as he watched him, and the offended anger appeared on his face. Although before he sent Nan Yan to Xingluo Lake, the two of them had always pointed at Maimang, but they had never seen him show such an angry expression.

Nan Yan was a little surprised, and said, "What's wrong?"


Lu Linchuan stared at her angrily for a while, then suddenly sneered, and said, "When you ask me this, you clearly want to say that I am the traitor of Tiangang Lianhuanwu. I betrayed Tiangang Lianhuanwu and my foster father. right?"


"It turns out that in the eyes of the imperial concubine, I am this kind of person."

Hearing him say this, Nan Yan was even more surprised.

To be honest, it is an indisputable fact that the imperial court sent troops into Xingluo Lake and Tiangang Lianhuanwu was destroyed. As Luo Xingwen's son, he stayed by Zhu Feng's side and even planned to enter the imperial court to do things. , I guess so, it's not groundless.

Why is he so angry?

Dare to be or not?

I saw Lu Linchuan sneered again and said, "Since this is the case, then I have nothing to say to the concubine."

After all, he was young and vigorous, and his identity was Luo Xingwen's righteous son. He probably never suffered such grievances in Xingluo Lake since he was a child, so he turned around and left in strides.

Nan Yan opened his eyes wide and looked at his back in surprise, unable to speak for a while.

Ruo Shui immediately said, "This person is too rude, dare to talk to you like this!"


"It should be told to the emperor that he should be punished with a sin of disrespect!"

Nan Yan came back to his senses and chuckled lightly, "What do you care about with him?"

After all, Lu Linchuan was born in Xingluo Lake. He probably never went anywhere else since he was a child. He didn’t know the rules of the court, let alone that he would have been slapped with such an attitude when he spoke to the imperial concubine. The so-called ignorant is not guilty, Nan Yan I don't really want to frame him from now on, it's just a bit strange for his sudden anger.

How did he wronged him?

Thinking like this in my heart, but it’s not easy to go up and ask, Nan Yan didn’t want to go shopping anymore. After two steps, he went back to the room. Presuming that Zhu Feng should be back, he sent a message to the small kitchen to prepare some meals. After a while, the people below brought up some light soup and rice, Nan Yan just sat down, and Zhu Feng also walked in from outside.

Seeing the food on the table, he smiled and said, "Just so hungry."

Nan Yan immediately asked him to sit down and arrange dishes for him. From last night until now, neither of them has eaten anything. They were nervous and didn't feel hungry before, but now they are really empty when they relax. After the bowl came, he picked up a bowl of rice with a few side dishes, and put down the bowl and chopsticks contentedly.

Nanyan Road: "The emperor won't eat more?"

Zhu Feng said: "That's enough."

Nan Yan shook his head: "The emperor's appetite nowadays is much less than before. He still ate several bowls at one meal in the previous two years."

Zhu Feng wiped his mouth with a handkerchief, and smiled: "When you get older, you have to know how to maintain your health. Eating or sleeping is not a good thing, and so are you."

Nan Yan nodded obediently.

She looked at Zhu Feng as if he was in a good mood, thought for a while, and asked: "The emperor has just passed by. Have you seen Jian Ruocheng?"

When he mentioned "Jian Ruocheng", Zhu Feng's mouth curled slightly.

Gave her a look.

Then he said coldly: "I saw it, what happened?"

When he saw him like this, he knew that he was still feeling sour, and he couldn't even speak well. Nan Yan didn't let him be so angry, holding the bowl and eating slowly.

She didn't ask, but Zhu Feng was a little unsteady. After eating, he still sat at the table, watching Nan Yan eating.

Nan Yan raised his eyes and glanced at him.

"The emperor has been watching his concubine, what is it?"

Zhu Feng said: "Why don't you ask?"


"Ask - ask me what I said to Jian Ruocheng."

Nan Yan snorted, "Why don't my concubine dare to ask more? The emperor's words seem to have a knife. I don't know if that sentence is wrong, and my concubine's life will not be saved."

Hearing her obviously sour remarks, Zhu Feng wanted to laugh a little, but also wanted to hold it back. He squeezed his mouth like a thin line. After a while, he said: "If you want to ask, just ask, I’m the kind of person who is okay to find things. person?"

Nan Yan let out a big "hum".

Seeing the two people making noise and not making noise like this, Xiao Shunzi and Ruo Shui who were serving on the side were a bit at a loss. After a while, Zhu Feng couldn't hold back anymore and said, "I talked with Jian Ruocheng for a while. , I already knew what he had done before. But the most important thing for me is to know where and what he plans to do next."

Nan Yan was still eating, but when she heard this, she put down the dishes.

Seriously asked: "What did he say?"

Zhu Feng glanced at her and said, "He plans to become a monk."


"Why are you so calm?"

Nan Yan raised his eyes to look at him, and said with a faint smile, "How does the emperor want his concubine to react?"

Seeing Nan Yan really not surprised at all, Zhu Feng frowned slightly, but immediately came back to his senses: "Did Miao Ming already told you?"

Nanyan Road: "I just told my concubine Mr. Miaoming."


Zhu Feng raised his eyebrows slightly, thought for a while, and nodded again: "What do you think?"

Nan Yan smiled and said, "This is the second son of Jane himself. As a noble concubine, the concubine can only control the square inch of the harem, where he is going and what he is doing. I can decide."

Zhu Feng said: "Of course I know that you can't be his master."


"I just asked you, do you think his choice like this is good?"


Nan Yan thought for a while, and said softly: "In fact, what my concubine hopes more is that he can stay in the court and serve as the emperor based on what he has learned. However, with so many things happening, it is hard to think of the trauma in his heart. healing……"

Hearing this, Zhu Feng's expression was also sad.

The door was wiped out.

This kind of pain makes ordinary people feel heart-wrenching just when they hear it, but when he has experienced it personally, he can only say that if a person is still awake and can do things, he already has a very firm character.

It's just that if you get revenge, many people's hearts will be extremely empty.

Some people will even go to a dead end.

At this time, letting him return to the court is definitely not a good thing.

Nan Yan said softly: "The concubine already knows what Dao Ming thinks about him. Even if you don’t talk about love between men and women, it’s a good thing to have such a person beside him extradite him. Besides, Dao Miao will usually Preaching everywhere, Young Master Jian is with her, and it is the best way to teach and educate others."

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