Zhu Feng said: "You have a lot of things to do on your own. If your head is chopped off, you can't count this one."

He Yi smiled bitterly and stepped aside.

Only then did Zhu Feng walk in with Nan Yan. As soon as he entered the garden, he saw a few people in the pavilion not far ahead, standing or sitting, as if watching the scenery.

Nan Yan craned her neck and saw the figure in Taoist gown at a glance.

Before today, she was not ignorant of this old country uncle. Since the three brothers of the Chen family came to Zhu Feng, she also learned something about this old country uncle from Zhu Feng's mouth. Especially after he left the court.

For example, at first he went to Wudang Mountain and followed the legendary Zhang Zhenren to practice; later, he was regarded as a teacher, and the court chose a site in Lingtian Mountain to build a Zhenwu Temple for him and let him practice alone. .

Although he had been away from the world for so long, his three children, Chen Zixiao, Chen Yiliu, and Chen Xuan, were all full of resources, both civil and military, and they also made some achievements after entering the court.

And they just learned the fur from the old uncle.

Therefore, although Nan Yan has never seen Lao Guo's uncle, he has sketched the appearance of this legendary elder in his mind more than once, thinking that he must be of golden jade quality, Dao bone fairy style, even sitting in this mundane manner The place is also like a cloud that will drift away at any time.

Only this appearance is worthy of the legendary life of this old country uncle.

However, just as they approached the pavilion, they heard a burst of laughter.

The laughter was deafening, as if it was about to overturn the lid of the pavilion. Nan Yan couldn't help being taken aback. As soon as he looked up, he saw an exceptionally tall figure standing up in the pavilion. The laughter just now, He sent it out.

Not knowing what he heard, he laughed so badly, and finally he was a little out of breath, and coughed while holding on to the pillar of the pavilion.

And that cough, like a thunderbolt, shocked people's hearts.

This person is tall and burly, even compared to Zhu Feng. He has dark skin and looks like a black iron tower. Even if he looks at it from a distance, it gives people an inexplicable oppression. sense.

Nan Yan held his breath subconsciously.

Of course, what made her hold her breath was not only the thunderous laughter and coughing of this person, but also the oppressive feeling brought by the tall figure. The most important thing was that she saw this person wearing a robe.

So many people around were all dressed in official uniforms.

He is the only one, wearing a Taoist robe.

So, he is--

At this time, Zhu Feng had already stepped forward and said to the man in the pavilion: "Uncle."


Nan Yan suddenly gasped.

What kind of golden jade quality, what kind of fairy wind, in her mind for a moment, it was like being swept away by a gust of wind, there was no residue left, and the only thing left was the scorched consciousness that was struck by thunder. I couldn't react to standing still.

Old country uncle...

This big man who is as tall as a black iron tower is actually the old uncle? !

Hearing Zhu Feng’s voice, this big man in a Taoist robe turned around, and Nan Yan could see his appearance clearly. Speaking of which, Old Guo's uncle was not handsome, and even more like the fluttering in Nan Yan’s mind. It doesn’t matter what the Taoist looks like. On the contrary, he has a rough look, a square mouth and a wide nose. Although his beard is cleanly shaved, he can clearly see the continuous green chaffs emerging from the lower jaw. Changing clothes on the battlefield can scare many people away just by looking at them.

As expected... the one who followed Emperor Gao to fight the world.

And when he turned his head and saw Zhu Feng, although he didn't feel too surprised, his pair was as good as Zhu Feng. The piercing eyes that he had trained on the battlefield revealed a bit of radiance. After looking at Zhu Feng, a cheerful smile appeared on his face.

It seems that I have seen some satisfactory results.

Then, he raised his hand to Zhu Feng: "Your Majesty, I am a poor leader."

Only when he said these words can one feel the truth that he is a monk.

Zhu Feng hurriedly raised his hand and said, "Uncle does not need to be so polite. For so many years, I have never gone to greet my uncle, but now it is my fault to ask my uncle to visit."

The old uncle looked at him with a smile, and then said: "Your Majesty has everything you can do. If you are still distracted by Poor Dao, you will have failed your Majesty's original intention."

Although he looks rough, he is very transparent.

Even Nan Yan felt that he should have a good understanding of Zhu Feng, otherwise he would not mention the word "early heart".

Nan Yan looked at his eyes, from the shock and puzzlement at the beginning, he became a little closer.

The old uncle seemed to feel her gaze, and turned his eyes to Nan Yan who was standing behind Zhu Feng. Zhu Feng immediately said: "Uncle, she is Nan Yan, my--"

"The noble concubine,"

The old uncle took the conversation directly and smiled and said, "Although the poor road has lived in the mountains for a long time, I have heard a lot about the deeds of the imperial concubine.

Nan Yan hurriedly saluted: "I have seen my uncle."

The old country's uncle smiled and said, "Don't be like this for the imperial concubine.

When they met like this, it was like an ordinary family greeting. Nan Yan's previous astonishment and a little warning about his sudden visit had almost disappeared at this time, and even a little homely warmth came in his heart.

But Zhu Feng, still looking at the old country uncle soberly, suddenly looked behind him again.

Although the old uncle is already a monk, he is after all the old uncle. Even in Ling Tianshan's Zhenwu Temple, someone arranged by the court to become a monk to protect him, this time he came to the northwest, naturally, he could not come alone.

However, looking around, there is no familiar figure.

Even his fellow practitioner, Shouzhen Dao Master, did not see a trace.

Zhu Feng couldn't help but said, "Why did my uncle suddenly come here this time? What about the Taoist Master Shouzhen?"

Speaking of this, the tiger eyes of the old uncle suddenly turned red.

Zhu Feng frowned slightly, before he had time to say anything, Chen Zixiao, who had been very cautious and waited on the side, spoke with a hoarse voice: "The way of keeping the truth is long half a year ago...feathered."


Zhu Feng frowned.

Nan Yan's heart sank.

The Taoist Shouzhen is dead?

She heard that cultivators, especially fellow cultivators, are very dependent on each other. That’s why the old uncle Guo only took the three children to hand over such an important matter as Zhu Feng to Dao Shouzhen. , Now that Shouzhen Dao has emerged, then he--

Zhu Feng said: "That uncle is here this time—"

The old uncle cheered up, and then said with a smile: "Poor Dao is here to give your Majesty something."

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