Just when Zhu Feng frowned and thought he was leaving like this, he suddenly opened his eyes again and said to Zhu Feng: "Don't blame us..."

Zhu Feng's breathing was choked.

And the next moment, a gust of wind suddenly rolled up outside, blowing all the heavy tents into the air, the cold wind poured into the tent, and the sunset-like smile on the old Uncle’s face suddenly seemed to be blown away. , The whole person slowly fell softly and closed his eyes.


This time, Chen Zixiao could no longer hold on to himself and rushed forward.

Reaching out and squeezing the big rough hands of the old country uncle, he only felt that something was taken away at this moment.

He lost his life.


Chen Zixiao shouted, tears couldn't help but burst into tears, and she lay down on the bed and started crying.

Nan Yan and He Yi also walked up. Although He Yi tried her best to hold on to herself, she stretched out her hand to support Chen Zixiao's trembling shoulders to comfort him, but he couldn't say comforting words at all. He could only put his face to one side with his flushed eyes. ; And Nan Yan couldn't help but roll in tears, turned and buried his head on Zhu Feng's shoulder.

Only at this moment did she feel that Zhu Feng was a little stiff.

While crying, Nan Yan looked up at him with tears in his eyes: "The emperor...?"

Zhu Feng was still silent. After a long time, he lowered his head and glanced at her. His eyes were also blood-red, but he didn't know if it was because of the suffering of the night or because of the words left by the old uncle before his death.

After a while, he said dumbly: "Zi Xiao, you have to be sad."

Hearing this, Chen Zixiao gritted his teeth and resisted the bitter cry, slowly turned his face wet with tears, and said with difficulty: "Xie Huang."

At this time, He Yi greeted him and said softly: "The emperor, please move to the tent to rest, and leave the matter to the minister."

Zhu Feng gave him a heavy look.

In this look, under the flickering candlelight and gloomy atmosphere, there was a little killing intent.

Nan Yan just watched, feeling bitterly cold and shivering involuntarily.

However, He Yi didn't change his face, but stood in front of Zhu Feng with his head down, hands down, letting Zhu Feng's blade-like gaze scrape him from head to toe.

There was a long silence before Zhu Feng spoke. His hoarse voice sounded like a knife sharpened by rough sand, giving people a harsher and more heart-piercing feeling. He said solemnly, "Crane clothes."

"Weichen is here."

"The matter here is naturally left to you, but you still have to know what to do."

"Weichen, understand."

Zhu Feng glanced at him again, and then said: "Escort the uncle to Han Dongwei tomorrow morning."

After speaking, he turned and walked out of the cold tent.

Nan Yan hurriedly followed out. There was still wind and rain outside, and the waiting people didn’t even have time to open the umbrella. Zhu Feng slammed into the wind and rain, frightened Xiao Shunzi to death, and was about to catch up. The imperial concubine who followed turned around and made a gesture to him, Xiao Shunzi understood, and stopped immediately.

Fortunately, the emperor did not stay longer in the wind and rain, and soon returned to his own tent.

I don’t know when someone sent a simple earthen stove in. I probably felt the cold night and rain, and worried that the emperor and the imperial concubine would catch the cold. When the two walked into the tent from the wind and rain, they immediately felt a burst of warmth coming toward them. This contrast stimulated Zhu Feng to stand in place, and the whole person trembled uncontrollably.

Nan Yan immediately stepped forward: "The emperor, change your clothes."

Zhu Feng stood still.

Nan Yan thought for a while, and didn't say anything to him anymore. She stepped forward to personally, unbuttoned and unbuttoned the belt softly, while Zhu Feng just stood on the spot, letting her go up and down somewhat stupidly. Movement, Nan Yan looked up at him while doing something. The faces of both people were wet, tears and rain mixed, cold and hot, making people feel a little overwhelmed in such a chaotic rainy night.

Nan Yan whispered: "If the emperor feels uncomfortable, can you say something to your concubine?"


"No matter what, don't hold it alone in your heart."


"Uncle he—"

She didn't finish her words, Zhu Feng spoke, his voice was a little more hoarse than just now, and he also added a bit of choking, saying: "I am not really sad. He was a monk when I was very young-at that time, for so many years, Apart from sending his three sons to me, there is no news at all. This time, if he does not show up, I will almost forget this elder."

South flue: "Yes."

Zhu Feng continued: "It's just that I didn't expect that he would come all the way, carrying such a heavy sickness, and with all his energy, I beg for this heavy rain for me."

Nan Yan nodded.

At this time, she had already taken off Zhu Feng’s coat, wrapped it in her hands, and was about to put it aside, when she heard Zhu Feng gritting her teeth and saying with a bit of cruelty: “But, he is like this. , And why, even the last sentence is not given to me!"

Nan Yan's heart was suddenly excited.

In fact, she heard what the old uncle said when he was half unconscious, and also what he said to Zhu Feng after he woke up.

But what does that ambiguity mean?

Could it be him? What did he do to ask the emperor to blame him while he was still dead?

She thought for a while, and then lowered her head and said softly: "I want to come, these words have been buried in my uncle's heart for a long time, if he wants to keep it, it is okay. But he said it alone at this time, the concubine thought , Maybe for so many years, the emperor is not alone."


"He is willing to say that the emperor at least knows this."

Zhu Feng gave a wry smile, turned around and walked to the bed to sit down, with only a thin piece of clothing on his body, and the collarbones on both sides of his shoulders were raised high, giving people a feeling of thinness.

This has never happened before.

He said: "What can I know?"

Nan Yan looked at his red eyes and even his nose was red. He resisted the sorrow in his heart, held his clothes in his arms, walked over and squatted in front of him, and said softly: "The emperor is the last of his uncles. In one sentence, did you hear anything?"


Zhu Feng was slightly startled.

He realized that Nan Yan was really helping him analyze the sentence that seemed to him to be useless.

So frowned and thought for a while: "No wonder, he, who...?"

Nan Yan said: "He said, don't blame him, my concubine knows what's going on. Then, what about them?"


"The emperor has thought, they, who is he and?"

Zhu Feng shook his head.

Nan Yan said softly: "Wen Wuyu's crazy words say that the uncle who came to the northwest to kill was his uncle, but he was not the only one, besides him, there were also women."

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