He Yi also glanced back, and then said: "Manny, Uncle Guo is about to start praying for rain. At this time, no one can come on stage, otherwise-Empress doesn't want it, so let Shan Jiuren lose everything."


Nan Yan's expression sank.

This is true.

In any case, the most important thing at the moment is this war. Whether you can "borrow" the east wind and whether you can "borrow" the rain is almost the key to the victory of the entire battle.

Thinking of this, although she was still a little unwilling, she could only stop and didn't go up.

At this time, the old uncle finally stopped coughing.

At this moment, the sky was completely dark, and the people under the altar could only see his rickety figure. After holding his chest and finally suppressing the inner turmoil, he raised his head, his pale face revealed There was a trace of decisive expression.


On the other side, Zhu Chengjun was dying of torture.

The kind of cage he held him looks ordinary, not as scary as torture, but it can really be tortured so that life is not as good as death. For a whole day, his knees cannot be straightened or bent. At first, he just felt tired. , But after a long time, the uncomfortable feeling is like scraping people's bones with a knife.

Although there is no blood, it is painful and unhappy.

He was so tired that his whole body was weak, but he couldn't even get into a coma.

Whenever he was so tired that he was about to close his eyes and lose consciousness, his neck was severely stuck above the cage. By the end of the day, his entire lower jaw had been worn to blood, and it was painful even a touch.

Seeing that it was getting dark, he was about to die.

Zhu Chengjun looked weakly at the dark sky above his head, only feeling that he could no longer see the sun tomorrow.


At this time, he was also unconscious, and he didn't even know whether he was meditating in his heart or speaking out. The instinctive desire to survive made him clasp the wooden fences on both sides of his neck with both hands and muttered. :"I'm dying……"

At this moment, the sound of horse hooves awakened him again.

He opened his eyes suddenly, his knees were almost insensible, he couldn't stand up straight and couldn't bend, he could only gritted his teeth and hugged the two wooden fences a little bit, watching the dim light, a man and horse rushed in. At the barracks, a man turned over and got off his horse, and quickly ran towards the big tent of Ajislan.

What's the news again?

During the day, Zhu Chengjun had already seen a large number of troops dispatched from the military camp here, and he must have started fighting.

I don't know who loses and who wins.

No, it must be his father who won. The most powerful man in this world is his father. There is no battle he cannot win!

Moreover, as long as he wins, he can save himself out!

Thinking of this, he became more energetic, staring at Ajislan’s big tent. After a while, the reporter withdrew from it, and the person next to him brought him a horse over, and he turned over. Mounted and ran out again.

After a while, Ajislan also came out.

At this time, the sky was completely dark, only the light from a few bonfires in the barracks barely illuminated the contours of his face. Zhu Chengjun could faintly see that his face didn't seem very good-looking.

In fact, it is true.

When the sun went down, he knew that the war had started, and people kept coming back from the front, and the war was still anxious.

In fact, this war cannot be finished in a few hours.

If the battle of hundreds of thousands of people can be finished so quickly, it would be really a trifling matter.

Even, within a few hours, it is impossible to play a clear victory or defeat. This is also very clear to Ajislan, who has many years of combat experience.

But I don't know why, he is still playing ahead, and there is no obvious victory or defeat, but his heart has been restless, sitting in the tent waiting for news every moment, like sitting on pins and needles.

Finally unable to sit down, Ajislan walked out of the big tent and looked at the dark night before her.

He asked: "What time is it?"

Su He said: "Hai Shi."

"Hai Shi?"

Ajislan frowned and said in a deep voice, "Has been fighting for two hours?"


"It's been so long..."

He felt that his heartbeat was getting heavier and heavier, as if he was beating a drum. After a while, he suddenly realized that his anxiety was not only from the war ahead, but also from the child in the prison cage. .

Thinking of this, Ajislan turned around and walked slowly to the edge of the barracks.

Su He held a torch and followed behind him. The flames shone, and the small head that exposed the prison car was suddenly illuminated. The chin and neck were already bloody, and bones could even be seen in some places. The child's face was paler against the background, and he looked almost lifeless.

Ajislan said coldly: "Alive?"

The little head turned slowly, and his godless eyes looked at him. After a while, he heard the child say in a weak voice: "I'm still young. If you want to die, you must die first!"


Ajislan frowned again.

After all, he also came here when he was a child. It is clear that although a child can speak hard, a child is a child after all. He usually coaxes him with candy, or frightens him with a stick, and he can do anything.

But this child-after using this kind of torture instrument to deal with adults, he almost broke his neck. This kind of pain may not even be able to bear the soldiers around him. The child is still unwilling to let go. .

What kind of xinxing is this?

At this moment, Ajislan's heart suddenly felt a little chill.

At this time, regardless of the origin of this child, it's just that he is only this little old, and he has such a temperament. If he grows up in the future, he can be trained again, I am afraid it will be terrible.

A thought suddenly came to Ajislan's heart.

Maybe, we should kill him now.

But immediately, he dismissed the idea.

If a child wants to kill him because he is too tough, if he speaks out such a scornful thought, even oneself will be funny.

However, the child in front of him is indeed too special.

He frowned and looked at the child for a long time, but in the end he didn't say anything, but turned away with a sullen face. Su He urged the surrounding soldiers to watch them carefully, and hurriedly followed him away.

Seeing Ajislan leave, Zhu Chengjun was relieved.

But this time, he really couldn't hold on anymore.

At this moment, he heard the sound of Xixisuosuo coming from the grass not far away.

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