These words of Zhu Feng, like a heavy hammer, slammed Nan Yan's head fiercely on her heart, she had already recovered her sanity, but she felt more painful in her heart. .

How she didn't know, at this time, she must not mess around with her child.

Isn’t it just for this purpose that Ajislan brought Zhu Chengjun to the battlefield?

However, reason belongs to reason, and emotion belongs to emotion. After all, it is her son. As a mother, even if she can scold her child without mercy on weekdays, teach him to show the prince’s grace at the critical moment. In the future, it will be even more important to protect his people, but once they see the child in a dangerous situation, which mother can really accept it calmly?

She was struggling so painfully that tears were streaming down, but she couldn't do anything, she just shouted bitterly: "The emperor..."

Zhu Feng still should not.

However, although they shouldn't, the people on the battlefield started to react.

Fang Buyuan was the first to discover that something was wrong. After he joined forces with Chen Zixiao to kill Bayin, he aimed at Ulihan, another general of Lai Kingdom, but after fighting for a long time on the battlefield, he did not find the whereabouts of this person. After seeing Bayin being beheaded, he seemed to have retreated from the circle of war.

As a result, Fang Buyuan flew with a sword and watched for a long time on the battlefield. He finally found Ulihan's whereabouts.

This person ran out of the battlefield.

On the other side, another team came.

At first he thought it was Sui Guo who sent a team of people to help out, but after a closer look, he found that it was wrong. The person who came was clearly Ajislan. What surprised him was that Ajislan's hands were still Carrying a child, and it looks a bit familiar.

Fang Buyuan didn't dare to be distracted, and tried his best to kill several Lai soldiers who rushed over, step by step closer to the other side, and finally saw the child's figure clearly.

It turned out to be Han Wang Zhu Chengjun!

At this moment, Fang Buyuan was in a cold sweat.

He was sent by Zhu Feng to look for the whereabouts of King Han before, but after searching for a long time there was no result. After that, news came from Han Dongwei, asking him not to send people out to search, but to stay around. , When the war comes together, immediately come to help out.

Therefore, we put aside the search for the King of Han.

But his heart kept tightening the string. His Royal Highness Han did not find it, and it was always a big problem for them, but he did not expect that the thing they most wanted to happen would happen.

His Royal Highness Han really fell into the hands of Ajislan!

Fang Buyuan was also anxious when he saw the situation clearly, especially when he saw Ajislan riding on horseback, His Royal Highness was hung in the air with his neck pinched, his hands and feet struggled, but he could not get rid of it, his body was full of blood. I don't know what the torture has become. If this continues, I'm afraid the life of King Han will not be saved!

Thinking of this, he shouted, and immediately slapped his horse to rush over.

But at this moment, a figure rushed over and stopped him.

Take a closer look, it's Chen Zixiao!

Fang Buyuan was anxious and said loudly, "Master Chen, you come with me quickly, Han Wang, Han Wang is in their hands!"

Chen Zixiao's face was pale, but he kept stabbing to death a rushing Lai soldier, then looked up at him: "I know!"

"You know? What do you know to stop me?"

"The emperor hasn't ordered it yet."


Fang Buyuan was taken aback for a moment.

To find and rescue the King of Han, is this something that the emperor doesn’t need to order? As a court official guarding Han Dongwei, how could Chen Zixiao be so pedantic?

However, Chen Zixiao said again: "The emperor knows what to do."

Fang Buyuan was a little anxious, and he didn't bother to break with him. When he turned his head, he saw that the emperor and noble concubine were all coming outside the battle ring, and one of them was pale with tears, and the other seemed to have burst into tears, all riding on horseback. , Craned his neck and looked at the other side of the battlefield.

They all saw it.

However, the emperor didn't say a word, and didn't let anyone beat the drums to spread the word, asking them to rescue His Royal Highness Han.

Fang Buyuan was stunned.

He turned his head to look at Chen Zixiao: "Master Chen, what is going on?"

While the two people were talking, a few more soldiers from the country had already rushed over. The two had a tacit understanding of jointly beheading Bayin. This is also unambiguous. A soldier fell to the ground.

Chen Zixiao said, "Arislan captured King Han and brought people to the battlefield to disturb the military's mind."


"More importantly, he wants to use Han Wang to threaten the emperor."


"The battle has been fought to this point, can we chaos here, can we retreat?"

Fang Buyuan immediately woke up.

Chen Zixiao was right.

Although they are the oppressive side in the general situation, the soldiers of Lai have not yet retreated, and everyone has gone through a whole night of fighting. At this time, the physical and psychological strength have reached the most vulnerable point. If there is a little relaxation, it is very It is possible that the situation will be overturned.

In history, such things are not uncommon.

Therefore, Chen Zixiao would stop him.

The emperor, clearly seeing his son in danger, did not immediately react too much.

Although this is right, Fang Buyuan is sweating coldly. If they don't react, what should His Royal Highness Han do? Isn't he going to die at the hands of Ajislan?

That's it?

Thinking of this, he watched nervously at Zhu Chengjun who was struggling with Ajislan's neck.

At this time, Zhu Chengjun's eyes were a little black.

After the collar was torn, Ajislan directly pinched his neck, and deeply pinched his fingers into his previous wound, almost crushing his bones, and he burst into tears with pain. After struggling for a long time, I didn't have any strength on my body, and my hands and feet fell down.

Seeing that he never said a word, Ajislan sneered.

"Do you think this king really can't help you?"

After speaking, he yelled: "Come here all and take care of this king."

As soon as the soldiers around heard this, they hurried forward and guarded his surroundings. Ajislan sneered and patted his horse, and the seated horse began to pace forward slowly.

Zhu Chengjun's eyes were red from crying.

He knew that this person actually wanted to carry him directly into the battlefield.

If so, the soldiers on the battlefield would see him fall into the hands of the enemy. In this way, the soldiers of the Yan Kingdom would be greatly demoralized, and the soldiers of Lai would definitely take this opportunity to cheer.

His father and mother are all sad!

He spoke, crying: "I'm fighting you!"

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