After Zhu Feng left, the atmosphere in the room did not ease down, and Nan Yan did not go to rest, but sat at the table with a gloomy expression, a candlelight swaying constantly with the night breeze, the light of a swaying candle. It also reflected Nan Yan's eyes, which made everyone around him afraid to take a mouthful.

Ruo Shui looked around and didn't know where Delu had gone at this time.

She could only bite the bullet and make a cup of tea, and brought it to Nan Yandu cautiously, and said softly, "Niang, should you rest earlier?"

Nan Yan calmly shook his head.

"I can't sleep now in my palace."

Ruo Shui looked at her worriedly, and whispered: "Don’t worry too much, Niang. Didn’t the emperor let Master Chen send a few people out to find it? After all, His Royal Highness is still young and can’t run too far. I'll get it back in a while."


Nan Yan was silent and did not speak, his eyes fixed on the flickering candle on the table.

After a while, she slowly said, "How easy is it."

"Why do you say that?"

Nan Yan said with a sullen face: "The horse that the King of Han rode away was walking on the clouds. That horse had very good feet. Moreover, he left Han Dongwei at least in the afternoon when the army was out of the city. For such a long time, I don't know where to go anymore."

Ruoshui hurriedly said: "However, the emperor has sent so many people out, and they will definitely be found."

Nan Yan took a deep breath and said, "My palace only hopes that the one who finds him first is the one sent by the emperor."


Ruo Shui widened her eyes in surprise: "What do you mean by this empress?"

South Yandao: "The emperor just suspected that Cheng Jun rode to the altar. You know, that place was chosen by the emperor to fight against the people of White Tiger City, and Ajislan’s troops were stationed there. It’s impossible to be unaware of his character in the neighborhood for more than ten miles."

Ruo Shui's breath suffocated, and he muttered: "Niangniang means that if your Royal Highness really goes to the altar, he might encounter--"

She dared not finish saying this sentence.

Nan Yan also closed his eyes in pain, clenched his hands into fists and supported his forehead.

Ruo Shui also became a little flustered, she thought for a while, and then said: "If this is the case, why didn't the empress just tell the emperor?"

Nan Yan gave a wry smile and said, "Do you think that the emperor can't think of things that even this palace can think of?"


Ruo Shui was stunned again, and at this moment, Du Delu hurried in from the outside and couldn't find a shadow. He gasped and saluted Nan Yan, and then said, "Niang Niang guessed it. That's right, the slave maid just saw that, not long after the emperor left, he asked Jin Yiwei to command the envoy to lead the people down, as if he was out of the city and heading northwest."

Nan Yan's eyes darkened when she heard it.

Going northwest from the city is the way to go directly to the altar.

If Shui's cold sweat came out, she walked around the house a few times anxiously, then turned to look at Nan Yan: "Then, why didn't the emperor tell the empress just now?"

Nan Yan sighed and said, "The emperor did this because he didn't want my palace to worry about it."


"Therefore, my palace pretended not to know, lest he knew that my palace was worried, and he would worry too."

Hearing her words like a car wheel, Ruoshui was sad and distressed. The emperor loves the imperial concubine, and the imperial concubine tries not to cause trouble to the emperor, but the little majesty is so ignorant and runs out in such a crisis. In case something really happens, let the emperor and the imperial concubine take responsibility. How to face it?

If Shui feels angry and anxious, but it is difficult to bring this emotion to his face, this will make Nan Yan more uncomfortable.

So, she tried to calm Nan Yan gently: "Manny, since the emperor has sent someone out, and he is still a member of Jin Yiwei, then his highness will definitely be fine, and they will definitely be able to get his highness back intact."


Nan Yan was silent for a while, then turned his head, looked at the darkness that was as thick as ink, and slowly said: "My palace now only hopes that if he goes to the altar, he must not get lost; even if he gets lost. Now, you must not meet Ajislan. Otherwise, otherwise—"

In the night, her helpless voice drifted in the wind, and after a while, it fell into silence.

But things in this world are sometimes not as good as people want.

The less things people want to happen, they happen.

Zhu Chengjun was lost.

He did get out of the city in the army, but after leaving the city, he parted ways with those people. After all, his figure is different from ordinary soldiers, and he is not like a foreign businessman. Will be recognized.

So, he took a detour and went northwest.

It was just this detour that the road began to become unfamiliar. During the day, he could still look at the direction of the sun in the sky to judge the route, but when the twilight fell and the sun set, his eyes fell into darkness.

However, this evening, the sky was pitch black, and there was not even a star.

The night wind whizzed past my ears, and the whining sound seemed not only the sound of wind, but also the howling of a wolf. On the way to Handongwei, the guide Assu told him that there are wolves in the wasteland, and they are a group of wolves. They will attack the single merchants and soldiers at night, and wait until the body of the attacked person is destroyed during the day. When found, only a pair of bones remained.

Thinking of this, he shuddered.

How about going back?

Thinking of this, he subconsciously strangled the horse and turned his head back carefully, but when he looked back, it was pitch black behind him, and he could no longer see the way he came.

Zhu Chengjun looked around again subconsciously, but when he looked around, it was too thick to dissolve. In the dark night, he seemed to be enveloped in his palm by a huge black hand. There was no way out. The cold wind blew his body. His courage and impulse turned into cold sweats.

At this moment, the boy who was less than ten years old was really a little scared.

He firmly grasped the rein with both hands, and said softly, "Father, mother, where am I? What should I do?"

He hesitated for a while, just when he didn't know what to do, suddenly, there seemed to be more noises in the wind, like something flying in the wind, and it was getting closer and closer.

"That's awful!"

There was a look of panic on his face, and he murmured: "Did I meet a wolf? Sure, I must have met a wolf, wow!"

He cried out, and hurriedly rode his horse hurriedly, regardless of direction.

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