Chen Zixiao said: "Yes, Weichen originally wanted to annihilate Baihu City, together with the East Chaga Department. If they can complete their achievements in one battle, it can be regarded as leaving a piece of stability for the northwest. Now, although they will not come back in a short time, but In the future, I'm afraid it will still be a disaster."

Zhu Feng was silent for a while, but finally he just sighed slightly.

"Forget it, the world is hard to be satisfactory."


"It's probably God's will that I can't annihilate them this time. Thinking about it, there will always be someone who can completely annihilate them. I don't know when and who it is."


Chen Zixiao looked up at him with a little surprise.

Although in the face of such a major event as the destruction of White Tiger City, it does seem to be a trivial matter to let the people of the East Chaga Department escape, but this is indeed a misstep in the military. According to Zhufeng’s past temper, he ruled the army. The strict means, even this trivial matter, should not be let go easily.

But not only did he not care about it, he even said something that "everything in the world is hard to be satisfactory".

This is clearly just to excuse his ministers.

Is he such a gentle emperor?

Although he was puzzled in his heart, Chen Zixiao didn't say much, he only kowtowed deeply and said, "Weichen Xie Huang."

After speaking, he raised his head again and said: "If the emperor has no other orders, the Weichen will leave first. Weichen, I still want to go and see his father."

Only then did Zhu Feng come back to his senses, glanced at him, and said, "You should also go and see."


"He, uncle he—"

Before he finished speaking, Chen Zixiao said calmly: "Father is willing to do anything when he comes to the emperor this time."

Zhu Feng's throat choked slightly.

He said slowly: "Go ahead. Change your clothes before you go. You are bloody."

Chen Zixiao said: "Weichen understands."

After speaking, he bowed and exited the tent.

It was still windy and rainy outside. Although it had just entered autumn, it gave people a bitterly cold feeling. Facing the wind and rain that passed by, Chen Zixiao sighed for a long time, but went to one camp first at Zhu Feng’s instructions. He replaced the armor that was soaked in blood, which could not wash away the smell of blood even if the rain was soaked, put on an ordinary gown, and then hurried to the old uncle's tent.

As soon as I walked in, I saw Heyi sitting on the side of the bed, facing the old uncle who was still unconscious, with a solemn expression on his face.

Seeing Chen Zixiao coming in, he immediately got up: "Master Chen."

Chen Zixiao was neither close nor alienated to him. He just nodded and walked directly to the bed and sat down. He looked at the old country uncle, who had no blood on his face and was still unconscious, but he was not worried. Even the look of grief, but it is not supernaturally free and easy, just a little stupid.

After a while, he spoke, and said in a dumb voice: "What can my father explain?"

He Yi hesitated for a while before saying: "The Taoist chief is most assured of the three young masters."

The implication was that it didn't explain the three things related to them.

Chen Zixiao seemed to have expected this answer a long time ago, and he didn't show any loss of expression. He just let out a sigh of relief, and He Yi on the side continued: "However, I have sent someone to speed up and inform the other two princes. Up."

Chen Zixiao thought for a while, and said, "Father, in this situation, they are afraid they will not be able to keep up."


"But it's okay."


"Father has taught us that the world is impermanent since we were young, and they can also appreciate it. I am fortunate to be by my father's side. It is a gift from heaven."

Seeing that he thinks so well, He Yi is not a comforting person, and there is nothing to say at this time.

On the contrary, Chen Zixiao looked up at him, hesitant to speak.

He Yi's breathing also appeared to be a bit rapid, as if he was watching out for what Chen Zixiao would ask, and he didn't know whether to answer or not. However, after being silent for a while, Chen Zixiao didn't say anything after all. He just turned around and looked sadly at the old uncle on the bed.

He Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

As soon as this breath relaxed, I heard Chen Zixiao whisper: "I won't bother about you and your father."

He Yi looked at him with a complicated expression.

I saw Chen Zixiao turned his head to look at him again, and said calmly: "As long as you can pass in front of the emperor, that's fine."

He Yi also looked at him in silence. After a while, he made an unexplained "um" voice, Chen Zixiao stopped saying anything, and both of them became quiet.


In the tent on the other side, the people below brought some hot soup, rice and side dishes. In such a place, even the emperor could only be rudimentary. Zhu Feng has never cared about the enjoyment of eating and drinking, but he The appetite was not very good either, only a small bowl of soup was drunk, and there were no mouthfuls of rice.

Nan Yan watched him eating less and less, and the word Chuan between his brows became deeper.

She said: "The emperor has been so exhausted in the past two days. He barely ate anything yesterday and had a fever. How can it be enough to eat just a little bit now? It's not enough to feed the cat."

Zhu Feng took a handkerchief to wipe the corners of his mouth, and said, "Don't worry, I'm not a kid, so if I'm hungry, wouldn't I say it?"

However, this is not a question of whether to say nothing after being hungry.

Nan Yan didn't remember who he heard when he was a child said a word.

Zhu Feng is a big person who has traveled a long distance and killed the enemy in the past two days, but only eats so much. What is consumed in his body is not what he eats, but—

Nan Yan felt a chill in her heart inexplicably.

Seeing her frowning, Zhu Feng said, "What are you doing frowning? We are defeated if you don't know."

Nan Yan immediately smiled and said, "The emperor don't put a hat on the concubine. It's just that it's always bad for the emperor to eat so much, so it's all right here. After returning to Beijing, the concubine must let the people from the hospital take care of the emperor. Click on the body."

Zhu Feng only laughed.

After a long while, he said, "It's still early to leave Beijing."

Nan Yan looked up at him: "Huh?"

Seeing her seemingly unable to return to God, Zhu Feng couldn't help but shook his head and smiled, and said, "You are too oblivious. Once the battle is over, you feel that things are over? You forgot that we came back this time. What matters is what."


Nan Yan was stunned again before stomping gently: "Oh, my concubine really almost forgot."

Naturally, they came here this time for Han Dongwei's business, but the most important thing is that the special envoy of the Parthian nation is coming.

Zhu Feng said: "Actually, yesterday, someone had already heard the news that the special envoy of the Parthian Kingdom is coming soon. I count the days, and I have to start preparing for this matter."

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