At the moment, she didn't care about the strangeness of this sentence. She just looked at Madam Su and asked, "Then, does Emperor Gao know about this?"

Madam Su's face seemed more difficult.

But after struggling for a long time, she finally said, "The thoughts of the emperor, the slaves dare not speculate easily."


"It's just that, although the old master of the slave and maid is as noble as the concubine like the empress, he is the head of the concubines in the harem, but he has never enjoyed the emperor's favor like the empress."


"She even—"

Having said that, she hesitated for a moment, and Nan Yan asked, "Even what?"

Madam Su said softly: "Emperor Gao almost never set foot in her palace."


Nan Yan heard a flash of light in his eyes.

At this moment, there were people talking outside, and Ruoshui knocked on the door and walked in and said, "Niang, Master Shangshan sent some food."

Nanyan Road: "We should wait for the emperor to come back and use it together."

Ruo Shuidao: "It was the emperor who sent it here. It seems that the emperor has to discuss some things with the good masters. They can't come back for the time being. I'm afraid the empress is hungry, so I sent it first."


Nan Yan listened and nodded: "Let them send in."

The little Daotong named Yuntong ran out very diligently, took the food box in the hand of the visitor, and brought in. Seeing him so diligent, Nan Yan smiled, and Madam Su had already retreated to the side, softly Said: "The slave and maid will not bother the maid's meal."

Nan Yan glanced at her.

She also knew that there was nothing more to squeeze out from Madam Su, so she said, "Go down."

"The slave and maid retire."

After speaking, he turned and walked out.

Nan Yan looked at her back for a while, and when she looked back, Yun Tong had already put the dishes on the table with Ruo Shui. Although they are all vegetarian dishes, they are also exquisite and delicious. Nan Yan asked Yuntong as he ate, "Who can row a boat here?"

Yuntong opened her eyes wide and looked at her: "Where is the mother going?"

South Yandao: "If you don't go far away from the palace, go to the back mountain."

"The back mountain?"

Nan Yan knew when he heard that he must know the back mountain where Emperor Gao placed the tomb, so he nodded, Yun Tong said: "If I can row a boat far away, I can only go to the back mountain and row a raft. That's it."

"Is it?"

Nan Yan smiled and looked at his thin arm, Yun Tong immediately said: "Don't underestimate me, I can move with two more people."

Nan Yan thought for a while, it was not a big deal anyway, and there was no need to bring so many people there.

So he said: "Well then. Ruoshui, take him, you two will go down to dinner first, after dinner and rest for a while, we will go to Houshan together.

If the waterway: "Yes."

So the two went down. After Nan Yan had lunch, he sat and drank tea for a while, called the two of them, took some joss sticks, went out from the back door of Huanglingguan, and went down the mountain along a down road. When we reached the familiar ferry, there was a small bamboo raft. Yuntong was really smart. After going up, he helped them to sit firmly, and then picked up the bamboo pole a little big stone at the ferry, and the small bamboo raft swayed and slipped. To the heart of the lake.

Nan Yan smiled and said, "You are really capable."

Yun Tong raised her small chin: "Usually, the master doesn't use this, it's all I paddling and running around."

Nan Yan listened and glanced at him with a smile.

As soon as I heard this, I knew that it must be usually naughty. He secretly paddled the bamboo raft out to play. After Yuntong said this, he knew that he had made a mistake, and immediately closed his mouth and sewed a thread. He didn't dare to do more. Words.

Nan Yan and Ruoshui smiled at each other, and said nothing, just looking at the scenery on both sides.

The last time she came here, this star Luohu brought her a lot of psychological shadow, especially the boat was overturned by Guanyin, and was attacked by those water bandits in Tiangang Lianhuan Dock. She was almost buried in the bottom of the lake. It was autumn, and the Guanyin storm was not encountered, and the water bandits in Tiangang Lianhuanwu were also cleaned up.

This seemingly mysterious waters turned out to be just a quiet and beautiful scenery.

In the future, such places will become more and more common.

Thinking of this, Nan Yan couldn't help reaching out and dipping into the turquoise lake. The cool feeling made people feel refreshed.

Although Yun Tong was dexterous, he was young and not as strong as an adult. He still paddled for a long time for a short distance. When he finally reached the small island and looked back, the water behind him began to fog.

Ruo Shui said: "Niang Niang, let's go back soon after the incense."

Nan Yan smiled and said, "Are you scared?"

"Here, after all, this place used to--"

"Do not worry."

As Nan Yan walked up the mountain road paved with wet bluestone slabs, he said, "The entire Xingluo Lake has been taken by the court. We are safe here."

With that, she looked around again.

He smiled and said: "Even if there are really one or two fish slipping through the net, now, it should be hiding from us."

If Shui listened, he nodded.

The group quickly climbed to the top of the mountain.

It was not too late at this time, and the fog had not yet evaporated to the top. As soon as I went up the mountain, Ruoshui saw the stone monuments.

She hadn't been here with Nan Yan in the past, but she had heard about it after arriving at Huanglingguan, but when she first saw the stone monuments of these once powerful figures, she was taken aback, and she didn't dare to come out.

Nanyan Road: "You follow this palace, don't go around."


Nan Yan led her to a few stone tablets first.

Although not many people came here, it was cleaned up. It was just that there was a lot of rain in the past two days, and some new green grass grew next to some stone tablets. Yuntong used to skillfully pluck it and throw it aside. Ruo Shui and Nan Yan Put out all the joss sticks and paper money they brought in the basket together, and light them.

Nan Yan bowed and saluted the ancestors of the Zhu family one by one, praying in his mouth, hoping that they would bless Zhu Feng's future smooth and stable, and there would be no more twists and turns.

After the prayers were over, Nanyan said, "You two, clean up here."

"How about you, mother?"

"My palace go there and have a look."

If Shui looked up at the direction she was pointing, there was a small stone monument in the distance, and he said: "Mother, don't go far, it will be foggy in a while."

Nan Yan nodded, then turned and walked over there.

That stone tablet was the previous time when Nan Yan saw the stone tablet of Qin Guifei Qin Xixi.

After so many years, it has been washed by wind and rain, but this stone tablet has not changed, and the writing on it is also very clear. Nan Yan put on three sticks of incense, and was about to clean it up, only to find that the area around the stele was very neat and there were no weeds.

She frowned slightly: "Huh?"

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