After He Yi exited the tent, Xiao Shunzi led the people in and brought in some food.

However, the environment is rudimentary, with only some millet porridge and simple pickles. Zhu Feng is not a picky person, but this time he really has no appetite, just facing the dishes in front of him.

Nan Yan watched from the sidelines, and her heart felt painful.

Although she couldn't personally experience it, she knew too well what it was like in Zhu Feng's heart at this time.

The memory he was hidden is too deep. Over the years, they have been searching little by little for clues like smoke that is about to dissipate in the wind. They finally walked to this day, but they did not expect that they would dig up such a result. Come.

Nan Yan suddenly felt that perhaps Emperor Gao was right.

Some memories were erased because they were too painful, and because they were afraid that the people who suffered them would be too painful, so she erased them, but she had to accompany Zhu Feng to find them, and if she found them out, it didn’t just break his heart. Will his painful memory hurt him again?

Thinking of this, Nan Yan said in a dumb voice: "It's all my fault."


Zhu Feng was still silent. Hearing such a sentence suddenly appeared from her, he slowly turned his head and looked at her: "What are you talking about?"

Nan Yan looked up at him and said softly: "It's all bad concubines."


"When my concubine was vigil for the emperor for the first time that year, I saw the emperor in such pain in his sleep, and I wondered why the emperor was so sad. Later I learned that the emperor had lost a memory of it. "


"Later, the emperor wanted to retrieve this memory, and the concubine also accompanied the emperor."


"But in fact, if you think about it, you can understand that even if this memory has been lost, it will make the emperor so painful in his sleep, so when I think about it, doesn’t it make people more painful? Besides, after so many years, the memory My regret is even more irreparable. My concubine accompanied the emperor to search for this memory, originally just thinking about making the emperor happy, and following the emperor’s meaning, I have never thought of the emperor more deeply."

Zhu Feng frowned: "You--"

Nan Yan went on to say: "I want to come, Empress Renxiao has been with the emperor for so many years, but she never indulges the emperor. It seems that she doesn't like the emperor, but in fact-compared to Empress Renxiao, the concubine is indeed much worse. Up."

Hearing her remarks, Zhu Feng was originally immersed in the suffocating pain, and he almost couldn't recover. At this time, he couldn't help but smile.

He reached out and twisted Nan Yan's face.

"What are you talking about again?"

Nan Yan looked up at him: "Isn't it?"


Zhu Feng was silent again, and finally only sighed, gently holding her into his arms. Usually, when being held by him, Nan Yan can always feel his embrace warm and thick, giving people a feeling of being completely dependent on, but this time-I don’t know if it’s because he has lost a lot of weight recently. When entering his arms, Nan Yan felt that he seemed to be empty.

Zhu Feng sighed slightly above her head, and then said, "Don't be stupid."


"These things have nothing to do with you."


"Furthermore, the two most important parts of a person's life are one where one comes from and one where to go. Only when you know where you are from can you understand where you are going. If you are afraid of hurting and don’t look for where you are from, how should you go? Go down?"

As he said, he smiled bitterly and looked down at Nan Yan: "Then what am I?"

Nan Yan was very sad, hugging him and buried his face in his chest.

She whimpered twice, sobbed for a long time, then sucked on her red nose, and whispered, "No matter what, the emperor should eat a little bit."

Hearing that she was still trying to persuade her, Zhu Feng smiled helplessly and let her go, then picked up the small bowl and took a couple of sips with wax chewing. Nan Yan also knew that people must have no appetite at this time, so she just accompanied her. As he ate some, he put the side dishes into his bowl while eating, Zhu Feng, under her persuasion, somehow drank half a bowl of porridge.

When he finished eating, he washed his hands and looked up and said, "When is it now?"

South flue: "Four changes."

Zhu Feng thought for a while and said, "I want to rest for a while, you--you should go and rest too. After taking care of me for two days, you must be tired too. Don't suffer anymore.

Nan Yan originally planned to stay here to accompany him, but he listened to what he meant and didn't want to be accompanied by others. Nan Yan knew to some extent that such a big man also needed a little space and time alone to lick him. To lick the wound and get close to him, sometimes, he also needs the dignity of a man.

He whispered softly: "I know, but the emperor is not allowed to stay up late and go to bed early. The concubine has already ordered to go down. There will be a carriage coming from Han Dongwei tomorrow. Let's go back and talk about it first. The White Tiger City fled and some of them were defeated. General, now that he has not been completely wiped out, he always stays here, and the concubine is worried that they will be disadvantageous to the emperor."

Hearing her say this, Zhu Feng's expression softened.

With a bit of appreciation, he said, "My noble concubine has become more and more like everyone."

Nan Yan smiled and tucked the quilt for him again. This was a courtesy and turned around to exit the big account.

Outside, it was already pitch black.

The rain finally stopped, but the northwestern part of the autumn was very cold, especially at night, with a faint chill. Nan Yan stood at the door of the tent and couldn't help but shivered and reached out and hugged his arm.

Ruo Shui immediately took a wind cloak and put it on her, and whispered: "Manny, they also prepared a tent for the empress over there. Go and rest first?"

Nan Yan shook his head: "My palace doesn't want to sleep yet. Go down first, my palace will walk around here."

Ruo Shui looked at her red eyes, and didn't understand why she had been awake for two or three days. She didn't rest at this time, but it was not easy to touch her. He could only agree to retreat, and then followed far away. .

Nan Yan stretched out his hand to gather the wind cloak on his body and paced in this simple camp.

After a while, I saw that in the night not far ahead, a figure that also seemed a bit bored was slowly pacing.

I walked over and saw that it was not someone else.

It is Heyi.

He seemed to be thinking about something. He was silent for a long time against the far-reaching night sky, and finally sighed long. As soon as he turned around, he saw Nan Yan standing behind him, looking at him, and hurriedly stepped forward to salute: "Niang. "

Nan Yan looked at him and said, "Master Heyi is not going to sleep?"

He Yi said: "Weichen...can't sleep."

South Yandao: "Coincidentally, there are some things in my palace that I don't understand, so I can't fall asleep. It just happens that you can't fall asleep. Why don't you come to this palace to answer one or two."

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