Chen Zixiao said: "The incident of burning the small building-the Weichen did too obvious, but because of the imminent war, the emperor couldn't punish the general and took the risk. However, the matter of stealing medicine has been so long, Niang. How can you think of me?"

Nan Yan said faintly: "It is because of the burning of Xue's Xiaolou. You did it too obviously and took the risk too badly. This palace is sure that you must have stolen the medicine."

Chen Zixiao frowned.

Nan Yan chuckled and said, "Do you know that if you were asked to come to Xue's house to pick up Xue Yun's handwritten notes, the emperor was testing you."


Chen Zixiao was taken aback, and looked at her with wide eyes in disbelief: "Why—"

"How is it possible, is it?"

Nan Yan smiled and said: "You must think that the emperor believed you, so that you would come to take Xue Yun's handwriting. If you don't believe in you, he will definitely not leave this important matter to you, right? ?"

Chen Zixiao didn't speak, but his expression was already tacit.

Nan Yan smiled and said, "Actually, from the beginning of this matter, you were wrong."


"This errand is not an important errand at all."

Chen Zixiao frowned again: "Your Majesty, don't you really hope to get Xue Yun's code letter?"

Nan Yandao: "That said, but in fact, before handing over this errand to you, the emperor can already determine that it is impossible for the script to stay in Xue's house, in this small building."

Chen Zixiao looked at Nan Yan in surprise: "Why?"

Nan Yan smiled faintly: "Back then, Xue Yun left the Xue family and followed the emperor back to the capital. The purpose was to help the emperor detoxify, and her manuscript is her experience in practicing medicine for many years. The most important part of it is how to relieve How could she not carry the poison of the marrow flower on her body?"


"So, although Xue Ling told the emperor that Xue Yun once had such a handbook, the emperor concluded that it is impossible for the thing to remain in Xue's house."

Chen Zixiao's face changed a few times, and he looked at Nan Yan: "Why the emperor--"

"Why did the emperor let you go, right?"

"Not bad."

Nan Yan smiled, and said, "Master Chen knows, where Xue Ling told the emperor was the handwritten note hidden in this small building?"

Chen Zixiao thought for a while, and said: "The emperor told the Weichen that he was only in this small building and asked the Weichen to come and find it by himself."

Nan Yan smiled and said: "Actually, Xue Ling told the emperor that the script had been hidden in the baffle behind the bookcase on the second floor of this small building."

Chen Zixiao froze for a moment, and subconsciously said, "Then why--"

South Yandao: "Why didn't the emperor tell you the detailed location, but only told you that you are in this small building? Because the palace said that the script can't be left here, so the emperor asked you to come over. I just want to test you through this."


"If you tell you the detailed location, if the code is not there, there is no need to do anything; but if the thing is really there-if I guess it is right, you will destroy the code, and then When I came back to report to the emperor, I didn't find it at all, right?"

Chen Zixiao gritted his teeth and nodded in default.

South flue: "So, I must not tell you the detailed location."


"If you tell you a rough idea, it's easy to test your actions."


"If you just come back to report and can't find the notes, then you have no problem. It's a pity - in your own words, you have done too obvious and taken the risk, which also exposed your actions."


"You know, there are too many places to hide a book in this small building. Although you can't find it, you can't rest assured if you want to come. You are even more worried that the emperor will find it in person. In that case, the emperor still The memory will be restored. Therefore, in order to completely eliminate future troubles, you set fire to this small building."


"It is precisely because of this fire that the emperor and this palace are completely determined that you do not want the emperor to restore his memory."


"It must be you who stole the medicine back then!"

Hearing these words, Chen Zixiao was completely amazed.

He breathed a long sigh, then looked at Nan Yan with a wry smile, and then said: "The emperor and the empress... know what you are doing, it's a no-brainer. We minister, be willing to go down."

Although he was discovered, he was like a big rock that had been pressed on his heart for a long time and was removed. The whole person relaxed. On the contrary, Nan Yan looked at him solemnly and said slowly: " So, when you three brothers came to the emperor's side, apart from you really wanting to make a career, you also came with this purpose, right?"

Chen Zixiao did not refute either.

He only gave a wry smile and said, "Did you even guess this?"

Nan Yan said: "My palace just recalled that his uncle and his old man had been a monk for so many years. He has always been clean and free from any contact with the court. My palace has never even heard of him, but suddenly You three brothers sent it; and you three brothers, with the exception of Chen Xuan, you and Chen Yiliu are not young. According to them, you should have learned it early, and if you want to send it, you should have sent it earlier, but it happened. It was after Lai Guo visited several times, and the palace was turned into a fake'Nanming County Lord' by them, the uncle suddenly sent you here."


"It's not like planning for you, it's like—for doing something special."


"If this palace is not wrong, although he has no dealings with the court, he should have been secretly watching the movements here. At that time, he should have known that Ajislan and their envoys came to visit one after another, worrying that something might happen. He was noticed by the emperor, so he sent you to the emperor’s side. First, it can be regarded as finding a way out for your three brothers. Second, you can monitor the emperor’s actions at any time. If there is an opportunity for him to restore his memory , You will immediately pinch out this sign, right?"

Chen Zixiao smiled bitterly and said: "Father is exhausted, but he didn't expect that there is a lady by the emperor's side. Those worries are unnecessary."

After speaking, he let out another breath.

Then he looked up at Nan Yan and said with a somewhat calm smile: "Weichen did these things, and knew that the paper could not contain the fire, and everything would come to light. Now that the emperor has already suspected the Weichen, the empress also Knowing everything, then, how to deal with it, the Weichen will listen to it, and there will be no other words."

After speaking, he knelt on the ground quietly, closed his eyes and said nothing.

It turned out to be a look of slaughter.

Nan Yan looked down at him for a while, and said, "You three brothers can be regarded as successful now, so-don't you regret it?"

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