Nan Yan said eagerly: "The emperor has a headache, think about it, what should I do!"

He Yi said: "Headache? How come you have a headache?"

Seeing Zhu Feng's constant struggle with pain, Nan Yan was so anxious that sweat was shed. While hugging him, he tried his best to stop him from struggling to injure himself, and said: "I just talked about the old uncle, the emperor suddenly You have a splitting headache, so you can quickly find a way!"


He Yi's breathing seemed to stop for a moment.

He looked at Zhu Feng's pale face and his sweaty face, and after thinking about it, he turned around and said to Xiao Shunzi: "Trouble you, Father Shun, help me bring the pack of silver needles I used before."

Xiao Shunzi also stomped his feet beside him in a hurry, and when he heard this, he hurriedly turned and went out.

After a while, he took the silver needle over.

He Yi was also covered in cold sweat at this time. He let people put Zhu Feng, who was struggling, into bed, then took out the silver needle to disinfect, looked at the needle tip against the swaying candle, then took a deep breath and said: " Weichen first gave the emperor a needle to calm him down."

After speaking, he pointed the silver needle to an acupuncture point on Zhu Feng's head.

The moment the needle was almost pierced into Zhu Feng's flesh, the cold light flashing from the needle also penetrated Nan Yan's eyes. She suddenly said, "Wait a minute!"


He Yi's hand trembled and looked up at her.

Nan Yan also looked at him. Although she was still sweating profusely and her body was trembling a little, even her voice was trembling when she spoke, but her tone was extremely low and firm: "Do you want to use a needle."

He Yi was stunned for a moment: "Niang Niang..."

South Yandao: "The emperor had a fever for a day during the day. At this time, he was stimulated by the death of the old country's uncle. In addition, he was blown by the cold wind. Naturally, he had some headaches, but the palace looked at it and didn’t need to do it. Acupuncture. You should first let the people below boil a calming medicine, so that the emperor can sleep well."

He Yi frowned: "But Niang, the emperor is like this now--"

As the two spoke, Zhu Feng frowned, and a painful expression appeared on his face.

But, after all, he was born in the army, and patience is the nature of a person like him. Even if the pain is in the bone marrow, he will not scream easily, but the cold sweat on his forehead will drop drop by drop, and soon the pillow will be moistened. .

Nan Yan also saw it.

But she insisted: "My palace is the master, let the emperor sleep peacefully before talking. If there is anything, my palace will bear it all!"

He Yi hesitated when he heard this, but Xiao Shunzi on the side watched his words and expressions for a while, but it seemed that he had understood something, so he stepped forward and gently pulled the sleeve of He Yi and let him hold it. The silver needle that was holding was further away from the emperor, and then said softly: "Master Heyi, just listen to the mother's instructions."

He Yi looked at them for a long time, sighed heavily, and closed the needle.

Nan Yan was also relieved in his heart.

Then, He Yi went down to make the medicine according to her instructions, while Nan Yan sat on the bed, holding Zhu Feng, who was sobbing and struggling with pain, in his arms, and exhausted all the strength of the milk and said in a deep voice: " The emperor, the emperor has forbearance, so many years have passed, and now, what can the emperor have to bear?"

Zhu Feng's pain made a low growl like a beast from his throat.

Nan Yan gritted his teeth and said slowly in his ear: "Those things that happened in the past were that the concubine was not with the emperor; but now that the concubine is there, it is not allowed to happen again. The emperor is obedient, and the concubine is here. Concubine is here..."

Xiao Shunzi was watching, originally thinking about coming forward to help the imperial concubine stop the emperor's struggle.

However, I don’t know if the pain is about to lose consciousness, or the struggle is tired, or the concubine’s comfort has really passed into the emperor’s ears, and he has really calmed down slowly, although his expression is still I could see that he was in terrible pain, but Zhu Feng turned over and buried his head and face completely in Nan Yan's arms. His big hands held her waist like iron tongs, and the whole person curled up like a fragile body. The babies are average.

Nan Yan hugged him tighter and murmured: "It's okay, I'm here, I'm here."

Xiao Shunzi didn't understand the relationship between men and women, but at this time, he felt that his eyes were burning badly and his heart was boiling badly. He quietly exited the tent.

As a result, only the emperor and the noble concubine were left, hugging each other quietly.

After a long time, I heard that Chen Zixiao came to see him, but Xiao Shunzi directly blocked him out of the tent. It was not until dawn that He Yi sent a bowl of thickly boiled medicine. Nan When the cigarette came over, she took a sip first, so that her brows had to be twisted into a line. After a while, it was delivered to Zhu Feng's mouth.

Zhu Feng seemed to be a little confused, but he also drank a small bowl.

Then, curled up in the arms of the noble concubine and fell asleep.

It didn't take long for the day to dawn. Although Zhu Feng was still up and stayed up all night, Nan Yan still cheered up and ordered the people below to help the spirit back to Han Dongwei. She originally wanted Chen Zixiao and He Yi Yi helped the spirit back, but He Yi insisted on staying, just in case the emperor’s condition would fluctuate, Nan Yan thought about it, and it made sense, so he stayed behind, but he should not be called and cannot enter the emperor’s tent to disturb him. Rest, and then left Fang Buyuan with someone to guard here.

This stay lasted till night.

Nan Yan hadn't closed his eyes for almost two days and nights. By this time, his spirit was almost at its limit, but he still beaten up his spirit, guarding Zhu Feng on the bed.

I don’t know how long she passed, she was a little confused. When she was about to fall asleep, there was a soft whisper from the quiet tent. She raised her eyelids and saw Zhu Feng’s pale lips on the bed slightly opened and closed. , Said: "No, don't...please, please don't..."

When Nan Yan saw him like this, he couldn't help but remember the situation when he was a vigil for the first time when he was still a court lady.

But this time, Zhu Feng's was obviously much more serious than before.

I saw him whispering and panting with his mouth wide open, as if something was strangling his neck and making it difficult for him to breathe. After a while, his face rose to purple.

At this time, he had already calmed down a lot and began to struggle again.

Seeing him like this, Nan Yan hurriedly reached out and hugged him and said softly: "The emperor, the emperor will wake up!"

Zhu Feng frowned, thinking that he was shaking his head desperately to shake off something, and finally opened his eyes suddenly after a while of suffocation: "No!"

He almost fell off the bed.

Nan Yan hurriedly protected him with both hands, and said eagerly: "The emperor, how are you?"

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