In a blink of an eye, two days passed.

The night of this day is particularly sinking, and the sky is like a huge black hand, covering the entire northwest wasteland, giving people a sense of depression that can't even breathe.

Arislan opened the camp and took a deep breath against the dark black outside.

At this time, his lieutenant Ulihan led two soldiers from outside.

Although they are still wearing armor, their swords have been sheathed, and only when they are very close can they smell a faint but **** smell and a little unnoticeable war intent.

If it really experienced a great war, it would definitely not be the case.

Even Ajislan himself knows that if a big battle is over, everyone will feel as if they have been washed with blood. Even if they are far apart, they can smell the pungent and **** smell, and it will make people feel shivering meaning.

So, the game just finished--

Arislan narrowed his eyes slightly, and when Ulihan walked in front of him, he asked, "How?"

Ulihan bowed his head and bowed to him, and then said: "King Qi, the other party only dispatched less than 30,000 people."


Ajislan's eyes flickered, and said: "Then, how is the battle going?"

Ulihan said: "Our army wounded 36 people, and no one died in the battle."

"Where is the other party?"

"It only hurt dozens of people."

Ajislan's brows wrinkled.

Regardless of the significance of the war this time, I dispatched 80,000 horses and wounded only more than 30 people. Not even one person died. It was a joke when it spread out.

He asked: "Why didn't you pursue it?"

Ulihan probably never fought such a boring battle before. He laughed with anger and said, "They retreat quickly, as if rushing back to eat. They have no intention of fighting again. If this is the case, our people also All feel boring."

So, playing two games in the past few days is just like playing around.

Ajislan looked at the soldiers returning to the camps on both sides. They didn't come back with swords, talking and laughing, just like those farmers in the Central Plains who went home to eat with their hoes.

The whole camp exudes a sloppy atmosphere.

However, Ajislan was overwhelmed with a big rock in his heart.

He knew it was wrong.

In these years, it is not the first time he has fought against Chen Zixiao, nor is it the first time he has fought against Zhu Feng. Both sides have the right to rule for the northwest part. Back, Zhu Feng personally went to Han Dongwei, and the incident of the surrender who had escaped from the Dongcha Hebu before also clearly indicated that he would make big moves, but until now, except for the two wars he provoked, It seems that the other party has always been forced to perfuse, and has no intention of confronting him.

This is wrong.

Ajislan said in a deep voice, "This is definitely not right."

Ulihan waved his hand, let the two soldiers behind him go down to rest, followed Ajislan back to the camp, and said, "What's wrong? The people of Yan Country obviously don't want to entangle with us. Any results."


"Obviously, Emperor Yan Kingdom didn't take this seriously at all."

"Do not!"

Ajislan said decisively: "It is impossible for Zhu Feng to take this seriously."


"Since he already knows that this king is colluding with the East Chaga Department, he will definitely act. Otherwise, this is not like his style of behavior."

Ulihan took off his helmet and placed it heavily on the table, saying, "But we have already provoked two wars, and Han Dongwei fought two games like us, killing and wounding no more than a hundred people. We can still How to do?"

Ajislan said solemnly: "He must have done this for his purpose. Maybe--"

"Maybe what?"

"Maybe, he just wants to drag us."

"What do you mean?"

Ajislan’s eyes flickered, and slowly said: "This king has dealt with him for so long. Zhu Feng is not a targetless person. He is militant and good at fighting, but now we provoke him like this, but he hasn’t In the battle, there is only one explanation, that is, what he is planning secretly, and what he is planning cannot be affected by a large-scale war."

Ulihan had some recollection, and said: "So, he has been letting the people below to play with us like this."

Ajisland said: "Not bad."

Ulihan frowned and thought for a long time, and said: "But, what is he planning? We have been observing for so long, and the scouts are also investigating near Handongwei, only to see that they have sent out a lot of people to fetch water. And recently, Han Dongwei seems to have some incredible characters, even the emperor personally came out to welcome him."


"Others, we got nothing and know nothing."

Ajislan was silent for a long time, and slowly said: "Although we know nothing, we can't stay still."

Ulihan looked at him: "The king meant—"

Ajislan said: "Since we have guessed what they are planning secretly, then we can't let their plans continue without making any preparations."

Ulihan frowned: "Then what can we do?"

Ajislan stood up slowly, walked to the entrance of the camp once more, looked at the extremely relaxed soldiers outside, with a gloomy look in his eyes as night, and said: "Since they perfuse us, we will make them unable to perfuse; Since they don't want to disturb them, we must interrupt their plans."

Ulihan said weakly, "But we have already provoked two battles, and the other side shouldn't. What can we do?"

Ajislan said: "Because we only have such a small number of troops, the other party can naturally perfuse, and of course they will not face us.

Ulihan suddenly understood something.

He opened his eyes wide and looked at Ajislan, hurriedly walked behind him, and said in a deep voice, "The king means--"

Ajislan turned to look at him, and said word by word: "You immediately return to the city and mobilize all the people."

Hearing these words, Ulihan widened his eyes in an unbelievable way. He looked at Ajislan for a long time before saying, "Does the king really want to do this? This, this is—"

Arislan said: "Zhu Feng came here this time, I am afraid that he wants to get it right once and for all, and completely break with the king. If this is the case, it is better to take the initiative in his own hands."


"In any case, I should settle the bill with him."

At this moment, there was another sound of horseshoes outside the camp, interrupting the words of the two people. Ajislan raised his head and saw a black scout turning over from his horse, and quickly ran to him. Kneel down in front of the camp: "Great King."

When the scout came back at this time, he must have heard something.

Ajislan asked immediately: "What's the news?"

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