Seeing that the emperor and the imperial concubine were both angry, Xiao Shunzi naturally did not dare to take this stubbornly, and hurriedly went over to lead the person Chen Zixiao had sent to pick him up.

That was a lieutenant by Chen Zixiao, named Tian Xun.

When he saw that the emperor and the imperial concubine looked wrong, he hurriedly knelt on the side of the carriage, kowtowing and said: "Weichen Tian Xun pays respect to the emperor, and pays respect to the imperial concubine."

Zhu Feng didn't talk nonsense, and asked directly: "Chen Zixiao only wants you to pick him up? His shelf is getting bigger and bigger."

Tian Xun's cold sweat came out.

He hurriedly said: "The emperor forgive me, Master Chen did not intentionally neglect, but before setting out to pick up the driver, he suddenly received the news that there were cavalry from the East Chaga Department running near Handongwei."

"Oh? Then he—"

"Master Chen personally led the troops to the suppression."


After hearing this, Zhu Feng's expression eased a little, after thinking about it, he sneered again: "Why, is he personally leading the team when sending troops?"

Tian Xun said: "Usually not. But this time, the emperor's imperial driver is almost coming to Han Dongwei. The adults are worried that the appearance of the East Chaco team will shock the emperor's driver at this time, so he takes it seriously, so he personally leads the team. I went out and couldn't come to pick up the car. I ask the emperor to forgive me."

Zhu Feng frowned and sighed long.

Said: "He is a captain, so he should know what the captain should do. If a little thing requires him to lead the team on the expedition, what else do you do to raise troops?"

The cold sweat on Tian Xun's forehead dropped drop by drop, repeatedly saying: "Yes, yes."

Nan Yan listened to the side and snorted coldly.

Zhu Feng ignored her first, and only said to Tian Xun: "Then, let's go, I will talk to Han Dongwei beforehand."


Seeing what he said was that Chen Zixiao was not going to be held accountable for the time being, Tian Xun was relieved and immediately got up from the ground and remounted and walked to the front of the team, replacing Ashur in the front leader position, leading the emperor’s imperial driver. Go to Han Dongwei.

Zhu Feng sat back in the carriage and said to the south flue: "What did you just hum?"

Nan Yan said: "If the emperor said that, he would only say others."

Zhu Feng frowned, stretched out his hand and twisted her face, and said: "Go over there and give me some rules, and then do these yin and yang weird things in front of others, and see how I can deal with you!"

Nan Yan squatted her mouth and sat aside without speaking.

And she also faintly felt Zhu Feng's purpose of coming to Handongwei this time. He didn't take the words just now. It can be seen that this time when he comes to Handongwei, he still has to send troops.

Even if he had the opportunity, he would definitely send troops himself.

Thinking of this, Nan Yan couldn't help but feel bitter. You must know that when leaving the capital, the prince and the princess came to see off the eldest son. Zhu Chengxuan exhorted him, especially entrusting the imperial concubine to look at the emperor, and don’t let him be free. Take the risk lightly, because of the previous incident, Nan Yan really felt ashamed of the prince, so he naturally wanted to rely on him, but at the moment, I am afraid that he will not be able to bear the prince's trust.

Thinking of this, she is one head two big.

But no matter what, under the leadership of Tian Xun and others, the Yujia quickly walked through a grassland with green grass as high as one person, entered Handongwei, and arrived at the Duwei Mansion, Chen Zixiao had already taken people there. Kneeling and driving at the door, as soon as the carriage stopped, I heard the crowd shouting long live.

Zhu Feng jumped off the carriage and saw Chen Zixiao kneeling at his feet.

Chen Zixiao kowtow to him again and again: "Criminal minister Chen Zixiao came to ask the emperor for his crimes, the minister deserves ten thousand deaths!"

Zhu Feng watched him kowtow so that the dust on the ground was flying up, he only smiled faintly, and said, "You deserve to die, but how you die depends on how you fought this battle today."

With that, he looked at Chen Zixiao again.

Obviously, he had just returned to Han Dongwei, before he even had time to change the soft armor on his body and put on the government office that was driving him. The corners of his clothes and boots were also covered with mud.

If he is in the capital—even if he is not in the capital, just being known by the supervisors is enough to impeach him to take off his uniform.

Chen Zixiao lowered his head and said: "A team of two hundred people in the East Cha He Department, the Weichen led the team, killed 53 people, captured 18 people, and the rest fled."

Zhu Feng raised his eyebrows slightly.

At this time, Nan Yan also got off the carriage.

She glanced at Chen Zixiao, and said softly, "What the emperor wants to ask? Anyway, I will ask when I enter the mansion. There are so many people watching."

Zhu Feng thought for a while, and said, "Come here, send the imperial concubine into the house."

Nan Yan was stunned for a moment and looked at him: "What is the emperor going to do?"

Chen Zixiao also tilted his head in surprise and gave him a careful look. Zhu Feng looked down at Chen Zixiao and said, "Didn't you come back with more than a dozen prisoners? I'm going to see."

Chen Zixiao said: "The emperor will go now?"

Zhu Feng said: "Go now."

Chen Zixiao thought for a while, and immediately got up to lead the way, but Nan Yan frowned slightly. Although it was not the first time they came to Handongwei, Zhu Feng was also more casual here before, but after they came, even the Duwei Mansion If you don't enter, you just have to go to see the prisoners, which is too casual.

Moreover, the thing that Nan Yan was worried about just now on the road, she became more and more afraid, fearing that it would come true.

So he whispered: "The emperor..."

Zhu Feng patted her hand: "Okay, let's take your people first to rest. You are also uncomfortable along the way. Go and rest for a while. I will come back later and talk to you."

Nan Yan could only sigh and whispered softly, "The emperor, don't be too tired."

"I know."

So Nan Yan took Ruoshui and the others into the mansion, led by the steward of the Duwei Mansion, and on this side, Chen Zixiao took Zhu Feng directly to the dungeon.

Along the way, Zhu Feng asked: "I heard that some of their people have been captured before?"

Chen Zixiao said: "Yes."

"Have you asked anything?"

"The emperor forgive me, no."

"You have been in contact with them for more than two years. You have arrested so many people and killed so many people. You didn't even ask anything?"

Chen Zixiao sighed, and said, "The men from the East Chacha Department are exceptionally aggressive. It is said that the men there are born, first thrown into the cold river and soaked in the cold water. Those who can survive and survive are the ones who are strong. Babies are raised in this way. When they are five or six years old, they begin to practice martial arts. They can ride horses and shoot arrows on horses when they are less than ten years old. If it’s gone, it’s just killed."

Upon hearing this, Zhu Feng frowned slightly.

The people in the East Chaga are indeed difficult to deal with, but I didn't expect that they grew up like this. It is no wonder that they have been able to cause chaos in the Northwest for so many years.

He asked: "Then what do you plan to do with the person captured today?"

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