As soon as Ajislan heard it, his face went cold.

Although Zhu Chengjun was young, he had grown up in the court since he was a child. He was so keen on his heart that he felt wrong when he saw his face change and closed his mouth.

And Ajislan squinted slightly with a dangerous light in his eyes, staring coldly at the vigilant child in front of him, and said: "Timber business? Those who are in the wood business, go here?"

If Zhu Feng or Nan Yan were here at this time, they would immediately understand what was wrong with this sentence.

This place is the gateway of the Central Plains to the Western Regions. The merchants who come and go carry either silk, tea, and porcelain shipped to the countries of the Western Regions, or all the spices, jewels and horses they bring to the Central Plains.

And wood is absolutely impossible to appear on this road.

In that case, how could a timber merchant come to this place?

Zhu Chengjun was also dumbfounded. Although he couldn't figure out the key points, he could tell from Ajislan's face that he was probably showing up, and he stammered in panic: "I, I--"

There was a sharp and dangerous light in Ajislan's eyes.

He originally thought that this child appeared on the wasteland is puzzling. If it is just the child of an ordinary wealthy businessman, it is okay to tie him to the camp and blackmail his family a sum of money, but now it seems that this child is obviously unusual Although he is wearing Ling Luo, his child is not an ordinary wealthy businessman, and he deliberately hides his identity in front of him.

Ajislan felt a little angry, and sneered: "It seems that you can't cry without seeing the coffin!"

After speaking, he grabbed Zhu Chengjun's hand and dragged him up.

Feeling wrong, Zhu Chengjun immediately struggled to fight each other: "What are you doing? Let go of me! Let go of me!"

Ajislan didn’t talk nonsense with him at all. He dragged him out of the tent with a cold face. As soon as he went out, Zhu Chengjun saw that a large number of soldiers in the barracks outside had been assembled, and a few soldiers standing around the tent saw them. Come out, greet him immediately.

"The King."

Ajislan said coldly: "Bring the prison cart over and put this kid in. When will he tell the truth and when will he be released!"

After speaking, Zhu Chengjun was thrown away.

Where did the soldiers dare to neglect, they dragged Zhu Chengjun to a corner of the barracks. There were a few vehicles that looked like horse-drawn carriages, but they were not ordinary carriages, but iron cages. The size of the cages was also strange. Saying it is big or not, saying it is not small, it seems to be able to hold a person, it seems too crowded.

Zhu Chengjun was originally worried that he would be beaten, or would be killed directly by someone, but he didn't expect that they would just lock himself up. Although struggling to fight all the way, he was still relieved.

However, once he was put in the cage, he yelled badly.

The cage didn't look too big or too small. As soon as he was locked in, with his head sticking out from above, he realized that he couldn't stand up straight underneath.

In this way, you have to bend your knees, but when you bend your knees, your neck gets stuck on the iron cage.

This feeling of inadequacy is more tormenting than a whip and a knife. In fact, it is also his ignorance. This is a torture instrument specially used to torture those hard-mouthed prisoners. The army also has this kind of prison car. It was specially prepared for the prisoners, but in the previous few small-scale battles, there was no damage on both sides, and the prison vehicle has never been used.

Ajislan did not expect that the first person to enjoy this prison car was actually a child.

Zhu Chengjun only stood for a while and felt that life is better than death, his face turned pale, and he yelled profusely: "Let me out, let me out!"

Ajislan walked slowly in front of the prison car with his hands behind his back: "Now, are you willing to tell the truth?"


Zhu Chengjun immediately closed his mouth again.

At the sight of him, Ajislan's brows tightened.

It's not that he has never brought a child. There are several children under his knee who are about the same age as this child, but he has never seen one as difficult as this child.

He grinned and said coldly, "Have your mouth been hard, okay, let me see how hard your mouth can be!"

After speaking, he walked away.

Zhu Chengjun wanted to ask him to come back and let him go, but he refused to beg for mercy. He could only endure the soreness in his knees with tears in his eyes and gritted his teeth. If he didn't pay attention, his neck was stuck on the iron cage. The skin was open and fleshy, and the pain made him cry.

However, he was not the only one who was suffering.

Behind a mound of dirt outside the barracks, there was a man lying on his stomach with a sullen face. His body was covered with mud and dust. Almost the whole person was integrated with this land. It is precisely because of this that so many people come and go Did not find this little figure in the distance.

No one else, but Wen Bieyu who came from looking for Zhu Chengjun.

He also rode a horse on the wasteland all night, and unknowingly walked to the vicinity of the Ajislan barracks, only to realize that he had reached such a dangerous situation. When he was about to leave, he saw Ari. Silan's team returned to the barracks from outside.

Although far away, he did not see Zhu Chengjun in the crowd, but at a glance the horse that was led by the soldiers of the country-Tayun.

It was immediately understood that the King of Han had unfortunately been arrested by the enemy.

At this moment, his head is also big. If he is caught by other thieves in the past, he will take some money to redeem, and he also carries some valuable things with him, but Zhu Chengjun turned out to be a native of the country who is about to fight with them. Caught, can this still survive?

When I thought of last time, Zhu Chengjun just ran a little farther, and he was beaten to the ground. This time, he felt that his life might not be guaranteed.

Not only that, but also his uncle, his grandfather.

The teenager panicked too.

However, even though he was panicked, he did not panic. Instead, he hid his horse far away, and then sneaked out of the barracks to take a peek. He found that Zhu Chengjun was locked in a tent by them first, and then locked in again. In the prison car, he didn't understand that it was a torture instrument. He just looked at Zhu Chengjun being detained, as if he was very weak. His heartache was terribly painful, and he could only secretly say in his heart: Your Majesty, bear with it, and bear with it. Shinobu, when I find a chance, I will definitely save you out.

A gust of wind blew, and the dust was swept up to the faces of the people in the barracks.

Ajislan frowned, raised his hand and wiped it on his face.

At this time, he looked sharply at the mounds outside the barracks. As far as his eyes were, there was a strange mound that was not very visible but was a bit strange.

At this moment, Wen Bieyu's cold sweat came out from behind the mound.

At this moment, Bayin came from the side and said to Ajislan: "Great King."

Ajislan turned his head and said, "What's the matter?"

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