
Bayin screamed in pain, knowing that he might not be able to resist it today. He simply grabbed the long scorpion deep into his body with one hand, restrained Chen Zixiao so that he could not move, and then rushed forward. go with.

Chen Zixiao desperately tried to pull out Changli, but at this time he couldn't shake the opponent. Even, he was forced to retreat by Bayin. Bayin waved a long knife with one hand and slashed around. Killed several Yan Nation soldiers again!

At this moment, although Chen Zixiao was shocked and angry, he also felt a little untimely emotion in his heart.

This, really is a great general.

Unfortunately, it is the enemy!

Thinking of this, after he stepped back dozens of steps and knocked over a dozen soldiers behind him, he slammed back with one leg and heard a click of his knee. He stepped out of a pit on the ground. Supported the body!

Bayin roared and continued to move forward, the long lick pierced through his shoulder abruptly, and seeing him getting closer and closer to Chen Zixiao, the long knife had already swung on top of Chen Zixiao's head.

The Changlu in Chen Zixiao's hand was locked in Bayin's body and was already defenseless.

His heart sank.

At the moment that the knife edge had been cut to the top of his head, a cold light flashed in front of him, and then Bayin's head suddenly flew, and a hot blood splashed on Chen Zixiao's face.

He opened his eyes wide, and looked at Bayin's broken neck in disbelief. The blood was still pouring up.

Standing behind Bayin was Fang Buyuan who swung a fatal knife.

He also had a cold sweat on his face, his eyes were stained red with blood and there was a little panic in his eyes, staring at Chen Zixiao's eyes: "Master Chen, are you okay?"


Chen Zixiao froze for a while, until he saw Bayin's sturdy headless corpse slowly falling down, and he let out a long sigh of relief.

"I'm fine."

After speaking, he used his hand to draw back the long Li that had penetrated Bayin's body. At this time, Li's body was already stained with blood, almost black, and it only felt hot and slippery when he pinched it on his hand.

This night, I don't know how much blood, almost infecting the weapon.

Even the wind that was violent with the lightning and thunder could not dissipate the thick **** smell that lingered around them.

The howling wind also blew the torch in the hands of the newly arrived team of horses and horses in the distance, almost extinguished.

Ajislan was also a little surprised on horseback.

He has been away from Kulun City and entrenched in White Tiger City for many years, and he is also familiar with the terrain and weather here. It looks like a heavy rain tonight, but the heavy rain came a bit too strange, making him The uneasy feeling that had been faintly moved in my heart from the beginning of the battle, at this time, it intensified.

At this moment, Ulihan saw him and immediately ran up to him on his horse: "Great King!"

Ajislan immediately cleaned up and asked, "How?"

Ulihan's face and body were covered with blood, and he didn't know how many of the enemy forces he slashed and how many belonged to him. He took a long breath, and then said: "General Bayin was beheaded by the two generals of the opposing team."


When Ajislan heard this, his heart sank.

Bayin is a warrior second only to Temur in the country. He also has the supreme glory in the army. He was actually beheaded? !

This is indeed a big blow to morale. No wonder when they first came here, they saw that although their army had not been defeated, the situation was almost the same as the continual defeat.

Ulihan panted heavily and said, "Great King, things are not good."

The situation is certainly not good.

The general was beheaded during the battle. This is the thing that affects the morale of the army the most. No wonder when they just came over, they saw their battlefield completely destroyed, not to mention, they were forced to retreat by the soldiers of the Yan Kingdom for a long distance. .

If it weren't for Ulihan's support, I'm afraid it would really be defeated.

But now, even if it is not a defeat, the situation is not much better. After four or five hours of fighting, people's physical strength and spirit are limited. At this time, some soldiers have already shown a look of fatigue, and even began to unconsciously. Back.

This is a precursor to the defeat of the army.

Speaking of it, in this northwestern land, he has not fought with the defenders of Han Dongwei once or twice. There are losses and losses in the middle. This is also commonplace in the military. In addition, afterwards, he and the Dongchahe Department After people get on the line, with this wave of people looting everywhere, he can sit back and enjoy his achievements in White Tiger City. In this case, winning or losing in the military is even more trivial.

But this time, it wasn't.

He mobilized all the troops in White Tiger City. First, he wanted to avenge his old enemies, and second, he wanted to establish his dominance in the northwestern land in the first battle, and completely defeat the morale of the Yan country; Third, it can also take over the Silk Road and the huge benefits it brings.

All these reasons led him to launch this unprecedented battle.

However, he also knows exactly what will happen if he loses.

Once he loses this battle, and it is a complete defeat, then the control of the entire northwest will be firmly in the hands of the people of Yan Guo, and it is even possible that the loss of his strength will bring greater disaster.

He didn't know that when they were preparing for the battle, the people of Cullen City had already arrived not far from here.

Munch is also waiting for their results.

Therefore, he must not lose!

Thinking of this, Ajislan's eyes flashed a red light, which reflected the electric light flashing in the thick dark clouds above his head, revealing a bloodthirsty breath.

He suddenly said: "Bring people up!"

Su He behind him said: "Yes!"

Soon, he saw Su He walking over with a small figure. It was the child named "Wen Bieyu" who was caught by them before. He was struggling and fighting together, shouting: "Let go Me, you bastards, dare you to move me! Let go!"

Ulihan's brow furrowed: "Great King, this—"

Why did you get this kid at this time?

Ajislan glanced back with red eyes, and then sneered: "Your prince of Yan Kingdom, don't you want to return to your father and mother? You see, they are there—"

After speaking, stretched out his hand.

When Ulihan heard the words "Prince Yan Country", his heart beat.

He immediately understood what Arislan meant to bring the child over.

But Zhu Chengjun struggled all the way, and when he heard these words, he was also surprised, and hurriedly raised his head to look forward.

However, as far as the eye can see, there is only a battlefield where the blood has flowed. This child is also the first time to see such a tragic situation, and his face suddenly turns pale.


Ajislan sneered: "If you are afraid, don't you ask your father for help?"

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