
Nan Yan woke up suddenly from her sleep and saw a dark figure beside the bed. She almost screamed in fright, and the dark figure immediately said: "Don't yell, it's me."

With that, he raised a candlestick next to him.

The flickering candlelight reflected on Zhu Feng's thin and well-defined face. Nan Yan was relieved and couldn't help but complain: "How come the emperor didn't say hello, almost scared the concubine's soul. ."

Zhu Feng laughed.

Nan Yan raised his hand and wiped the sweat from his forehead, then glanced out the window. At this time, it was pitch black outside. Nan Yan watched Zhu Feng take off his clothes, and couldn't help saying: "The emperor didn't say tonight But are you here?"

Zhu Feng turned his head and glared at her: "Can't I come here?"


"Then, I will leave?"

As he said, putting on his clothes pretentiously, he was about to go out. Nan Yan smiled and hurriedly grabbed him, and said: "Okay, well, the concubine is wrong, the emperor should not be the same as the concubine who was almost scared of the soul just now."

Only then did Zhu Feng snorted softly, threw his clothes aside, and sat down on the bed.

Nan Yan got into his arms along the way.

Although Zhu Feng came to sleep, he was obviously still awake. He didn't intend to sleep right away. He gently stroked Nan Yan's back with one hand and asked: "What nightmare did you just have?"

Nan Yan frowned and thought about it, and said, "I don't remember my concubine anymore, I think it's pretty scary."

Zhu Feng smiled, reached out and rubbed her hair.

"Touching the hair, I can't be scared."

Nan Yan was also amused by him and laughed, then raised his head and said: "Have you finished reading the emperor's book?"

"not yet."


Nan Yan was a little surprised. You must know that even in the capital, as long as the imperial library is piled up with folds, and even if only a new copy is delivered, he will not rest until he finishes processing it. When encountering a lot of things at the beginning and end of the year, It is also common to stay for a few days and nights at the Imperial Study Room.

This was the first time that he returned to rest before the memorial was processed.

However, when Nan Yan looked up at him again, he found that the corners of his eyes and brows seemed to be a little bit of joy, as if he had seen something worthy of joy.

So he smiled and said, "There must be something happy about the emperor."

Zhu Feng straightened his face immediately: "Where is the happy thing?"

"there must be!"

Nan Yan got serious, got out of bed and reached out to touch his chest: "Is there something good hidden? Let me see."

Zhu Feng was so amused by her. He grabbed a pair of little hands that were touching her chest to keep her from moving. He pushed her back into her arms and said, "Okay, don't be blind at night. Toss. I just saw the papers sent by Liu Yueze."

"Liu Yueze?"

I haven't heard the name for a long time.

It's been several years since Princess Xinping had an accident and he went to work in Shu. Nan Yan almost forgot about this person. Suddenly when Zhu Feng mentioned him, he said, "What did he say on his account?"

"I didn't say anything, I just reported the situation in Shu area in recent years."

"It seems that the situation is very good. Otherwise, the emperor would not be so relieved. He would come back to rest without staying up late."

Zhu Feng smiled and said, "You know it again!"

With that said, his face was indeed full of joy, and he said, "I let him go to Shu, because I gave him a lot of freedom, and I didn’t send any monitors to Yushi, just to see what he could do in Shu The results come. Now it seems—there is no wrong payment."

"Today, the population of Shu area has increased by nearly 30% compared with the previous years, and commerce is prosperous. In the past few years alone, the annual tax and silver paid to the court has doubled."

"There is also Shu brocade. The output of Shu brocade has increased a lot in the past two years. In the Central Plains, a piece of Shu brocade is worth twenty taels of silver, and Gu Yiyou and Tong Sinian said back that Shu brocade is very popular in the Western Regions. One horse can be sold for fifty taels of silver, but they also said that merchants from the Western Regions bought Shu brocade and then sold it to a country further west. It was said that they could buy gold for the price."

Nan Yan opened his eyes wide: "So powerful?"

Zhu Feng's eyes were also shining in the dim light, and said: "Therefore, I plan to set up the Shu Brocade Bureau in Shu to let them produce more Shu Brocade."

"You know, the rich people in Shu area have been an important source of imperial taxes in the past dynasties. Since ancient times, there have been sayings of raising one and benefiting two. But in the past few years, there were major events in Jinling, and the imperial court confiscated how much tax was collected. A lot of money, if it weren't for the support from the Shu land, we would all be poor."

Nan Yan nodded softly after hearing this: "It seems that Liu Yueze is indeed talented."

"Not only that."

Zhu Feng said: "Now the commerce in Shu is prosperous, and businessmen from all over the country are going there. Since last year, he has opened the market in Chengdu every month, which has become a great sight."

"Open? What market?"

Zhu Feng said: "It's not fixed, but according to the memorials in his newspaper, Jin City just opened in April, Fan City in May, Xiang City in June, and Qibao City and Gui City next."

Nan Yan opened her eyes wide when she heard it, and couldn't help but said: "It all sounds fun, and my concubine wants to see it too."

Zhu Feng smiled and said: "It's not just you, I want to see it."


"When we are done with things here, let's find a chance and let's go shopping in Shudi."

Nan Yan smiled and said, "Okay!"

Zhu Feng smiled, stroked her smooth back lightly, and said: "As the saying goes, the world has not been chaos before Shu, and the world has not been governed by Shu. If the land of Shu is governed, it gives me confidence."

Nanyan Road: "Today, the imperial court has established diplomatic relations with Japan, and the sea troubles have been eliminated; I heard that there are many envoys from the South and Western Oceans. The emperor is more emboldened. Take a breath."

Zhu Feng smiled and shook his head: "It's still early."

"Is it early?"

"As long as the world is still unleveled, and the unleveled land, I won't be able to express this one."

Nan Yan frowned when she heard it, then thought about it, and said, "But no matter what, as long as the affairs of the East Chaco Department are resolved this time, the emperor will always be able to rest."

When Zhu Feng heard the words, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

He said with a faint smile: "It's natural to take a break, but I'm afraid it won't be so easy to solve the problem of the East Inspection Team. Who knows who is behind them."

Nanyan Road: "Let the prisoner go back this time, no matter what, you can dig up some clues."

Zhu Feng said: "I'm afraid to dig out a big one."

Having said that, he sneered again: "Of course, it's okay to dig out the big one."

Nan Yan looked at him. Originally, he had just talked about Shudi, and the corners of his eyes and brows were still happy, but at this moment, his body had already revealed a heavy murderous aura.

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