Nan Yan looked up at him with an awkward look, and knew that he didn't doubt himself and Jian Ruocheng, but was just habitually being jealous.

So smiled and reached out and hugged him.

To Nan Yan’s sticky and greasy attitude, Zhu Feng was very useful. Although it was extremely hot, he still hugged her in his arms, gently stroking her with a big hand along her smooth back, as if It's like smoothing a cat.

Nan Yan was also very comfortable by him.

The two of them just stayed silently without talking.

After a while, Zhu Feng seemed to have suddenly remembered something, and reached out and patted Nan Yan on the shoulder: "Go to bed early, I will get up early tomorrow."

Nan Yan looked up at him: "Get up early? What will the emperor do?"

"I'm going to visit the imperial tomb."

"Imperial Tomb View?"

Hearing these three words, Nan Yan was startled, but immediately understood.

Xingluohu was a hidden danger left by Emperor Gao since the founding of the country, and it was finally solved this time. Of course, Zhu Feng was going to the imperial mausoleum for prayers.

I just don't know what the Emperor Gao under Jiuquan would feel when he knew that his old enemy was finally resolved, and knew that the "emperor grandson" he had chosen was once again defeated by his son.

Will he regret it?

Thinking of this, Nan Yan immediately said: "Then, my concubine will go with the emperor."

Zhu Feng looked at her: "Are you still going? Are you afraid of not taking this section of the road?"

Nan Yan knew that he was talking about taking Tingfu on a trip to Xingluo Lake and this section of the waterway. He immediately propped up, raised his chin, and said to him: "Before Tiangang Lianhuanwu and any concubines were not afraid , Are you afraid now?"

Seeing her triumphant look, Zhu Feng chuckled lightly.

Just said: "However, I have to get up very early. I'm afraid you haven't had a good rest these days, can you get up?

"The emperor looks down on people too much."

"OK then,"

Zhu Feng agreed, and looked around again, and said, "Anyway, you don't have many things. Let Ruoshui and the others come and clean up early tomorrow morning."


After speaking, Zhu Feng was probably a little tired. Seeing that the candlestick beside him had burnt to only a short candle's heart and was about to go out, he stretched out his hand and waved his sleeve and immediately extinguished the candle.

"Go to sleep."

He said softly, holding Nan Yan in his arms, and the two of them slowly fell asleep in such a quiet night.

The next day, Nanyan rose before dawn.

However, she was still late.

Because when she got up, she saw that there were no people around her, and she knew after asking that Zhu Feng woke up before Mao, and arranged many things. As soon as Nan Yan heard about it, she didn't delay anymore. She yawned and got up, washed her hands quickly, and simply ate something, and she was already calling for departure outside.

She immediately took Ruoshui out.

At the gate, Xu Miaoming and Jian Ruocheng were all over to see off. Nan Yan glanced at Jian Ruocheng. He only smiled at her slightly without saying anything, and Nan Yan really didn’t dare to say anything.” "Provoke" Zhu Feng didn't say much to him, and only smiled.

Take another look around.

This time it was Xu Shifeng who took his troops with him. In fact, Tiangang Lianhuanwu had been recovered. This section of the road was very safe, but he was still very cautious and brought many troops.

Nan Yan glanced at him carefully, and felt that his expression was not much better than Xu Miaoming's.

Everyone knew about Xu Shizong's death, but the pain in his heart was only known to him.

Moreover, it is pain that cannot be mentioned anymore.

Seeing him like this, Nan Yan didn't have much to say, so he looked around and found that one person was missing.

Ye Yu.

Not only did he not accompany him, he did not even come to see him off.

At this time, Zhu Feng had already got on the carriage, and Nan Yan followed up and asked, "The emperor, where is Ye Wei?"

Speaking of Ye Yin, Zhu Feng's expression was slightly sad.

After a moment of silence, he said, "He is not going."


Recalling that when they changed ships yesterday, Ye Xun deliberately avoided Zhu Feng's appearance, knowing that although he chose to stand on the court, or on Zhu Feng's side, the hurdle in his heart was not so easy. Those who can walk past, for example, Zhu Feng is going to Huangling Guan. Everyone knows where Huangling Guan is. Those who can follow the past are either confidants or close people. If they pass, Ye Zhen will do his part. .

And he deliberately didn't go, or even came to see off, that is, he has not forgiven Zhu Feng.

Nan Yan sighed lightly.

At this time, the carriage swayed slightly, and their team began to move forward. Nan Yan subconsciously lifted the curtain and looked out. Only at the gate, Jian Ruocheng and Xu Miaoming stood side by side, both of them dressed in plain clothes. The white gowns are all thin and thin. They describe handsome people. Although they know that they are only practicing together, they still seem to match.

Seeing Nan Yan lift up the curtain, Jian Ruocheng smiled and raised his hand, saying goodbye to her.

Nan Yan also nodded gently.

The carriage went away.

They arrived at the ferry and changed their boats. If it were to go, it would take several days to get from Xiajiang Town to Xingluo Lake, but when Nan Yan followed Zhu Chengjin out of Xingluo Lake before, they knew that they had another waterway, which was better than before. The road they took was much closer. Sure enough, after boarding the boat, within two days, they arrived at the misty Star Luo Lake.

Only this time, the vastness of smoke here no longer hides crises like before.

When I look at it again, I only think the scenery is pleasant.

The mist, like a cloud of water, swallowed the surrounding picturesque scenery, and it looked like they were in a painting.

However, as they approached the Huangling Guan, they found that there were still many boats going to the depths of Xingluo Lake, that is, the Tiangang Lianhuanwu.

Nan Yan looked at it and immediately asked, "The emperor, what is that for?"

Zhu Feng said: "Although the people from Luo Xingwen have already left, this area of ​​water, together with the terrain in the Tiangang Linked Dock, is still easy to defend and difficult to attack. If people don’t stay for a long time, it’s easy for others to occupy this place. Favorable terrain."

Nan Yan understood.

At this time, their boat gradually approached the trail.

Through the misty water, Nan Yan could see at a glance that there was someone standing at the ferry crossing over there. It was the good master she had seen before and brought some of his little priests.

There is also a familiar figure.

Mother Su.

When she saw her, Nan Yan's eyelids twitched--she had forgotten that when she was leaving the palace to go south, Madam Su also followed them, but she parted ways with them before reaching Xiajiang Town.

Because she wants to send Qin Ruolan's spiritual position here.

Nan Yan murmured softly, "No wonder I'm in such a hurry to come over."

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