A few days later, their ship returned to Jinling.

Coming again this time, the mood is naturally very different from before.

However, there is not the happiness that a person who has won a big victory should have. After all, after landing on the shore, you can see the state of depression and depression along the way, and after entering Jinling City, it is even more devastated.

You can see damaged houses, ruined walls, blood stains under the eaves of the corners that have not had time to wash away, and the people who are holding the bodies of their loved ones in pain.

This is a tragic victory.

A miserable victory is like defeat.

The destruction of a city by a war is devastating.

And the more hurt is actually in people's hearts.

Even if none of this happened to Nan Yan, even after entering the city, Zhu Feng let the carriage go straight back to Jinling Palace, but only heard the cry of sorrow outside, smelling the thick blood in the air Wei, seeing the tragedy outside through the shaking curtain from time to time, her heart still hurts like a knife.

Zhu Feng had been silent and half-squinted. After a while, he opened his eyes and saw that her eyes were red.

Sighing, he stretched out his hand to take her into his arms.


Nan Yan choked and said, "The concubine did not protect Jinling, nor did she protect the people of Jinling."

Zhu Feng said solemnly: "When is it your turn to say this?"


"It's my fault."


"But this is the price."

Nan Yan looked up at him, and Zhu Feng said: "I have known for a long time that if you want to get rid of this malignant tumor, you have to pay a price. It's not the raging war on Xingluo Lake, it can only be the corpses in Jinling City."

After speaking, he was silent for a long time.

When I spoke again, there was also a visibly hoarse voice: "I have no choice."

Nan Yan held his hand gently.

Zhu Feng’s disposition was trained on the battlefield. He was used to killing and he could not say that he loved the people like a child. But he has indeed become a lot gentler over the years. For a gentle person, the most important thing is to be sympathetic and sympathetic. It's not just a simple emotion of pity and pity, but to be able to empathize with the painful emotions of others, to experience the suffering of the people, to be able to add this kind of suffering to one's heart, and to force one to feel it.

Only in this way can we truly understand the suffering of the people. When formulating national policies, we should consider these people who are living under their feet like ants.

Nan Yan suddenly remembered something and said softly: "Before, Jian Ruocheng mentioned it to his concubine before leaving. He said that the imperial court had better reduce the taxes of the southern provinces by half for at least two years."

Zhu Feng said: "He also told me about this matter."

"The emperor--"

"Chen Xuan has returned to Jinling to handle the government affairs here, and I will give him the will later."

Nan Yan whispered: "In this way, the people in Jiangnan can at least have a period of rest and recuperation. The concubine will take their place and thank the emperor for Longen."

Zhu Feng shook his head gently.

The carriage traveled through countless avenues that they were once so familiar with, but at the moment it had been ruined and unfamiliar, and finally returned to the Jinling Palace, the body shook a bit, and stopped at the Nangong Gate.

This time, Zhu Feng jumped out of the carriage first.

Then turned around, reached out and took Nan Yan down.

When the people around saw this situation, they all bowed their heads. Xiao Shunzi and Ruo Shui looked at each other, and couldn't help but squeeze his eyes and laugh.

Nan Yan was so keen that he felt the surrounding atmosphere and recovered.

His face was a little hot, and the tips of his ears were red.

At this moment, an almost icy voice sounded, and suddenly poured down like a bucket of cold water—

"Weichen pays respects to the emperor, and to the noble concubine."

Looking up, it was Li Bushang who was holding the knife around his waist with his hands, leading people to come forward and bowing to them.

Seeing him, Zhu Feng's face was calm as usual, and as solemn and solemn as usual.

"How is the situation here?"

Li Bushang knelt on the ground and replied: "The Jinling Palace has been cleaned up. Jiaotai Hall and Yikun Palace have been cleaned up again; the affairs of the city are still being taken care of by Mrs. Chen and other adults. At present, there are still coming Officials from all states and counties will come to meet the emperor."

Zhu Feng nodded and said, "Let them go to the Imperial Study Room to see you."


Li Buhuan got up and glanced here subconsciously.

However, he didn't dare to take a closer look, just glanced quickly, then turned and left.

Nan Yan walked to Zhu Feng's side. Zhu Feng turned his head and looked at her and said, "You should go back to Yikun Palace and take it with you. After I have dealt with the business, I will come over to accompany you."

Nan Yan stretched out his hand to adjust his shirt, and said softly: "The emperor pay attention to your body, don't be too tired."

"I know."

Zhu Feng patted her on the shoulder, and turned away with someone. Nan Yan kept watching his back disappear at the end of the red wall, and only then led Ruoshui and the others along the already familiar corridor to Yikun Palace.

As soon as I walked to the gate, I saw Tingfu standing there.

When it comes to leaving Jinling Palace, Nan Yan is most worried about him. As soon as he saw that he was intact and could stand at the gate of Yikun Palace to pick him up, he immediately walked over happily: "Listen to the blessing!"


Hearing Fu could not speak, his eyes flushed with excitement, watching Nan Yan and Ruoshui both safe and sound, happily bowing down to Nan Yan.

Nan Yan hurriedly helped him up.

Said softly: "Are you okay?"


He shook his head vigorously and made two gestures with his hands. Nan Yan probably understood that he was saying that after Nan Yan left, he listened to her and stayed in the Yikun Palace. Although the outside was in turmoil, he never opened it. The gate of Yikun Palace was unaffected.

Nan Yan smiled and said, "It's right to be obedient."

She walked two steps inside and was a little surprised to see that the yard was cleanly cleaned: "You cleaned it alone?"

Tingfu shook his head and gestured twice before Nan Yan knew that it was Li Bushang who brought Jin Yiwei here to clean it up to make sure there was nothing wrong with it and there would be no danger.

Nan Yan just nodded when he heard it.

Just about to walk into the main hall, she suddenly remembered something: "By the way, where are Duo'er and Jiang Dahe?"

These two people were those whom Zhu Chengjin had chosen to serve after entering the Jinling Palace. Although he knew that it was Zhu Chengjin's person, Nan Yan knew that the two of them were not wicked, and even in some trivial matters, the two of them consciously helped her to cover up.

If this were not the case, their plan would not be so easy to proceed smoothly.

Speaking of these two people, Listening Fu's expression suddenly became sad.

Nan Yan asked, "What's wrong?"

At this time, Li Bushang's voice sounded at the gate of Yikun Palace: "I will kill these two people."

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