"and so,"

Zhu Feng said coldly: "He must have something to hide."

Nan Yan only felt that his brain was in a mess. After thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't figure out a clue. He said in confusion, "I have reached this point, what else can he hide?"


Zhu Feng said in a strange tone, slowly: "Even he is a high emperor who is here to monitor my whereabouts and collude with Zhu Chengjin. I even admit these things. What else is more than these things. Can't admit it, let me know?"

Upon hearing this, Nan Yan's heart suddenly felt a little uneasy.

She swallowed, and said softly, "The emperor, do you want to torture him?"

Zhu Feng glanced at her, smiled faintly, and said, "If I could knock two words out of his mouth with torture, I would have crushed his bones a long time ago."


"He was beaten into the Dali Temple before. He confided the truth to me because of the news of Ye Yu. If it weren't for this, he wouldn't even be able to say a word."


"He Yi is not someone who can suppress him with torture."

Nan Yan nodded immediately.

To be honest, as long as He Yi is not sincerely trying to oppose Zhu Feng, or colluding with foreign enemies to destroy the court and the stability of the society, she does not want this person to suffer any harm.

Zhu Feng took a deep breath and said, "This matter can only be described slowly."


"It's finally settled down, I don't want to make any major things."

Nan Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at Zhu Feng again, he said softly, "Can the emperor really bear it?"

You know, with his past temper, even if he doesn't crush He Yi's bones, at least He Yi has to spend half his life to calm his anger.

Zhu Feng glanced at her from the corner of his eye, and said with a smile but a smile: "Are you still like those hairy boys when you are me?"


"In this world, many things cannot be forced, even if I am the emperor."


"At this age, I see too clearly."

His words were clearly relieved, but Nan Yan heard the helplessness deep in his bones. Imagine that he is a nine-five-year-old, rich in all over the world, but he doesn't even know where he comes from, and he hasn't enjoyed the happiness of family in half of his life. In such desperation, people either go crazy, or they can only force themselves to endure.

Nan Yan whispered: "The concubine will accompany the emperor."

Zhu Feng glanced at her and smiled.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed Nan Yan's hand into his palm, squeezed it slightly, and said, "Of course you want to be with me."


"The people around me will come and go after all, but you, you can't go."

Nan Yan said seriously: "Of course my concubine won't leave."


"Not only concubines, but two children in Peking. Our family is naturally good."

Zhu Feng smiled and nodded.

Speaking of the two children, Nan Yan said again: "Then, this time the emperor has waited for Heyi, shouldn't he be ready to set off?"

Zhu Feng glanced at her, but didn't answer the word immediately.

Nan Yan's brows frowned again.

Before, she urged Zhu Feng to return to Beijing as soon as possible, but Zhu Feng has always stayed in Jinling City. Now she knows that he is waiting for He Yi and the news that He Yi has brought it back. But now, the news has been confirmed, He Yi also After he came back, why did he still not intend to leave for Beijing?

Nan Yan asked suspiciously: "What the **** is the emperor still going to do? Haven't the current affairs been handled?"

Zhu Feng glanced at her: "Are you sure?"

South flue: "What do you mean?"

Zhu Feng let out a heavy sigh, and said, "You are back to Jinling Palace this time, has anyone seen you yet?"

When mentioned this, Nan Yan's face also changed.

After a long silence, she said, "The concubine is waiting for her to come and find a concubine."

She was not talking about others, but Ran Xiaoyu.

After returning to the Jinling Palace, everyone around him also went to Yikun Palace to serve her, but Ran Xiaoyu never showed up. Of course, Nan Yan did not ignore her at all, and asked Ruo Shui to ask. Ran Xiaoyu had been living in the small house in Yeting and would not come out on weekdays. If Nan Yan hadn’t thought of her, almost everyone would To forget her.

Of course Nan Yan knew that in Ran Xiaoyu's heart, there was still a hurdle.

Although she had made a choice, she made that choice to Zhu Feng.

And how she will face Nan Yan, or how Nan Yan will face her, obviously, she has not considered it clearly.

Therefore, Nan Yan has been waiting for her to find herself.

Unexpectedly, Ran Xiaoyu has changed many things, but one thing that remains the same is her stubborn temperament. If it were someone else, she would have ran to the imperial concubine and begged for forgiveness. Has not moved.

Zhu Feng seemed to sneer, but there was some contempt in the sneer.

Said: "You are just too used to her."

Nan Yan glared at him: "The emperor, have you met Ye Wei these days?"


In a word, Zhu Feng was blocked again.

He stared at Nan Yan for a long time. After all, he had nothing to say and sighed.

of course not.

Just like Nan Yan and Ran Xiaoyu’s situation, Zhu Feng has never looked for Ye Yu, and Ye Yu has always stayed where he used to live, and has never appeared in front of him again, if it weren’t for the thoughts in his heart, around Without mentioning it, he seems to have disappeared again.

After a long silence, Zhu Feng smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Said: "The two of us, at any rate, are also masters, and we were actually pinched by them."

Nan Yan also gave a wry smile.

This word must be spread out, and the custody will be said to be a villainous slave who deceives the master, but, probably because Ran Xiaoyu has always been the stronger character between the two people, and she did not feel the unhappy being offended; As for Zhu Feng, he has always spoiled Ye Yu. Ye Yu was even the only foreigner who could get in and out of the harem. It was obvious that Ye Yu was important and special in his heart.

Sometimes when you think about it, being held by one person is not necessarily a bad thing.

A person must always have a little softness in his heart, and there must always be one or two people who make his heart soft. Life seems not to be a waste.

Nan Yan asked: "Then, when does the emperor plan to find Ye Yu?"

Zhu Feng said: "When are you going to find Ran Xiaoyu?"

Nan Yan hesitated for a while, and said softly, tentatively, "Wait, after returning to Beiping?"

Zhu Feng glanced at her.

After being silent for a while, he said: "I see, you should just talk to her in these two days."

South flue: "Why?"

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