The old country's uncle smiled and said: "Poverty Dao is absolutely nothing. It's just—"

Zhu Feng said: "But what?"

The old uncle said: "However, if the poor Dao sent something like this to your majesty, can your majesty catch it?"

Upon hearing these words, Zhu Feng's eyes flashed with a sharp light, which was as sharp as the tip of a knife, but it disappeared in a flash.

The people around couldn't help but frowned.

You know, what he meant by this was to doubt the emperor's ability. This kind of suspicion was offensive to the emperor, and even more disrespectful. If it were an ordinary person, it would have been dragged down.

Even Ruoshui, who was standing behind Nan Yan, couldn't help frowning, muttering, "It's too rude."

Nan Yan turned his head back and glared at her: "Quiet!"

Ruo Shui rarely sees Nan Yan's fierce appearance, so scared that he dared not speak any more, he hurriedly pursed his mouth and lowered his head, while Nan Yan turned his head and looked at the old country uncle with a complex expression, he seemed He didn't notice the disrespect in his words, but he smiled and looked at Zhu Feng, as if he was really waiting for a result.

In Nan Yan's heart, there was no offended anger.

On the contrary, just like hearing him say to send Zhu Feng a gust of east wind, she was only shocked.

Can the emperor catch this east wind?

If someone else hears this, they can only hear the disrespect in it. But these days, with Zhu Feng, who is worried and awake at night, how can Nan Yan not understand, this "can catch it" ", why is it so important.

Because Zhu Feng wanted to draw water from the Boundary River, borrowing the rain from the east to flood Baihu City.

The east wind that the old country uncle said to send was the rain.

But the current situation is that although Ajislan failed to understand Zhu Feng’s plan, he must have seen Zhu Feng’s plan to take action against White Tiger City. Therefore, the more Han Dongwei stayed on his side, the more he stayed. He was going to send troops to nuisance. Last time, he sent 30,000 troops. Although it was only a hand, he obviously did not intend to stop there.

Therefore, after retiring, he did not completely withdraw. Instead, he set up camp in a pasture not far from here, and sent people back to the city to mobilize more soldiers and horses to prepare for another provocation.

If this continues, the people in White Tiger City will all be transferred out.

If the people of White Tiger City were all outside, even if the water of the boundary river and the rain from the east overturned the entire White Tiger City, there would be no way to completely eradicate the forces of Ajislan and Dongchahe.

This is just not catching it!

If Zhang Zhenren looked at the stars at night and found that the purple qi came to the east, it was a sign of auspiciousness, but such auspicious Zhu Feng couldn't catch it, then it would be—Heaven gave me. It would be against God's will if he didn't take it.

Well, Xiangrui does not have it, but it may cause disaster.

Thinking of this, Nan Yan looked at Zhu Feng with a heavy heart.

After the latter was silent for a while, a little smile appeared on his face. Nan Yan thought he was going to talk about it, but Zhu Feng said: "This matter will be discussed later. Uncle said far away. It must have been very hard to come here. Someone--"

Xiao Shunzi was ready long ago, and immediately stepped forward at this time.

Zhu Feng said: "Have you arranged a place for the old uncle?"

Xiao Shunzi said, "Master Chen has already cleaned out a wing room in the captain's mansion."

Zhu Feng frowned: "Why is the wing room?"

Not to mention that this time the old country's uncle came here to give the emperor a gust of wind. It would be rude to let him live in a wing room just to say his identity. Zhu Feng looked at Chen Zixiao reproachfully, and the old uncle seemed to see what he was thinking, and smiled and said, "Pan Dao is a cultivator, and the wing room is very good."

Zhu Feng thought for a while, but didn't force it, he just said, "Then, let me serve my uncle and rest for a while, and wait until the evening, and then I will help my uncle."

The old uncle smiled and waved his hand, and said, "This is not necessary."

Zhu Feng said, "Does my uncle have any concerns?"

The old uncle said: "Pan Dao is a monk, and the mundane things of getting rid of the wind and dust are really cumbersome and can be avoided; not to mention—"

Having said that, he raised his head to look at Zhu Feng, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty and Zi Xiao, there should be more important things to do."


Zhu Feng's eyes flickered again.

After a long silence, he smiled and said: "My uncle really knows everything, so I won't force it."

The old uncle smiled and waved his hand, and said: "Don’t force it, don’t force it. As long as your majesty gives Xiangdao some joss sticks, and don’t let them bother you if you have nothing to do. As long as your majesty thinks it can be caught, the poor Tao will naturally take advantage Send it to your majesty."

Nan Yan listened to these words beside him, just like listening to the legend.

But she didn't talk too much. She just stood quietly and watched Xiao Shunzi lead people to invite the old uncle and He Yi down. After that, Zhu Feng whispered a few words to Chen Zixiao, Chen Zixiao led The fate went down immediately, and then when they returned to the room, Nan Yan asked, "The emperor, what did the uncle mean--"

Zhu Feng turned his head and glanced at her.

Then slowly said: "I don't know whether there are real gods in this world, and if so, I don't know whether it is the real Zhang on Wudang Mountain or my uncle."

Nanyan Road: "Can the old uncle really bring east wind to the emperor?"

Zhu Feng said: "He said yes, I don't doubt it."


"Now, probably everyone is worried, but I can't take it anymore."

"What should the emperor do to be able to catch it?"

"Naturally, all the soldiers and horses that Arislan transferred out of the city will return to White Tiger City."

When Nan Yan heard it, her brows tightened.

"But now, Ajislan is constantly shifting his troops out."


When Zhu Feng said this, his eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a little dangerous light, and said: "Moreover, he still adjusts little by little. This time, he has transferred 50,000 people from Baihu City."

South Yandao: "However, the people in White Tiger City, together with the people from the East Chaga Department, cannot be the only one.

Zhu Feng said: "Not bad."

Nan Yan frowned and said, "How can he let them go back like this?"

Zhu Feng twitched his lips and said, "In fact, what I want to think about now is not how to get them to go back, but to let their men and horses keep pace. If they come out, they will all come out."

"All out?"

"Yes," Zhu Feng nodded, and said: "It is necessary to have a small fight like the first battle, so that he feels that we still don't want to get into a fierce battle with him, and then he will continue to transfer troops out. Constantly sending troops to nuisance. Wait until—"

"Wait, he called all the men and horses out."

Having said this, Nan Yan's heart flashed, and he suddenly recovered and opened his eyes to look at Zhu Feng: "Then again--"

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