Zhu Chengjun took the cup of tea offered by Ruo Shui, poured half a cup into it, and then he breathed a sigh of relief, and then said, "It seems that his uncle, who is often sick, is sick again. He is sick again. Worrying that his grandfather can't take care of him at home alone, he will go back and have a look."

"That's it..."

Nan Yan frowned slightly when he heard the words.

In the past two years, it is not the first time that Wen Bieyu has come home because of his mad uncle. At the beginning, Nan Yan was nervous and let people follow him. The most important thing was to see Wen Wuyu. Has his condition improved, but after several times, the person just turned upside down at home. I heard that once he almost burned the house, but his condition did not get better.

As a result, Nan Yan didn't stare so tightly.

Today, I heard that Wen Wuyu was ill again. She sighed and said: "Ask him later, if you want to find a doctor, you can tell my palace."

Zhu Chengjun said: "I understand."

After he finished speaking, he walked to Concubine Yi to tease Princess Yongping. Xiao Yongping pinched his finger and called out from his brother. Zhu Chengjun smiled and said, "My sister’s strength is so small. I went to the Prince’s brother’s house that day. Look at Chang Yi, he squeezed my finger and almost smashed me."

Nan Yan and Li Pan'er both laughed.

Li Pan'er smiled and said, "The son is a boy, of course he has more strength than a girl."

Zhu Chengjun blinked his eyes and said: "Ke Xinping sister has a lot of strength. Every time she beats me, I can't get it back."

The two adults laughed harder.

Nan Yan twisted his face and said with a smile: "If you dare to fight back, your father will be the one who beat you up."


Zhu Chengjun pouted, but immediately he laughed.

After sitting for a while, Concubine Yi left with Princess Yongping. Nan Yan beckoned Ruo Shui and the others to bring some cakes and ate with her little son. Zhu Chengjun was able to eat it now when she was growing up. After eating two Hundred Flower Crisps, the corners of his mouth were full of scum. Nan Yan smiled and took out a handkerchief to wipe his mouth, and said: "Why are you eating like a child when you are so old? Your father smiles when he looks at it. you."

Zhu Chengjun grinned at her, suddenly remembering something, and said, "Mother concubine, is my father going to go far?"


Nan Yan felt a little in his heart, but said calmly, "Who said that?"

Zhu Chengjun picked up another piece of mung bean cake and took a bite. He said, "I heard what the prince brother said. He said that the emperor made an order for Chuanshan to allocate grain and grass to Handongwei. With soldiers, the father wants to go there in person."

Although he is still young, he has always lived in the palace, and he often listens to Zhu Feng, Nan Yan, and Zhu Chengxuan discussing the affairs of the DPRK, so he is not unfamiliar with some things in the previous dynasty.

But Nan Yan frowned.

Previously, Zhu Feng transferred Tainingwei and Fuyuwei to Handongwei from a thousand miles away. It sounded like they wanted them to wipe out the cavalry of the East Chacha, who was harassing the border, but Nan Yan felt it vaguely in his heart. He adjusted these. People, definitely still want to practice their hands, late in autumn, early in spring, Zhu Feng will definitely have plans to go northwest.

Unexpectedly, it really did.

She asked: "Then what did your prince brother say?"

Zhu Chengjun said: "The prince brother is having a headache. He wants to stop the father, but he dare not. The officials of the previous dynasty did not listen to the father."

Nan Yan was quiet for a while, then suddenly smiled, and said, "Your prince brother asked you to tell this palace, right?"

Zhu Chengjun looked up at her, and smiled happily.

Thinking about it, Zhu Chengxuan wanted the imperial concubine to blow her pillow breeze and persuade the emperor to persuade her.

Zhu Chengjun asked: "Mother concubine, why did the prince brother let me tell you this?"

Nan Yan smiled and said, "You are still young, and you will understand when you grow up."

"Is the prince brother not young?"

"Your prince brother didn't know anything when he was your age. Now that he has grown up, married, and had children, he will naturally understand when he grows up. If you want to know more, you have to know Only by obedient can you grow up quickly, understand?"

Zhu Chengjun nodded seriously.

Nan Yan smiled and rubbed his hair, then said, "Will you still eat?"

"Stop eating, I'm full."

"When you're full, go down and let them prepare hot water for you to take a bath. The sweat starts early in the morning and it's stinking."

"Then, Erchen resigned first."

He got up and saluted Nan Yan again before he bounced off.

Nan Yan did not immediately let people take away the cups on the table. Instead, they sat there, holding the cup in one hand, drinking tea while concentrating on something.

She didn't even notice that Zhu Feng came back down.

It was not until she walked to sit down in front of her that Nan Yan suddenly recovered, and immediately stood up: "The emperor!"

Zhu Feng smiled and looked at her: "What are you thinking about so ecstatic?"

"It's nothing."

Zhu Feng waved her hand to let her sit down, then looked at the crumbs that fell off the table, and said, "Just now Cheng Jun came back?"

"Yes, I heard that his brother-in-law is sick again. Wen Bieyu went back and took a look. He came here alone.


Zhu Feng nodded, reaching out to grab the cup on the table to drink water, Nan Yan hurriedly stopped. Zhu Chengjun had drunk it before. Naturally, there was no reason for the emperor to drink the rest of the drink, so he got up and made it for him. A cup of tea was brought over, and he said softly: "Didn't the emperor say before that he should find some new doctors to see Wen Wuyu? Why, there has been no improvement?"

Zhu Feng took the cup and took a sip, and said lightly: "He has been crazy for so many years, even if he is to be cured, it will not happen overnight."


"Wait a little longer."

Nan Yan sighed softly when he heard the words.

Seeing her a little depressed, Zhu Feng didn't speak, and drank two more sips of tea.

Nan Yan was depressed for a while, but he adjusted by himself, then raised his head and said softly: "The concubine heard that the emperor wants Chuanshan to allocate grain and grass to Han Dongwei. Is the emperor preparing to send troops?"

Zhu Feng said: "Yeah."

Nan Yan looked at him and said softly: "The emperor, don't you want to go there?"

Zhu Feng glanced at her, but didn't answer the question. Instead, he put the cup back on the table slowly, and then said: "The special envoy of the Zhai Kingdom is about to enter the customs."

When Nan Yan heard it, her eyes widened: "Huh?"

Zhu Feng said: "Do you want to see them?"

Nan Yan wanted to speak immediately, but before he had time to speak, Zhu Feng said: "If they come to the capital to meet me, you, as a concubine, according to the rules, it is definitely impossible to meet them."

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